How would you rate her German?
France Gall est une chanteuse française, née à Paris, qui a joui d'una grande popularité dans les années 60-70, notamment avec sa chanson "Poupée de cire".
No, Josh, c'est moi même qui ai envoyé ce message.
Sóc jo, el Mallorquí, si en vols una prova.
Sóc jo, el Mallorquí, si en vols una prova.
Josh, France Gall is the singer (at least in the second link, I didn't listen to the first one.)
In the first, it was hard to detect, sue to singing. However, in the second she sounds French.
OMG, France Gall sings in Spanish too!
What a polyglot she is!
What a polyglot she is!
A French girl singing in German... And to think of it, the French and the Germans were cutting each other's necks 25 yeas before that! France Gall, though has brought peace upon Earth! God carries out his will through you!