Spanish spelling reform II

Sarko   Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:55 am GMT
Here we can countinue the discussion about the reform of Spanish spelling.

To the moderators: can't you delete trolls' messages instead of closing the whole thread?
furrykef   Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:59 am GMT
Why? There is no need for Spanish spelling reform.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:12 am GMT
Gabriel Garcia Marquez firmly believes that Spanish spelling needs a reform since S and Z are pronounced the same in many countries, and so on. I would like he to apply his ideas when writing his boring books and see if they are still sold as well.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:43 am GMT
Spanish spelling is "Refacil"! Spanish has the most phonetic spelling system amongst all major languages, even the graphic accent helps a lot.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:01 pm GMT
Creo que el español es nada más que un dios , nada menos que un pájaro , tenemos que preservar la gran flor nuestra, la que se estira en la noche de pavor y amor, la que se parece de cierta forma a un maricón de labios azules, pero por desgracia, el mundo sigue girando, i la luna ya no se puede ver desde la tierra, porque nos ha dejado para siempre, ay de mí, que horror, pero azí es la vida, azí es la vida, lo único que se puede hacer es cerrar los ojos y aguantar.
Poeta espanyol   Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:29 pm GMT
Krea ke el espanyol es nada más ke un dios , nada menos ke un pájaro , tienen ke preserbar la gran flor suya, la ke se estira en la noche de pabor i amor, la ke se pareze de zierta forma a un marikón de labios azules, pero por desgrazia, el mundo sige jirando, i la luna ya no se puede ber desde la tierra, porke nos a dejado para siempre, ay de mí, que orror, pero azí es la bida, azí es la bida, lo único ke se puede azer es zerrar los ojos y aguantar.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:56 pm GMT
I prefer the first spelling. The content is a shit in both cases.
furrykef   Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:02 pm GMT
I agree with you, but "shit" doesn't take the indefinite article (except in the fixed phrases "take a shit" and "Who gives a shit?"). And I don't think it's the kind of language one is supposed to use casually around here...

- Kef
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:05 pm GMT
Sorry, I don't usually speak this way. I think that Antimoon is a bad influence on me.
guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:18 pm GMT
<<Gabriel Garcia Marquez firmly believes that Spanish spelling needs a reform since S and Z are pronounced the same in many countries, and so on. I would like he to apply his ideas when writing his boring books and see if they are still sold as well. >>

What about those Spanish accents which do differentiate between S and Z (and soft C), like around Barcelona? What solution does he propose for them?

I also make this distinction when speaking Spanish, although I am not a native speaker.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:35 pm GMT
Gabriel Garcia Marquez simply proposes that people should write EXACTLY as they speak, so if you distinguish C and Z, write cazo, but if you don't it should be spelled caso . Since V is not distinguished from B anymore (excluding some singers) only B should be used when writing: yubia, abía, berdad... H of course dissapears and also LL.

I'm not agree at all. I think that words like Verdad, Valor of Virtud for example would not be the same if V was replaced by B, despite they sound the same. I suspect that Gabriel Garcia Marquez mixes a bit his political beliefs with language and the concept which underlies in his proposal is to erase everything which could delate the social and cultural level of Spanish speakers.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:41 pm GMT
Close this SHIT again, SPANISH DOES NOT NEED A SPELLING REFORM, GET OVER IT, the person who propused it in the first place wasn't even a native speaker.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:46 pm GMT
I'm not agree with any spelling reforms, because if something works, don't fix it. Even Spanish students consider Spanish spelling to be easy. But it's not as a pointless discussion as you may think. In the end, despite I dont' share Marquez's point of view, he opened this discussion and his importance in Spanish literature deserves at least to comment about this subject, despite you are not agree with him.
Guest   Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:22 pm GMT
"I'm not agree with"

Is this correct in English?? Shouldn't it be I don't agree with?? Thanks