How do I read this? (about mathematics)

Johnny   Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:07 pm GMT
Hi, I am a learner and there are some things I really don't know how to learn, because either there is no reference for learning, or there's only confusing material. For example, how do I read this?

x/2 + pi/3

Can I say "x halves plus pi thirds", or is that unusual and I have to say "x over two plus pi over three"?
These kinds of things can be confusing, because I'm sure there are a lot of different ways to say the same thing, like 10^4 (= ten to the fourth, ten to the four) or 10^-4 (= ten to the minus fourth, ten to the negative fourth, ten to the minus four, ten to the negative four). However, I am interested in American English, so if you can give me some advice I'll appreciate it. Obviously, anyone can give advice, even if they are not American. Thanks :)
Guest   Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:59 pm GMT
I don't think there's any one right way to read mathematical formulas.

In this case, you could say x over 2 plus pi over 3, or perhaps x divided by 2 plus pi divided by 3 (assuming pi = 3.14... here, and not p times i), or even half of x added to one third of pi.

I wonder if there's any standard way to pronounce more complex formulas, for example tensors with contravariant and covariant indexes along with the dot and comma notation (Einstein's gift to us all, especialy those with professors that write the comma, dot, i, and j almost the same).
Johnny   Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:32 pm GMT
I see, thanks. I'd just like to add it would be useful if whoever answers also said where they're from, so we might be able to understand if there are some regional differences (although I don't think there are).

As for my question, I'm basically trying to understand if there's a difference when reading simple fractions with numbers (3/2 can be read "three halves", 2/4 "two fourths", etc.) and fractions with variables or constants.
sin(pi/2) --> sine pi halves?
cos(theta/3) --> cosine theta thirds?
x/2 + z/4 --> x halves plus z fourths?

I'm afraid for variables those forms are not idiomatic, and the idiomatic way is "sine pi over two, cosine theta over three, etc." Using "over".
Thanks in advance for any comments.
Guest   Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:04 am GMT
Those forms would be understood, and my profs use them sometimes, but the "over two" form is more common.
12438ian   Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:15 am GMT
<<sin(pi/2) --> sine pi halves?>>

I'd never read this as "sin pi halves". I'd say sine of pi over 2.

Location = zipcode 12438
Johnny   Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:36 pm GMT
I'll try to avoid halves, thirds, fourths, etc. and use the form with "over", pi over... two, three, four, etc.

It's still not clear to me if that only applies to pi or also to all other variables or constants expressed as a letter. So I am talking about x/2, sin(theta/3), beta/4, etc., where I used the word "beta" or "theta" instead of the symbol for convenience. So, "over" again?
Thanks again.
Guest   Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:51 pm GMT
I never use halves, thirds, fourths etc. when there's a variable. I use "over" or "divided by". I do usually pronounce 1/2 as one half, 3/4 as three fourths, etc. though. I usually only pronounce it that way for proper fractions with small numbers in the numerator and denominator, I guess.
Guest   Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:32 pm GMT
How do you say this: 1.23 ^ - 2/3
Guest   Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:37 pm GMT
<<How do you say this: 1.23 ^ - 2/3 >>

One point twenty-three to the minus two thirds [power]
Guest   Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:39 pm GMT
More interestingly, how would you pronounce:

i | 1 csc(x) sin(x) |
D (x) = | sec(x) 0 cot(x) |
j | cos(x) tan(x) cos(x)sin(x) |

(as a matrix)
tryingagain   Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:42 pm GMT
More interestingly, how would you pronounce:


(as a matrix)
Johnny   Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:40 pm GMT
Thanks, I see. I will use "over" then.

<<How do you say this: 1.23 ^ - 2/3 >>
<<One point twenty-three to the minus two thirds [power]>>

I would say "one point two three", by the way.
Guest, I don't think there's a way to read matrices. You just read the columns or the rows.

<<This is getting stupid. I'll probably lock it soon.>>

I hope it wasn't me who posted something stupid.
Guest   Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:07 am GMT
<<Guest, I don't think there's a way to read matrices. You just read the columns or the rows. >>

In order to pronounce something, I suppose you have to convert it from two dimensions to a one-dimensional string of pronounceable symbols, functions, operators, etc. I guess you'd have to use row-major or column-major ordering to reorder the matrix elements into one dimension? Sort of like describing a 3-dimensional scene in a book.