My spelling reform proposal.
Here's mine.
bdfghklmnprstvwyz - use unchanged
a /{/ -cat, fast
e /E/ -set, get
i /I/ -kit, fit
o /Q/ -top, cop
u /V/-but, hut
ae /eI/ - day
ee /i/ - see
ie /aI/- fight
oe /oU/ - low
ue /ju:/ - cue
aa /A/ - father
au /O/ - law
eu /3/ - word, bird
oi /oI/ - coin
oo /u/ - boot
ou /aU/ - how
uu /U/ - would
dh - then
dzh - judge
kh - /x/
ng - sing
sh - ship
th - thick
tsh - chip
zh - vision, genre
I haven't quite figured out how to represent the schwa yet, so this is not complete.
What about my proposal:
National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) are United States federal government documents that are the authoritative assessment of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) on intelligence related to a particular national security issue. NIEs are produced by the National Intelligence Council and express the coordinated judgments of the United States Intelligence Community, the group of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies. NIEs are classified documents prepared for policymakers.
Nashional Inteligenz Estimeits (NIEs) ar Iunaited Steits federol government dokiuments dat ar de authoritativ asesment of de Difector of Nashional Inteligenz (DNI) on inteligenz releited to a partikiular nashional sekiurity ishu. NIEs ar prodiusd bai de Nashional Inteligenz Councel end exprez de coodineited jodgments of de Iunaited Steits Inteligenz Comiunity, de grup of 16 U.S. inteligenz Eigencis. NIEs ar clasifaid dokiuments preperd for polacimeikers.
<<Nashional Inteligenz Estimeits>>
You have /z/ in "intelligence"?
it doesn't look that bad does it?
Why does everybody and their dog want to propose their own English spelling reform?
Because it's obvious to even those who are not very aware of linguistic matters that English spelling is highly sub-optimal, while people do not realize just how hard it is to really design an orthography, particularly for a highly pluricentric language with a large range of dialects like English.
Because it's fun to imagine what English could look like in different situations.
Bik'z yts f'n tu imàjyn w't Inglysh cöd lök làik yn dyferent sytuash'ns.
Bik'z yts obvi's tu iven thos hu à not veri 'wer 'f lyngwystyc mat's thàt Inglysh spelyng ys hàili s'b-optim'l, wyl pip'l du not ri'lys j'st hàu hàrd yt ys tu rili desyn 'n orthogr'fi, pàtik'l'li for a hàili pl'ricentryk lengwyg wyth a làrj ranj of dyalekts làik Inglysh.
What do you think of this spelling?
I think it's very difficult to read until you get used to it. Which pretty much guarantees it won't be adopted, because most people who can already read and write English don't have that kind of patience. It also doesn't seem to solve the fundamental problem that different dialects have different pronunciations that are difficult to unify through orthography in a fair way.
B't yt löks köl ànd yt maks yt lök klos' tu old Inglysh. Wi kàn not f'git Inglysh's röts! Inglysh nids tu lök mor Jermànik.
Wow, it looks close to Icelandic. If we add þ and æ it looks even more cool!
Lök àt þàt pers'n sytyng bæ þ' àpl' tri. Look at that person sitting by the apple tree.
FurryKefs mesage would be:
I þink yt's veri dyfyk`lt tu rid 'ntyl u get us`d tu et. Wych pryti m`ch geryntis yt wont bi `dopt`d, bik`z most pip`l hu kàn rid and wræt Inglysh don't hàv þàt kænd `f pàsh`ns. Yt also d`sn't sim tu solv þ` f`nd`ment`l probl`m þàt dyferynt dæ`lects hàv dyferynt pronònsiash`ns þàt àr dyfyk'lt tu un'fæ þru orþogr'fi yn a fer wæ.
I think the 'o's vowels are still inconsistent. I will consider it more.
Josh's may make more sence, but It looks too similar to text message spelling. I prefer Icelandic style English!