Or also:
Meaning #1: make small marks into the surface of
Synonyms: score, mark
Meaning #1: make small marks into the surface of
Synonyms: score, mark
The word "nock"
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Or also:
Meaning #1: make small marks into the surface of Synonyms: score, mark
I'm Japanese and as far as I know, the word "nock" is not a Japanese origin word and wouldn't mean anything in our language.
I first heard the word "nock" some months ago. More precisely, I heard it in a phrase like "nokku-shiki no boorupen"("nock"-style ball-point pen). That was new to me. I myself had never used that word. Generally, I presume very few peeple would say it like that.
I don't know the meaning of "Every nock anda cranny". What does this expression means?
Etymonline says this about the word:
<<'nock' "notch on a bow," 1398, probably from a Scand. source (cf. Swed. 'nock' "notch"), but cf. also Low Ger. 'nokk,' Du. 'nok' "tip of a sail.">>
<<I don't know the meaning of "Every nock anda cranny". What does this expression means?>>
I don't know that expression but it sounds like one I do know; "every nook and cranny." That means something like "every little tiny spot." An example of its usage would be "I can't find my glasses--I've searched every nook and cranny around the house and they're still nowhere to be found." Or here's another one; "Grandma hates throwing things away so much that every little nook and cranny in her small condo is filled with random trinkets."
In the industrial production of pens, nocking is the process of fitting a stopper into the barrel.
It means in "every place possible". Example- I could not find my missing wallet. I looked in every nock and crannie, it was nowhere to be found.
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