Is English A Sexy Language?
To a native English speaker and American, the sexiest languages would most likely be the popular romance languages, such as French, Italian or Spanish.
However, how many people, native and nonnative, believe that English has a sexy quality or complex to it?
I find it very intriguing how foreigners perceive a certain language, whether it is through its syntax or phonetics.
English. Is it sexy or not?
Personally, I think English holds its own when it comes to sexiness.
"To a native English speaker and American, the sexiest languages would most likely be the popular romance languages, such as French, Italian or Spanish. "
That's not true.
English is a more beautiful language than French, although Italian is quite nice.
mmmmm its a matter of opinion Adam.
I personally like French followed closely by Italian and Spanish. LOL even how the French speak English with their accent is sexy... Uh la la la!!
Personally, I think German sounds sexy, although it leans towards 'kinky'.For me Dutch just is the most sexy language, can't explain why you'd have to hear it (maybe I'll post a sample). French.. hmm I think it sounds 'dirty' not sexy per sé.
English, like with many things sounds plain neutral to me.
To me, French is a silly language.
Any language that puts "le" or "la" next to an English word (le weekend, l'hotdog, le silly boy) isn't sexy.
A Frenchman would chat an Englishwoman up like this -
"Ooooh, bonjour, ma little pretty. Vous avez les beautiful titties! Je peux touch them, s'il vous plait? You want to venez to ma maison et drink some vin rouge?"
"I love you."
Enough said.
<Personally, I think German sounds sexy, although it leans towards 'kinky'>
LOL kinky eh? I like I like!! ;)
It just cracks me up how the Anglophones see us as people who say "Oulala !" all the time! :-) Very funny stereotype.
While the Francophones see us as people who say "Dude!" and "Howdy."
" While the Francophones see us as people who say "Dude!" and "Howdy." "
The Americans are very relaxed! :-)
An american,
We don't know you so i don't see how we could think you all the time say: Dude, howdy...
You think you're too important.
For me I must admit of all English accents the ones I don't find 'sexy' is the Australian and the South African accents.
Oh did I mention South London too??
Another french,
If you read carefully,
You would have seen that I was merely replying to Un français' post that the French are stereotyped as saying "Oh la la!" all of the time. In other words, I was saying that every language has sometype of stereotype.
And for the record, I don't think I'm "too important."