I just realised the error in my posting of 08/07/04! The stupid American system got me all muxed ip.
The official form I received had my birth date down as 04/07/82 instead of 07/04/82. They had the date down the American way and what was even worse they had me down as having been born on the 4th of July! :-)
My Mum told me it snowed on the day I was born and it certainly never snows in Edinburgh on the 4th of July that's for sure.
The official form I received had my birth date down as 04/07/82 instead of 07/04/82. They had the date down the American way and what was even worse they had me down as having been born on the 4th of July! :-)
My Mum told me it snowed on the day I was born and it certainly never snows in Edinburgh on the 4th of July that's for sure.