Italian & Portugese Lexical Similarities
What nonsense! The Italians are not white, but are caucasians, the Portuguese are dark, but caucasians, many Brazilians are not European, but mixed, the scandinavians are caucasians, and are white, Amerindians, not balck or white...
Do you guys see the stupidity in this line of argumentation? First of all, there are NO races, only the human race. It has been proven by scientific research that an East African actually had more similar DNA to a Spaniard than to a West African. This is fact!
Secondly, in Brazil it is the Portuguese who always formed the majority of immigrants, period. Any research worth its salt will confirm this.
I consider Italians 'white', not merely 'caucasians', especially northern Italians.
To me, non-'white' caucasians are people like East Indians, Pakistanis, etc. Italians are MUCH closer to what we think of as being white than they are.
Spaniards and Portuguese are also white.
To be 'white' you don't have to be German or Finnish--that's ULTRA-'white' (tighty-white : )
Someone with a tan is white?
someone with freckles on 50% of the body is white or not?
Ultra white gets less white after a few years living in a sunny country?
People change race when they change sun exposure?
How much sun exposure is necessary to change race?
Find it here.
A dark Portuguese:
Is there a lexical similarity between an untanned Finnish and a tanned Italian? What is the lexical similarity between whites and non whites?Between tanned and no tanned and between ultraviolet or chemichal tanned and sun tanned?
Even within the so-called "caucasians" there is a great rainbow of sking tones. I personally have never liked this whole business of "your white, your black, your yellow, your red, yourbrown etc., etc." because it divides people. I do not feel close to someone because of their skin colour or where they are from...I like them for who he/she is as a person/individual.
I have known many people from my 'ethnic background' whom I wasn't particularly fond of, and many others from other backgrounds whom I adored. Folks, it's not about ethnicity, race, creed, nationality, colour, what have you. It's about embracing people from everywhere as long as they are decent, law abiding citizens of good morals and values. The sooner everyone figures this out, the better the world will be for all.
I have tanned skin, green eyes and blond hair. Am I weird?
"I have tanned skin, green eyes and blond hair. Am I weird?"
Answer: Possibly. You are posting on antimoon after all and we have a lot of weird people here. There is not enough to go on here.
« First of all, there are NO races, only the human race. »
Isn't that a bit like saying there is only a 'dog race' and
alsatians, boxers, poodles or retrievers don't exist?
The difference between human races is far smaller then between, let's say, boxer and a poodle. It's more like white poodle and black poodle.
I'll say it again...there are NO races, only the human race. It has been proven by scientific research that an East African actually had more similar DNA to a Spaniard than to a West African. This is fact!
I'm sorry, I made a mistake. It has been proven by scientific research that an East African actually had more similar DNA to a 'SWEDE' (not a Spaniard) than to a West African. This sicentific experiement was really conducted.
Josh, this is getting stupid. Put a lock on it please.
How many mutants in this forum?