Prudes abound
Prudishness rears it's ugly head, again:
<I think this thread has pretty much run its course. If you still don't understand, try Wikipedia or Google. >
See "Give head" thread.
What problems do you have discussing the language of sex, sexual acts, etc., here?
Most people here who bring stuff like that up are just doing it for attention.
Depends onthe person, I suppose. But such threads often get silly or abused before long, so I can't blame the mods for being sensitive. Nobody knows why it's called "giving head", and you probably won't find the answer here; slang is usually pretty hard to track down.
I asked the question about the origin of such expression ("give head"). If it is too rude to explain here, I accept a link so I can discover it. Normal English usage is easy to look out but there is not much material available about slang terms. I would not underrate slang English because it is highly important in order to achive a complete mastering of the English language. Not knowing it would put you out of the game in many conversations run by native English speakers.
There are other ways to find out information, although even educated people are sometimes slow to figure out slang. A physician asked me the meaning of two vulgar words recently. He is foreign and I speak his language. I wonder why he never bothered to look them up in a slang dictionary first.
Oh, and I think I am a prude, btw, lol.
Guest, you're like a younger sibling who just likes to shock people.
<Most people here who bring stuff like that up are just doing it for attention. >
Most people who object are prudes and censors, or plain paranoid.
Excuse me guest, but it was I who made the "Give Head" thread. Do you have no shame?
I also think it's highly hypocritical for people who constantly make subtle sexual innuendos (furrykef) and very much overt sexual innuendos (Uriel) to argue against the creation of such threads.
<< I also think it's highly hypocritical for people who constantly make subtle sexual innuendos (furrykef) and very much overt sexual innuendos (Uriel) to argue against the creation of such threads. >>
Eh? When have either of us done that here?
Also, the posts that we made don't cause flamewars or people posting tons of nonsense without substance. Threads like that do. Even if we do constantly make innuendos, it's not at all the same thing.
- Kef
Actually, I make lots of overt innuendos. ;) But I'm not a mod, so I can get away with it.
I think Uriel flirts with Damian from Scotland. He sent her a picture of heather once, lol. That was pretty charming.
Why heather? I thought you put it on one's grave, along with holly?
Sorry, it was "Edinburgh", not just Scotland, I think. I wouldn't want Damian of Glasgow, Damian of Aberdeen, or Damian of Brigadoon to get their hopes up and buy tickets to New Mexico.
It's a romantic image, I guess... "The heather on the hill", waking up in your village after centuries, chasing sheep as you run with bagpiges, throwing big objects to show manliness while wearing kilts, hunting haggis through the moors...
(that's a joke. I hope no deaths due to laughing occured. I know what haggis is.)
What does "give me five" mean? I was told that this expression has an obscene meaning in UK.