I am afraid that I made a mistake...
does it sound really odd?
does it sound really odd?
Can I say "I am really looking forward for this positio
well, I think the title can't be too long, the whole sentence is "I am really looking forward for this position"
Thank you for you kindness
I am really looking forwards for this position implies that the position needs to look forwards but you are taking care of it.
I would say that 'I am really looking forwards to taking/filling/obtaining this position is better.
I don't think you can say "forwards" here. It has to be "forward". It's a fixed phrase.
I thought "forwards" and "forward" are pretty much the same word with different spellings and pronunciations like "toward" and towards".
The sentence sounds a bit weird. But others have already suggested what I would have.
They are interchangeable if you are talking about the literal act of moving forward. However in the phrase 'to be looking forward' it can only be forward as Furrykef said.
And you would never use 'for' with this phrase, it is always used with 'to' i.e. I am looking forward to my holiday'
Replace the "for" with the "to" and you got it.
You're looking to it, not for it. Your sight moves forward to the position you are describing, not "for it."
As has been mentioned in a previous post, all you need to do is to replace "for" with "to". Then it really makes sense grammatically. I am really looking forward to you putting the correct word in position, then the whole sentence really will not sound (or rather look) odd.