20th Century Language

Anti-Venezuelan Colombian   Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:00 pm GMT
President Hugo Chávez is dead wrong to have called for giving the FARC political status in return for no change in the group’s atrocious behavior. He is even more wrong to be fanning the flames of conflict with Colombia by claiming that Washington and Bogotá are planning a military “provocation” against Venezuela. Hugo Chávez’s actions over the past two weeks are a key inspiration for the February 4 protest march.Marchers are free to say that Chávez is wrong and should stay out of Colombian affairs. But the march must not devolve into an expression of anti-Venezuelan sentiment. If the protests are filled with bellicose or warlike messages about Colombia’s neighbor, they will heighten tensions, taking both countries further in a disastrous direction in which neither truly wishes to go.

Hispanic Human Rights Vio   Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:09 pm GMT
The Human Rights situation in Latin America varies considerably country to country. In some, such as Colombia, disappearances, extra-judicial executions and torture have reached epidemic proportions. In others, such as Perú, hundreds of innocent people continue to be in jail, falsely accused of "subversive activities". Yet in others, the main human rights violations concern police brutality, inhuman prison conditions, and violations to economic and cultural rights. If there is one violation that is common to most of the continent, it's impunity, the lack of punishment - and often even of investigation - to those who are responsible for committing the most dire human rights abuses.

Derechos and Equipo Nizkor believe that exposing human rights violations is the first step in battling against them. It is much easier to kill, rape, torture and unjustly imprison under the cover of darkness. We hope that the reports there will be useful to you, and that will also encourage you to work to stop human rights violations in Latin America and the world.

Hispanic Atrocities   Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:12 pm GMT
Human Rights Abuses in Hispanic America

Getting rid of someone is easy. Destroying popular aspirations takes more effort but you can always count on a volunteer or two to do the dirty work. For money; favors; influence; power--mostly power. When conventional methods-- elections, plebiscites, national referenda--fail, or when the results threaten the oligarchy, the US Army's School of the Americas, a shadowy but formidable war factory billeted at Fort Benning, Georgia, can help. There are not petty bureaucrats here, taking up space and stealing time until retirement. The SOA is a model institution. Its instructors and students are recruited from the cream of Latin America's military establishment. The curriculum includes: counterinsurgency, military intelligence, interrogation techniques, sniper fire, infantry and commando tactics, "irregular" and psychological warfare, jungle operations, among the most bellicose specialties. But Latin American soldiers at the SOA are not always trained to defend their borders from foreign invasion. They are taught--at US taxpayers' expense--to make war against their own people, to subvert the truth, silence poets, domesticate unruly visionaries, muzzle activist clergy, hinder trade unionism, hush the voices of dissidence and discontent, neutralize the poor, the hungry, the dispossessed, extinguish common dreams, irrigate fields of plenty with the tears of a captive society, and transform paladins and protesters into submissive vassals. Even if it kills them.

For the past two years, a group of US legislators, led by Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II (D-MA), have vowed to shut down the facility/ "SOA graduates include dictators and soldiers implicated in gross human rights violations in Latin America," says Kennedy. "[Continued operation of] this facility suggests that the US has blessed such excesses. The SOA costs [the US] millions of dollars a year and identifies us with tyranny and oppression." In 1993 Kennedy sponsored an amendment to the House Defense Appropriations Bill calling for an end to the training provided at the SOA. The measure was defeated. Reintroduced in 1994, the amendment was again rejected. This time the defeat was sustained by a sixfold increase in the number of abstentions from the preceding year.

Founded in Panama in 1946--and relocated in 1984 to Fort Benning when Panamanian President Jorge Illueca evicted it-- calling it "the biggest base for destabilization in Latin America"--the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American and Caribbean basin soldiers. It has also produced some of the region's most despicable tyrants. The SOA is expected to graduate about 750 students in 1995.


When the military go on feeding frenzies in Latin America, as they are wont to do with unsettling regularity, accusing fingers often point to Washington. This is what happened in 1989, when a Salvadoran army patrol burst into the Central American University and murdered six Jesuit priests, their cook and her daughter. Some of the victims were executed lying face down on the ground. Human rights groups were quick to accuse the US of aiding and abetting El Salvador's military regime. This was not an idle allegation. Nineteen of the 27 Salvadoran officers who took part in the massacre by a UN Truth Commission report were graduates of the SOA. In fact, almost three-quarters of the Salvadoran officers implicated in seven other bloodbaths during El Salvador's civil war (including the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero 15 years ago this month) were trained by the SOA. The elite institution has left its mark everywhere in Latin America: Of the 246 officers cited for various crimes in Colombia by a 1992 international human rights tribunal, 105 are SOA graduates.

The three highest ranking officers who supported former Guatemalan President Serrano's 1993 attempted coup are graduates of the SOA--including former Defense Minister Jose Domingo Garcia and the sinister presidential chief of staff, Luis Francisco Ortega Menaldo. In 1976, Ortega, then a captain, took a military intelligence course at the SOA. Other Guatemalan big-name SOA graduates include current Defense Minister, Gen. Mario Enriquez and Congress President, Gen. Jose Efrain Rios Montt. A former president of Guatemala (1982-83) Montt is best remembered for his "beans or bullets" policy--beans for the obedient, bullets for the rest.

In Honduras, five ranking officers who organized--with US complicity--the secret death squad known as Intelligence Battalion 3-15 in the mid-1980s are SOA graduates. They include Generals Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, Daniel Ball Castillo, Luis Alonzo Discua and Juan Lopez Grijalva. An America's Watch report has charged Lopez with involvement in a death squad. Captain Pio Flores, whose house was used as a detention and torture center, took four courses at the SOA. Colonel Amilcar Zelaya, from whose residence muffled screams were regularly heard, also attended the school. Battalion commanders Luis Alonzo Villatoro Villeda and Adolfo Diaz took courses at the SOA, as did Lieutenants Segundo Flores Murillo and Noel Corrales. Murrillo's specialty was interrogation and torture.

The three highest ranking officers convicted in February 1994 of murdering nine university students and a professor in Peru are all SOA graduates--as is the commander of the Peruvian military who dispatched tanks to block an investigation.

Also known as the School for Dictators (and dubbed--less kindly but with more acronymic consistency--the School of Assassins) the SOA has sired a number of favorite sons destined for historical scrutiny. Among them:

-- Omar Torrijos of Panama, Guillermo Rodriguez of Ecuador and Juan Velasco Alvarado of Peru--all of whom overthrew constitutionally elected civilian governments.

-- Leopoldo Galtieri, ex-head of Argentina's junta--defeated in the Falkland "Dirty War" against the British. Galtieri's military advisers helped establish Honduras' Battalion 3-16.

-- Hugo Banzer Suarez, Bolivian president in the 1970s-- crushed dissident clerics and suppressed tin miners with savage zeal.

-- Roberto D'Aubuisson, late Salvadoran death-squad leader-- plotted the assassination of Archbishop Romero and may have participated in the El Mozote massacre of 900 men, women, and children.

-- Manuel Noriega, ex-dictator of Panama--serving 40 years in a US penitentiary for drug trafficking.

-- Honduran generals Humberto Regaldo Hernandez (linked to Colombian drug cartels) and Policarpo Paz Garcia (led a corrupt regime in the 80s). Hernandez was inducted into the SOA Hall of Fame in 1988.

-- Manuel Antonio Callejas y Callejas--chief of Guatemalan intelligence in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when thousands of political opponents were assassinated.


Not as eminent but equally adept at making war, wielding in some cases formidable regional or local power, and exceeding the limits of their own authority, a number of SOA graduates have been known to take on less redoubtable foes. In Guatemala, a nation described by a high-ranking US Embassy official as "a fractured society--politically, economically, culturally and ethnically--probably the most corrupt in Latin America," crimes against street children have long made international headlines but were never stanched. Unwanted, unloved, disposable, society's chaff, ubiquitous and growing in numbers, they continue to pay the price of civil strife and poverty and feudalism and social decay; enduring illegal detentions and beatings, often for petty crimes, including those motivated by hunger.

According to Bruce Harris, executive director, Covenant House Latin American Programs, "1994 was a banner year for a country more preoccupied with bananas and coffee than human live. It produced the highest number of extrajudicial executions of street children in Guatemala this decade--13 in all." Gathered by the legal aid office of Casa Alianza, Covenant House's Latin American branch, fresh evidence points to waves of mindless retribution by a constabulary gone amok and overlooked by a judicial system disinclined to obey Guatemala's very own constitution, let alone the international human rights accords to which it is a party.

Julio Caballeros Seigne, SOA Class of 1960 (Infantry Arms, Tactics and Army Documents) may have to answer for many of these children's lives. Head of the Guatemalan military at Nebaj, Quiche province, where some of the worst atrocities were committed against the campesinos, he is generally blamed for the displacement of over one million persons, many of them orphaned children, and for spurring an urban migration which continues to strain the country's moribund economy. Former head of G@ (military intelligence), he was twice chief of the National Police (1985, 1990), a semimilitarized corps with a reputation and lengthy record of human rights abuses, many against defenseless minors. In 1993 he was named Customs Chief.

In the BBC-produced documentary, They Shoot Children Don't They?, Caballeros charged Harris with "wanting justice at the snap of a finger," and complained that he was "making too much of a fuss about the death of one child." The child, 13- year-old Nahaman Carmona Lopez, was beaten to death five years ago by four of Caballeros' officers. His death galvanized international attention and paved the way for a widely publicized series of legal proceedings by Harris against his executioners. To his credit, Caballeros did order some of his men investigated, but he blamed the judicial system, rather than inept sleuthing, for its failure to secure binding convictions.

Arrogant and self-deluded, Caballeros may have underestimated the resolve of dedicated human rights activists to take on abusive regimes. At this writing, Casa Alianza has 191 criminal suits in the Guatemalan court system against 120 policemen and 30 soldiers. Arrest warrants have been issued against 18 policemen. Urged by Harris, the European Parliament has vowed to impose economic sanctions against Guatemala.

A member of the extreme right-wing Revolutionary Party, Caballeros, who lost a bid for a congressional seat, makes no secret of his political aspirations and his commitment to a return to military rule in Guatemala. Iit is widely believed that several former administration cabinet members itching for a political comeback favor such a takeover. In an open letter to his "Querido Juan Pueblo" (Beloved John Q. Public) in Siglo Veintiuno (21st century), Caballeros blames "dirty, rich politicians" for the country's chronic problems. Given that the wealthy in Guatemala (as elsewhere in Latin America) have traditionally supported the military, Caballeros was being more than disingenuous. Playing on short memories and growing public discontent to agitate the masses, in military parlance it's called disinformation, a technique taught at the SOA under a different appellation.

Long-simmering rumors that the Guatemalan military has been involved in various criminal activities burst into the open last month when a number of high-ranking officers, among them Col. Carlos Rene Ochoa Ruiz, SOA Class of 1969, were charged with drug trafficking, car theft, and murder. Cited as a cocaine exporter, Ochoa has so far evaded US extradition efforts.

Next door, in Honduras, the early 1980s witnessed political violence of a level unknown in earlier decades as the civil conflict in El Salvador and Nicaragua spilled across its borders. Many "disappeared" after their abduction or were summarily executed by death squads. Seven men, including the late Gen. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, SOA Class of 1978, were accused of taking part in the "disappearances" of dozens of Hondurans. Alvarez was also charged with abuse of authority, homicide, assassination, torture and hindering due process of law. In a recent interview, his widow, Lillian de Alvarez, justified her husband's excesses, saying he had "fought against disloyalty and terrorist organizations." Former armed forces intelligence chief Leonidas Torres Arias, SOA Class of 1962 and 1971 (Commando Operations), who had accused Alvarez of complicity in the "disappearances," was dishonorably discharged in 1982. Rumors persist that Torres was involved in arms and drug trafficking and murder. Vigilantism against "delinquents"-- a euphemism of sizable elasticity generally reserved for the destitute and the hungry--continues to claim lives in Honduras. Last month, Regional Police Chief Lt. Col. Angel Arnoldo Cabrera, SOA Class of 1979 (Class Leader, Commando Tactics), was accused of heading a death squad specializing in the assassination of "known criminals." Cabrera has denied the charges and threatened to sue for libel.

To reports of irregularities in detention procedures and the torture of detainees during interrogation by the Fuerza de Seguridad Publica (FUSEP), particularly at the hands of its military branch, was soon added evidence of intimidation and harassment of members of human rights groups, lawyers, members of the Catholic clergy, trade unionists and the press. Relations between the armed forces and the press deteriorated when a group of journalists filmed a murder scene in the provincial city of San Pedro Sula. The killers were identified as members of the armed forces. The journalists were threatened. One was attacked. Another had to flee Honduras.

While there have been no "disappearances" under the present (Carlos Roberto Reina) government, serious human rights violations persist and many of the victims are among Tegucigalpa's more than 1,000 street children. Last October, this writer went to Honduras to investigate allegations of police brutality against street children, to corroborate recurring charges that minors are routinely--and illegally--incarcerated with adults, and to document long- held imputations that Honduras's military justice system wantonly disregards the nation's highest laws. Under pressure from Bruce Harris, six minors detained without arraignment for three days and three nights with adults at the Seventh Precinct, including a 10-year-old, were first transferred to an empty cell then quietly released. Hastily convened, a radio interview with Harris and an Amnesty International dispatch accusing Honduran police of illegally imprisoning minors soon made headlines in Tegucigalpa. Police Chief Jorge Alberto Rodas Gamero, SOA Class of 1975 (Infantry) and Class of 1982 (Military Intelligence) made known his displeasure. Calling the Casa Alianza shelter "a nest of thieves," and its wards "delinquents," he agitated the downtown business community, fomenting an angry demonstration in front of the shelter. Two weeks later, the shelter's director was threatened with expulsion. Coerced by Chief Rodas, the Honduran press mounted a fresh offensive against Casa Alianza. meanwhile, investigations into charges stemming from the illegal detention, mistreatment, torture of minors in 1993 against the former military intelligence chief, SOA graduate Lt. Col. Marco Tulio Ayala Vindel, were postponed "indefinitely." Ayala currently heads FUSEP's propaganda machine.

Not to be outdone, the Hondurans military have renewed their attacks on the Reina administration for trying, "once again, to damage its credibility and reputation." Reina's efforts to reduce military influence have been met with death threats and a recent [failed] assassination attempt. Among sympathizers of the military, is A. Manuel de Jesus Castillo, SOA Class of 1975 (Military Intelligence). Castillo, one of the attorneys of former Honduran President Rafael Leonardo Callejas, was expelled from the SOA for misconduct. According to private sources, over 30 percent of all living Honduran SOA graduates are still "pulling strings." The SOA has trained over 5,000 Honduran soldiers and officers.


Breathtaking mountain vistas. An idyllic climate. Unspoiled rain forests. Golden beaches stretching along two coasts. A rich fauna and an exuberant flora. Costa Rica has it all, and then some. But what makes Costa Ricans proudest of all, what they enjoy reminding the world, is that their small Central American nation has had no army since its abolition in 1948. Look again.

A document obtained through the Freedom of Information Act lists nearly 2,500 Costa Rican soldiers and officers who have trained at the SOA since 1949. Among the courses taken: military intelligence (the second most popular specialty after military police and infantry training), psychological warfare, sniper and commando tactics, airborne, engineering combat and construction, jungle operations, mortars, "irregular warfare," counterinsurgency, "nuclear war and military pedagogy," mine-sweeping, basic weapons and combat trauma medicine.

Costa Rica has also contributed instructors to the SOA, most recently Lt. Wilbert Mora and Capts. Juan Calvo, Jorge Alfaro Nunez, Luis C. Calvo Calvo and Carlos Alberto Castro. The last two ended a two-year stint in January. Lt. Col Walter F. Novaroo Romero, SOA Class of 1989 (Psychological Warfare) a Costa Rican, is the SOA base sub-commandant.

Asked to comment, Maj. Gordon Martel, SOA Public Affairs Officer, who pinch-hit for base commandant Col. Roy Trumble, dismissed any inference of impropriety in the existence of a military presence in Costa Rica. "This is a kind of police force not unlike the [US] National Guard. Its members are trained to perform civil and rural guard duties. They also go on drug interdiction missions."

Understandably, Maj. Martel must have recited SOA's standard catechism. The rationale, however, is tenuous. In Costa Rica, as in the rest of Central America, police and army are indistinguishable and interchangeable. One is tempter to speculate--given the nature, complexity, and sophistication of the courses taken by Costa Rican students at an elite combat school such as the SOA--that "civil and rural guard duties" are clever euphemisms crafter for public consumption. For this nation of three million, such intensive training looks more like a state of continuous mobilization and combat readiness than an attempt to keep peace in the streets or to preseve nature's virgin beauty against human predation. Moreover, a narcotics surveillance radar network donated and installed by the USA has since fallen in disuse, allegedly the victim of cost cutbacks. Creditable sources suggest that the facility may have been shut down because it threatened to drastically diminish the flow of drug money into the private coffers of high-ranking government officials. Such action, at a time when Costa Rica has been cited as a benevolent land bridge between Colombia's cartels and North America, invalidates Maj. Martel's argument and raises legitimate suspicion. Out of 2,500 graduates, fewer than a dozen took the so-called "counter-narcotrafficking" course. Measured against the hundreds of students who have trained in intelligence, counterinsurgency, infantry and military police, drug interdiction does not appear to be a burning preoccupation in Costa Rica at this time.

Costa Rica's reputation as nature conservator and premier tourist attraction has obscured a less than sterling human rights record. As recently as 1993, the Cobra Commando, a shadowy paramilitary group, was keeping the narcotics pipeline open and terrorizing indigenous Indians in the Talamanca jungles. Once a thriving and proud people, caught between the sword and the cross, Costa Rica's Indians have dwindled to a precious few and may be headed for extinction. This could explain Costa Rica's reluctance to acknowledge the very existence of an antecedent civilization.

"The SOA is seriously hindering the establishment and strengthening of democracy in Latin America," charges Father Roy Bourgeois, a Maryknoll priest who spent two years in prison for spearheading protests against the school. Bourgeois, who heads SOA Watch, a grassroots organization that keeps close tabs on the school claims that "the SOA does not screen soldiers who are assigned to it. Known perpetrators of serious war crimes come and go as they please." Indeed, a number of officers cited in the 1993 UN Truth Commission attended the SOA after they had committed atrocities. "Funded by US tax dollars," Bourgeois argues, "the SOA steals from the poor. Graduates return to their countries to enrich the rich and to keep the poor in their place."

Defenders of the SOA, which operates on a $42 million-a-year budget (the school recently underwent a $30 million renovation), insist it is getting a bum rap. Maj. Martel rejects all criticism. "The SOA is a legitimate military institution where legitimate military skills are taught. It is not the school's fault that a fraction of graduates has engaged in reprehensible behavior"--a plea echoed by Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Sam Nunn (D-GA). Congressperson Sanford Bishop (D-GA), who represents the Fort Benning area, goes a step further. He argues that the SOA has actually promoted democracy in Latin America. These are by and large obscurantist arguments that even the Pentagon stops short of endorsing. Guaranteed anonymity, a senior analyst told this writer that the SOA "has systematically encouraged the transplantation of military structures into, and facilitated the propagation of military power and objectives against, legitimate civilian governments."

Hispanic Corruptions   Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:20 pm GMT
Long List of Hispanic American Ex-Presidents Face Corruption Charges - Report
By Diego Cevallos

MEXICO CITY, Oct 20 (IPS) - Never before has such a large number of former and current presidents faced corruption charges in Latin America, a region with serious graft problems, according to the new Transparency International report released Wednesday.

The long list includes two serving presidents facing charges, as well as former leaders who have served time in prison, are now behind bars, are under prosecution, or are the target of suspicions and about to be tried.

The Germany-based Transparency International (TI), the global anti-corruption watchdog, put out its annual report, the Corruption Perceptions Index 2004 (CPI), on Wednesday.

In this year's report, which ranked 146 countries on a scale of zero (absolute corruption) to 10 (squeaky clean), Chile and Uruguay were given the highest scores in Latin America (7.5 and 6.2, respectively).

The rest of the nations in the region were assigned scores of 4.9 or lower, with Haiti bringing up the rear with 1.5.

The CPI is based on 18 surveys from 12 independent institutions, which were carried out among local and expatriate business people and country analysts. TI says no country was included in the ranking with results from less than three surveys.

”Latin America is marked by corruption, but there are signs that efforts to fight the problem have had some success,” Arturo del Castillo, director of CIE Consulting & Research, which specialises in the fight against corruption, told IPS.

The Mexican analyst said the wave of accusations against governments and ex-presidents is a demonstration that progress is being made. He added that never before have so many former Latin American presidents faced charges that have either been proven or are under investigation.

The list began to grow in 1992, when a corruption scandal triggered mass protests in Brazil, forcing then president Fernando Collor de Mello to step down, said del Castillo.

Brazil received a CPI score of 3.9.

Topping the list of the accused is current Nicaraguan President Enrique Bolaños. The comptroller-general's office in that Central American country is demanding that he be removed from office because of his resistance to explaining the origin of huge sums of money held in bank accounts that helped finance his campaign in 2001.

Bolaños succeeded Arnoldo Alemán (1997-2002), who was convicted in late 2003 and sentenced to 20 years in prison for money laundering.

A similar problem is faced by Costa Rican President Abel Pacheco, who has been at the centre of an investigation since 2003, also because of supposedly illegal campaign financing.

Costa Rica received a CPI score of 4.9 and neighbouring Nicaragua just 2.7.

Pacheco's predecessor, Miguel Angel Rodríguez (1998-2002), who was appointed head of the Organisation of American States (OAS) on Sep. 15 and was forced to resign from that post less than a month later, is accused of receiving a kickback during his presidential term, in a telecommunications deal involving the French firm Alcatel.

Rodríguez was immediately handcuffed and arrested when he returned to his country after resigning as OAS chief.

Another former president in Costa Rica, Rafael Calderón (1990-1994), is barred from leaving the country until an investigation of his alleged participation in a corruption case involving Social Security funds is completed.

In the case of Bolaños in Nicaragua, the OAS decided to intervene, sending a special mission this week to try to prevent an institutional crisis, because the opposition, which has a majority in Congress, has the power to remove him.

”For the political opposition it is always tempting to cry 'corruption' and mount an attack,” said del Castillo. ”It is important to treat this question with great care, because the idea of fighting corruption should not reach the extreme of putting the institutions into continuous crises, which doesn't help anyone.”

The analyst said the origin of the wave of accusations against former and acting presidents lies in the increased public awareness on the social problems generated by corruption, new anti-corruption laws and international conventions, and the watchdog role that has increasingly been assumed by the media.

In Argentina, which was given a CPI score of just 2.5, former president Carlos Menem (1989-1999) is under prosecution in connection with several cases.

Menem, who already spent several months under house arrest in 2001, now lives in Chile and is facing an international arrest warrant after refusing to testify.

A survey carried out by KPMG, an international audit, tax and advisory firm, among 1,000 business people, university deans, civil society leaders and public employees from all three branches of the state, indicates that corruption levels in Argentina today are the lowest in 20 years.

Another former president who may soon be tried is Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada in Bolivia, who was forced to resign in October 2003 by a month-long popular revolt triggered by plans to export natural gas to the United States and Mexico under conditions that were opposed by the public.

He is accused of being responsible for the deaths of nearly 70 protesters who were killed after he called the army out to quash the demonstrations. On Oct. 14, parliament authorised the Supreme Court to try the ex-president, who is living in the United States.

Bolivia scored 2.2 on the TI report.

In Chile, the country with the lowest level of corruption in Latin America according to TI, former dictator Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990) is facing charges for illicit enrichment, besides the multiple lawsuits for crimes against humanity. He is under investigation for eight million dollars found in secret bank accounts in the United States.

More former leaders face prosecution for corruption in Ecuador, meanwhile, than in any other country in the region. The Andean nation was given a score of 2.4 by TI.

Abdalá Bucaram, who was impeached and removed from office by Congress in 1997 in the midst of a huge popular uprising, is living in Panama, although the case against him for embezzlement of public funds continues.

Fabián Alarcón, who replaced Bucaram as interim president from 1997 to 1998, is under investigation, and spent six months under arrest in connection with alleged irregularities in hiring public officials.

He was succeeded by Jamil Mahuad (1998-2000), who was toppled by social protests led by the country's well-organised indigenous groups.

Since he was replaced by his vice-president, Gustavo Noboa (2000-2003), Mahuad has been living in the United States. He is still under prosecution for abuse of functions.

Noboa also ended up fleeing the country after he was accused of corrupt handling of public funds. He is living in the Dominican Republic, where he was given political asylum.

Another ex-president in trouble is Alfonso Portillo (2000-2004) in Guatemala, a country that ranked 2.2 on the TI scale.

Portillo settled in Mexico after he was accused of opening several bank accounts with public funds. Prosecutors report that they are preparing to ask for his extradition.

In the Caribbean, former Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide, whose term was cut short in February in the midst of looting and violence and U.S. intervention, is accused by opposition groups of corruption and political violence.

Haiti, which scored 1.5, shares the last spot, 145, on TI's global ranking with Bangladesh.

In Paraguay, which scored 1.9, Juan Carlos Wasmosy, who governed from 1993 to 1998, was convicted in April 2002 and sentenced to four years in prison for irregularities. However, he was absolved by an appeals court in September.

Raúl Cubas, who succeeded him until 1999, was also denounced for the misuse of public funds after he was forced to step down by social unrest in the wake of the assassination of vice-president Luis María Argaña and the killings of seven young protesters in March 1999.

Cubas fled to Brazil, but returned to Paraguay in 2002, where he faced prosecution.

Cubas' successor until 2003, Luis González Macchi, is also being tried, for the alleged diversion of 16 million dollars from banks that had gone under.

The list is completed by former presidents of Peru (which scored 3.5) and Venezuela (2.3). Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), who has lived in Japan since he faxed his resignation from that country, is facing an extradition request based on accusations of crimes against humanity and embezzlement of public funds.

Carlos Andrés Pérez, who governed Venezuela from 1974 to 1979 and from 1989 to 1993, was sentenced to house arrest for the misappropriation of public funds.

Del Castillo said this long list of former and current leaders shows that corruption can no longer be hidden so easily in this region.

To irritated spamnish   Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:26 pm GMT
<< Actually, if you read that thread you will see the French people started the attacks first, which unleashed the Hispanic attacks that apparently really pissed you to make you take the time to post all this.

No matter how you present it, Latin America is better off overall then Franco-Africa and always will be. You posted articles about AIDS in LA, while your precious Franco-Africa is among THE WORST AIDS and other disease ridden places on Earth.

BTW I thought that posting the article about gays and all that was actually pretty funny. >>

Actually, if you read that thread you will see the Hispanic people started the attacks first, which unleashed the French attacks that apparently really pissed you to make you take the time to post all this.

No matter how you present it, Francophone Africa is better off overall then Hispanic and always will be. You posted articles about AIDS in West Africa, while your precious Hispanic America is among THE WORST AIDS and other disease ridden places on Earth because of MAN TO MAN SEX.

BTW I find your phrase "I thought that posting the article about gays and all that was actually pretty funny" BECAUSE YOU YOURSELF IS GAY AND YOU APPRECIATE THAT GAY CULTURE IS FLUORISHING IN HISPANIC AMERICA YOU HEMAPHRODITE.
Butt-Pirate Frenchie   Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:42 pm GMT
Wow, is that the best you can do? Copy my post and call me gay. You must be quite a genius. Seriously I think this thread is funny but it will be lock any time now, so adios Maricon!
Asshole Babarian Spamnish   Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:57 pm GMT
Well, you're the funny looking thing and your motuh is the one that's gonna be locked, so au revoir fifi!
Asshole Babarian Spamnish   Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:01 pm GMT
Well, you're the funny looking thing and your mouth is the one that's gonna be locked, so au revoir fifi!
Spanish Bavarian   Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:08 pm GMT
All the French speakers must be exterminated.
Spanish-French Friend   Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:11 pm GMT
All this is stupid. We know that French, Spanish and Chinese want to be Second World language.

The way to win is not this. If French speakers say that Latin America is a shit and Spanish speakers say that French Africa is disgusting, the winner will be Chinese language.

I think that neutral people, like people from USA, UK, Australia or NZ can explain their point of view about the second most important language.

At the same time, it is very difficult to say which language is more important globally. Spanish is more important in the Americas and Spain, French in Africa and France, and Chinese in China and Taiwan. But no one is the second most important language in my opinion.
Guest   Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:16 pm GMT
I don't mind if Spanish is not a world language, the question is that French must not be one either, I prefer to speak English , Chinese or anything else if that helps.
French Bavarian   Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:30 pm GMT
All the Spanish speakers must be exterminated.
Guest   Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:45 pm GMT
<< The way to win is not this. If French speakers say that Latin America is a shit and Spanish speakers say that French Africa is disgusting, the winner will be Chinese language. >>

No way, Russian is more important than either French, Spanish, or Chinese.
Gue   Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:49 pm GMT
<<If French speakers say that Latin America is a shit and Spanish speakers say that French Africa is disgusting, the winner will be Chinese language<<

Yaay! Exactly what we want!