Can anyone learn to speak English with Callan method?
I learned Callan in Poland. It is an extremelly intensive method and I found it the most effective. However some people say the mothod is difficult. There is no personnal connection between students and teachers. I think not everyone would be able to use Callan method but it is certainly worth a try. :)
Are you astroturfing? Who cares about the "Callan" method? The damn place is on "Oxford Street", give me a break already.
Someone told me, that Callan method was improved by some other people and has a different name. Does anybody know anything about it?
The question is phrased in an ambiguous way. What does the 'anyone' mean here?
To respond to Philip - you might want to take a look at SpeakYourMind. It's not a copy of Callan but it could well be what you're looking for.
Does anyone know some other copy of Callan method except for SpeakYouMind?
I was in one school in Chiswick (London) and was really dissappointed. The method is terrible, you sit and wait 10 minutes, before a teacher ask 14 students. Then you are ask a short question, like "What's this", answer and wait another 10 minutes... I wounder if it is the school or the method is so bad...