Merry Christmas!!!
Aha, wait, I found it on wikipedia
"Christmas celebration in Russia is on the 7th of January (which corresponds to December 25 in the Julian Calendar)."
The Julian calendar was a reform of the Roman calendar, and that's why it doesn't match and it explains why the countries that adopted this Julian calendar celebrate Christmas on the 7th.
The date has something to do with another calendar for Russians. Apparently they have some yummy food on this day too.
That cake I mentioned is actually a King Cake (no apostrophe and "s").
Ah, your post just appeared and with more information. Good for you! I only have a vague understanding of these holidays as I don't celebrate them unless I am invited to a party.
Forget about Christmas now - it's all done and dusted for another year.
We in Scotland love Christmas as a general rule (including the religious aspect of it) but we love our Hogmanay even more. That's the New Year to the uninitiated. So much so in fact that we have to have an additional Bank Holiday added on to it - not only do we share with England and Wales the 01 January holiday but we have 02 January off as well - we need the recovery time after the largest street party in the whole word here in Auld Reekie (that's Edinburgh to the uninitiated).
Why does Santa Claus give more gifts than the Three Wise Men every year?
I think they're in vacation and Santa has substituted them in modern pagan days.
Santa's asking parents to invade in purchases to stores for their kids. In fact, he spends nothing but parents do a lot.