Why Americans can't spell!

Vlad   Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:43 pm GMT
I am neither British nor American. This forum looks at the forms of spelling that are used by Americans that ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO SPELL SIMPLE WORDS - a comendable effort. But I thought the title "why americans can't spell" was in regard to a far more worrying aspect. The fact that most "common folk" americans can not spell simple words such as the commonly used "loose" when trying to say "lose". Other examples are very easy to find. Just search controversial issues concerning american foreign policy on YouTube and read the comments. You will certainly get an "eye full" so to speak of poorly spelled words. The saddest of all is that the Americans recognize this and do nothing about it. Furthermore when corrected they reply to the "correctee" (i'm sorry couldn't help myself) which most often happens to be yours truly as a "Grammar Nazi". The audacity of this is stunning.
Jasper   Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:49 pm GMT
"It think it's really funny when people call British English spellings "old-fashioned"... in reality, British spelling is quite modern..."

I once found a first edition of an Agatha Christie book, printed in the '20s. The spelling was interesting.

The text contained words such as "kinema", "kerb", "to-morrow", and most notably, "reënter". (There were several other variations I thought interesting, but I've forgotten them.)

Presumably, there was a spelling reformation endeavor in or around the WW2 era. Does anybody know anything about this?
Guest   Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:51 pm GMT
<<This forum looks at the forms of spelling that are used by Americans that ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO SPELL SIMPLE WORDS - a comendable effort.>>

Guest   Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:45 pm GMT
I blame John Kerry (even though he speaks French) because he made my confidence drop so low.

Halp, Jon Carry, lol.