What are the ways to express this ironic disbelief when someone says something unbelievable in your language? Please provide a literal translation also.
Yeah, and pigs fly!
Greek: Πετάει ο γάιδαρος = donkeys can fly. It has a slightly different register, more in the sense of patting someone in the back, saying "there, there. Doc said we should always say yes to you".
I didn't realise donkeys fly in Italian too though :)
I didn't realise donkeys fly in Italian too though :)
Fr: "Bien sûr, et moi je suis la reine d'angleterre" (Right, and *I* am the queen of England).
A contemporary one, derived from a TV ad: "C'est ça, et après la marmotte elle met le chocolat dans le papier alu" (Right, and next the marmot puts the chocolate in the aliminum wrap)
A contemporary one, derived from a TV ad: "C'est ça, et après la marmotte elle met le chocolat dans le papier alu" (Right, and next the marmot puts the chocolate in the aliminum wrap)
In my more bovine-oriented culture, it is the noble cow who does the flying.
Y las vacas vuelan.
Y las vacas vuelan.
That's interesting, I can almost read that, lol, almost. What's the first character? Does it have the sound of "Ah"? 啊, I mean.
Yes, 啊! is a neutral tone "a" and has a range of meanings conveying, surprise, disbelief etc. I can also be 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th tone with various nuances as well.