Yu si?
What does it mean?
If you are trying to sound funny you aren't.
What does it mean?
If you are trying to sound funny you aren't.
the easiest IE language (morphologically)
>>Opposite to you I consider them VERY slight mistakes so easily corrigible<<
I suppose you mean 'easily corrected'. Your arrogance is breathtaking. Who are you to say what is a slight mistake in someone else's language. And you might well recognise your errors after they have been pointed out to you, but nonetheless they are not the type of mistakes native speakers would be likely to make. I dread to think how I would come across to native German speakers if, were they to tell me I was making a lot of mistakes and my German wasn't that good, I responded that they didn't know what they were talking about, that they were only slight errors and my German was actually good. It would hardly be my place to contradict them now, would it?
The easiest language to learn is Italian.
Probably all the foreigners who have been living in Italy for almost 20 years and can't speak Italian properly are idiot then
The easiest language to learn is Italian.
Amongst Latin languages, Italian is one of the most complex from a morphological point of view. I can speak Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian, Italian and Catalan.
Por qué no escribes algo en italiano? No conoces ni una palabra????? mentira = bugia, menzogna, fandonia, intenta aprender al menos una palabrita, tontito!
<<'Everybody just TALKS' although in this instance the tense is inappropriate so it would be 'Everybody is just talking'>>
In this case, I think Guest could get away with "everybody just talks", assuming they wanted to emphasize the habitual nature of the talking.
Mentira again! By the way ,it's gilipollas, not jilipollas. Oh, I know your answer: it's not an important mistake...
<<Your Spanish is very bad. >>
Just for kicks, could you point out the errors in the prior post?
Sure, interrogation marks are not used properly . Also exclamation marks aren't but who cares. It is not important.
<<Sure, interrogation marks are not used properly >>
Just out of curiosity, if you have 5 question marks at the end, do you also need 5 upside-down ones at the start, or will just one do the trick? |