Why is
loro (they plural) and Loro (you formal plural) the same?
also lei (her) and Lei (you)
this can be so confusing.
loro (they plural) and Loro (you formal plural) the same?
also lei (her) and Lei (you)
this can be so confusing.
I pronomi soggetto
Why is
loro (they plural) and Loro (you formal plural) the same? also lei (her) and Lei (you) this can be so confusing.
Ellos/ ellas = essi, esse or loro
Essi and esse is particularly used with objects and animals Beside Lei and lei Italian also has egli (lui) and ella ( a bit archaic) Esso and essa = (el and ella ) are used mainly with things and animals.
WOW!! How many answers
Just because Italian is so "easy" this post is full of replies!! Everybody has a deeply knowledge of it (when speaking in English!)
Because I want to practize it, Italian is too easy and I don't need as much practizing.
I think Spanish people are jealous Because their language is the easiest one. It's the only language which have all regular plurals more or less like artificial languages. why don't we start using Spanish instead of Esperanto
Pienso que los castellanos hablantes estan envidiosos porque su idioma es el mas sencillo del mundo. Es la unica lengua cuyos plurales son totalmente regulares, mas o menos como una lengua artificial. Por qué no empezamos a usar el espanol en lugar del Esperanto?
Están envidiosos is not correct. You have to say "están celosos porque" or "envidian que".
Spanish is already more used than Esperanto.
Oh yes, maybe retarded people say that. If you want to speak correctly say it as I told you.
lo puedes leer incluso en muchos mensajes ( escritos por personas de lengua madre) en internet
Also you said castellanos hablantes. It's hispanohablantes or castellanohablantes.
un idioma es mas variado ( en particular el castellano) de lo que piensas