Grammar differences in French

luar   Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:34 pm GMT
Bonjour à tout le monde,
j'aimerais connaitre les principales différences grammaticales, s'il y en a, entre le français parlé au Québec et celui de la France. Y a-t-il, par exemple, une utilisation différente des temps verbaux?

Hi all,
I'd like to know the main grammar differences between Canadian French and European French. Is there a different use of verb tenses?

Hola a todos,
Me encantaria conocer las diferencias grammaticales principales, si las hay, entre el francés canadiense y el de Francia, Por ejemplo, hay un uso distinto de los tiempos verbales?

Olà a todos,
Gostaria imenso de conhecer as principais diferenças gramaticais entre o francés canadiano e o europeu. Por exemplo, existe uma utilizaçao diferente dos tempos verbais?

Ciao a tutti,
Mi piacerebbe conoscere le principali differenze grammaticali fra il francese canadese e quello francese, se ve ne sono. Ad esempio, vi è un utilizzo diverso dei tempi verbali?
Guest   Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:46 pm GMT
there is no one "European french". the differences between swiss, belgian, northern and southern french are enough important to not consider it as one unique groupe of french.
greg   Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:07 pm GMT
Josh Lalonde : « The only difference in verbal tenses that I can think of right now is the "surcomposé" used in Quebec (il a eu aimé), but I don't use these myself, so I'll have to do a little research. »

Le passé surcomposé existe aussi en France.
Guest   Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:57 pm GMT
"He asked about the French of France in his French message, so that's irrelevant. "

it it what was said in French, but not in the English translation.