Wallonia must be part of FRANCE

Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 16:30 GMT
Oh I have done the same mistake... It was still me who posted , not tiste
Jordi   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 17:05 GMT

I found some very interesting facts (never in the Wikipedia, mind you.):

This is very interesting about half the Flemish would know French (although according to De Standaard only 16,5%). The fact is only about 7% of the Walloons know Flemish.
10% of the population of Brussels speaks Flemish, 70% French and 20% speak "other foreign languages". Isn't everybody in Brussels expected to learn both languages? Why should foreigners only learn French and not Flemish since 56% of the population of Belgium speaks Flemish? Belgium isn't France so French is a strong minority language in Belgium. I think all Belgians should be fully bilingual if they are to follow in the same country. So, it's not only a matter of economic power but the Flemish are also a demographic majority.
This thread on Belgium is fascinating and I would ask the Walloons to stop treating the Flemish as if they had a second class culture. You must speak amongst equals. It's the only solution I see.

Avec une population de plus de 10 millions d’habitants, la Belgique compterait 56 % de Flamands, 41 % de Wallons, 1,5 % de germanophones. Le pays comprend aussi quelques petites minorités maghrébines, turques, italiennes, portugaises, etc. Selon le quotidien néerlandophone De Standaard, seulement 16,5 % des Flamands considèrent qu’ils connaissent bien le français, mais dans les faits plus de 50 % de la population est capable de le comprendre et de le parler. Chez les francophones, il n’y aurait que 6 % à 7 % d’usagers du néerlandais.
Fredrik from Norway   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 17:19 GMT
I agree with Jordi. Although I didn´t understand the posts in Flemish and French I have seen enough to know that you don´t exactly treat each other like equals and that you are ethnicist in ways that have long since been abandoned in most of Europe!
Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 17:33 GMT

First I would like to say that I'm very pleased to see that you know this quebecker site : I know very well this website of l'université Laval de Québec, and It's really wonderful, very complete for all who are interested in languages...But it's only in french. hehe!!

When you say that 20% in bruxelles speak a foreign language, it may be true, but their second language is almost always french (for example the immigrants from Maghreb speaks arabic and french as well).

I repeat that I don't want to live in the same country than the flemish. I've nothing against them, but our 2 people have been forced to live together. We have never been asked wether we would like to live with them (and vice versa).

You know, nowadays there are less an less people in flanders who are learning french (and I don't care, because it's their business...)
Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 17:36 GMT
Tchekoslovakia split in 1993, because there were two nations for one country.
Nobody was opposed to this...
What's wrong with belgium??
Pierre Caroit   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 17:55 GMT
Hi everyone!!!!

Whoooo a lot of messages today!!
I totally agree with you Louvain-la-neuve, The Czech and the Slovak
split 12 years ago, and now they are both members of EU, and they're friends.
That's the best solution for us. I think Bruxelles should decide if it wants to join Wallonia or not. It will never be the flemish and the far right who will decide for our bruxellois brothers!!!!
Pierre Caroit   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 18:11 GMT
What makes me laugh is the agressivity of the flemish living near Bruxelles.
For example, One day I left bruxelles and arrived in flemish town called Dilbeeck. When you enter the city there is a roadsign on which is wriiten this sentence: "Dilbeeck, waar Vlamingen thuis zijn" = Dilbeeck, the city where the flemish are at home" You have to understand that the waloons are not (very friendly...)
They are frustrated by seeing Bruxelles is francophone so they try to intimidate us, but it doesn't work. All the roadsign written in french around are also tagged...
Tiste   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 18:22 GMT
OK, so what you're saying is
-Flemish are bad
-Walloons are good
Pierre Caroit   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 18:24 GMT
No, I'm just reporting some facts...
I've never seen the same agressivity in wallonia towards the flemish
Pierre Caroit   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 18:26 GMT
And I don't speak of all the flemish, but those we call the "flamingants", you know what I mean???
Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 18:30 GMT
True Pierre,
There are both good and bad flemish as there are good and bad Walloons.
But I totally agree with you when you say the flemish are often much more agressive towards us, especially in the flemish cities close to Bruxelles.
Tiffany   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 18:48 GMT
Forgive me, but wasn't this thread started because you hate the Flemish language and hate being considered peoples of the same nation? Isn't that agression?

Remember Jean-Pierre's post:

"Don't you have a wee bit of dignity ? Wallon is a very old dialect of french , you might even call it a regional language ( I presume you don't even speak this dialect ). It's people like you that bring your fellow-wallons down ! I love our flemish neighbours and I think we did some nasty things to them in the past :
- We didn't allow Flemish to be an official language of Belgium
- We started moving up the language-frontier and now almost 80 % of Brussels is wallon ( while it was and should be a flemish city )
- We use A LOT more money than the Flemish . We wallons have a total number of 3000 000 people and the Flemish 6000 000

So what you're saying is neither true or fair ! "

I don't really think either of you (Wallonia or Flanders) could be considered the "innocent" party. There's an expression in English "It's like the pot calling the kettle black". It may take only one person to start a fight, but it takes two to continue it.
Tiste   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 18:59 GMT
And I totally agree with that , but I only hear negative things about the Flemish ( and believe me , a lot of them is NOT true ) ...

Things like :
- That we are pro-nazi
- Agressive
- Too conservative
- We have an ugly language
- We can't adapt to francophones
- We are second class citizens
. . .

Should I go on ?
Tiste   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 19:02 GMT
These thing are making me very angry. But I won't come to my defense , because I don't to be called agressive and hatefull ...
Tiffany   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 19:24 GMT
I think everyone can see who is blaming who Tiste. Don't be afraid to defend yourself. Just don't lower yourself by doing it. Dignity is always an important thing.