I have an American pen pal, and he accidentally forwarded me a wrong email, where he told a friend of his that he became "smitten" with me. Can someone tell me if this expression has a positive or a negative connotation? Thank you very much!
"smitten with" - good or bad?
It's good.
It means that he is [love]struck ("smitten") by you.
Actually, it should be 'love-stricken', but noone talks right anymore hehe
It means that he is [love]struck ("smitten") by you.
Actually, it should be 'love-stricken', but noone talks right anymore hehe
...but "smitten" has a innocent connotation--it doesn't mean that he/she's heavy in love with you, just that he/she has an overwhelming initial attraction toward you, like when you fall in love at first sight. It's the type of attraction one would like to pursue and check out in a deeper kind of way, but nothing serious of yet.