Buon natale, joyeux Noël, Feliz navidad, Boas Festas, etc...
<<Santa Claus hates the Latin countries. He doesn't deliver gifts to them, that's why they are so poor. Hehehehe...>>
I am so glad I wasn't drinking something at the time -- I would have spit it all over the computer screen in my fit of raucous laughter. Vielen Dank :)
I'm glad you appreciate my humor. That was me, JLK. At the time, I thought it best to remain anonymous if I valued my life.:-)
To JLK and Colette:
You MUST BE VERY CAREFUL with your jokes about Latin people, traditions or language. You live in a country with 50 million of Latinos.
I remember you that Brennus or other person can have Latinos friends or family, and they know your IP...
LOL, closer to 40 million actually. That's still a minority and Latinos do not have much power in America. I have no fear. Besides, I'm moving back to Europe as soon as I finish college.
Please: half the Latin guys in my neighborhood have a crush on me. They love white women and would do anything to protect me. As I said, they are very friendly.
Also, let me see here: you make your threats and insinuate Latino thuggery... what if some Neo-Nazi German guy got really, really mad about your inflammatory, racist, and unfounded nationalistic posts and decided to find **YOUR** IP? I don't know about you, but I'd be far more scared of a Germanic skinhead than a Mexican criminal. So you can stop your threats right about now. Gracias.
Colette von Hessen = stupid and racist = Brennus = latinos on this forum
Guest = racist Latin nationalist who threatens people he disagrees with. Are you stupid? I said I LIVE among Latin peoples -- if I were racist, do you really think I would make such a choice? HELLO. Use your brain if you have one.
<<Guest = racist Latin nationalist who threatens people he disagrees with. Are you stupid? I said I LIVE among Latin peoples -- if I were racist, do you really think I would make such a choice? HELLO. Use your brain if you have one.>>
The funny thing these days is you can't be a racist unless you're white.:-)
It's an unfair world...
People from Latin countries in Europe are considered white, right? As in Caucasian and not Latin.... just a question...
Hi Guest,
I guess that depends on whom you ask. I can tell you that the Latinos in my neighborhood are not from Spain -- ça, c'est sur.
<<<<Guest = racist Latin nationalist who threatens people he disagrees with. Are you stupid? I said I LIVE among Latin peoples -- if I were racist, do you really think I would make such a choice? HELLO. Use your brain if you have one.>>>>
<<The funny thing these days is you can't be a racist unless you're white.:-)
It's an unfair world...>>
So the PC world says... That's not my world, as you may have noticed. ;) I think it's actually OK that people are different and we're not all the same -- and yes, that goes for white people too!
I äm not talking about the computer magazine...
PC = politically correct
I have new years surprise for the Latin 'Santa Claus' that I think even he will appreciate.
The Latin peoples have a Santa Claus? Do they have Tannenbäume too?