California vuelve a ser mexicana, gracias al vodka

To Domine:   Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:55 am GMT
>>I smell hypocrisy. People in latin-american learn English because it's a vital economic source as you have stated, and apparently the lingua franca of the world. However, what you may not know is that the U.S. keeps them poor for reasons that I've stated before - America is an empire - and so it doesn't need any more competitors on its homeland. We'll just have to see about Brazil which has much potential.<<

This is a conspiracy and something you can't prove. The United States does a lot to help the poor in Latin America. We've had a checkered past in manipulating the politics in that part of the world, but we don't do it anymore. And thus there's no hypocrisy. Things have a way of working towards a natural order. You come here, you need to learn English to get by and avoid ridicule. We come there, we don't need to learn English because you cater to us because you want our money. It may not be fair, but it's the way things are.

>>Sure....and I'm just talking out of my behind. lol. Be honest, Americans like to be subtle about things yet when it gets to the nitty-grity it all comes down to culture; and the so-called racial color / stature. But I hope many feel this way as you do supposedly.<<

This is hogwash. Believe it or not, we have a nuanced view on immigration. Some it is based on racism, but not all. When the Irish and Italians came here, they were discriminated against, too. But they worked hard, learned English, and now they're fully assimilated. They run governments and big business, and everything is peachy. The same can and will be true of Hispanics, but it's not going to happen if they don't commit to becoming Americans, including learning the language.

>>I beg your pardon? Stubborn you've said. I think not. Many don't see no reason to learn English as they can get by here, and besides, they do jobs where Americans are not present or willing to befriend them as they have their own daily agenda therefore they're stuck in this triangle; no inspiration. In the end, they learn nothing but basic phrases or words to get by in life in America. Whereas culture-wise they much rather still with theirs.<<

Those who refuse to learn English are never going to make it big here. It's that simple. They'll be loathed by Americans, but, perhaps most importantly, they'll never be able to advance in the workforce without English. It's a sad situation, because many of us want to help those people make it here.

>>Of course the U.S. population does not control those institutions - it's your guys government. If what you say is true, why hasn't the U.N or NATO declared the U.S. a threat toward Mideast security??? They've caused circa 1,000,000 deaths already, displacement of iraquis out of their own land and have made a quagmire.<<

Let's be honest here. The U.N. has condemned the United States' actions. Furthermore, if we control those institutions, we would have used them to invade Iraq. But we don't control them, so we had to do it unilaterally. And by the way, one invasion does make us an empire.
John Adams   Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:58 am GMT
>>yeah baby -- gonna meet him again Monday to get his new book<<

Colette, when you meet Mr. Paul, please implore him to run as an independent in this Fall's presidential election. I really think he can make a big impact, he has a strong base of support, especially amongst us youngins.
Colette   Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:20 am GMT
Mr. Adams, you're right -- young people love Dr. Paul. When I was campaigning for him near Madison Square Garden all these young people were cheering when they walked by the signs we were holding up, honking their horns with approval, etc.

This will be my second time meeting him -- I got to meet him this fall when he was in NYC getting interviewed on CNN. He was awesome. You wanna see something cute? Go here:

P.S. I recommend the book John Adams & The Spirit of Liberty if you are into the Founding era.
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:22 am GMT
Have fun in dream land , Mr. Ron Paul. Mwahahahahahhahahahhaha
John Adams   Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:04 am GMT
Some people don't make any sense at all.

Anyways, Colette, your video won't load for me.
Domine   Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:48 am GMT
">This is a conspiracy and something you can't prove. The United States does a lot to help the poor in Latin America. We've had a checkered past in manipulating the politics in that part of the world, but we don't do it anymore. And thus there's no hypocrisy. Things have a way of working towards a natural order. You come here, you need to learn English to get by and avoid ridicule. We come there, we don't need to learn English because you cater to us because you want our money. It may not be fair, but it's the way things are.<"

The proof is out there - you just have to put your beliefs outside the box. The United States still uses Big Stick Diplomacy upon Latin-Americans; proof of this was seen via the Colombian and Venezuelan strife. However, nowadays they tend to throw in their former rulers to quell it as well. As a result, the U.S. still manipulates the world to its liking to a great degree, we only have to see Iraq, and how the U.S. ignored all the world organizations of the world upon doing another successful attempt on that region as they did in the early 90s. Egotism goes a long way towards no where.

Ridicule? Are you kidding me....if anything -many Americans- would just walk away or try to communicate in a civil manner. Latin-American countries need the U.S. to prosper (minus a few) because the U.S. has made them so dependable on them that many owe the U.S. tons of money as the U.S. loans in mala fide ways, and so the U.S. obtains an upper hand on those countries affairs. Many ex CIA agents have come forth about this material, reliable books have also been written.

">This is hogwash. Believe it or not, we have a nuanced view on immigration. Some it is based on racism, but not all. When the Irish and Italians came here, they were discriminated against, too. But they worked hard, learned English, and now they're fully assimilated. They run governments and big business, and everything is peachy. The same can and will be true of Hispanics, but it's not going to happen if they don't commit to becoming Americans, including learning the language.<"

The Irish, Italians and Jews at the beginning of the 20th century were indeed treated as Mexicans are presently, however, all of this changed slowly (many seem to forget this part) up until the two major World Wars all of this became irrelevant. As WW2 vets / people were seen as the greatest generation of the U.S. thereupon cohesively placing their personal views aside and embracing this new dogma. Plus, these people were given many necessities (i.e., housing) from the spoils of war. On a plus side....All people whom were Catholic were less discriminated. Judaism was seen in a new light. Irish people were accepted into the American high class. In the end, this cohesively brought them together and they have the World Wars to thank for its benefits.

But...everybody seems to forget that these people also had problems similar or alike to that of Mexicans: for one> they had gangs, they lived in shacks (10 people for one bed-room), finally they were given the dirtest jobs, and Americans despised them for their culture / religion. Moreover living & working conditions have changed since then. Italians still retained their language up until the 60s. Whereas Jews still possess it -they'll never give it up. The Irish got a holiday. The Blacks in the coming years got a new awakening. As for the Mexicans - nil.

You mentioned Hispanics shall never raise to success unless they become Americanized, and in another post you were lenient enough to say they would be accepted in regardless of this as long as they learn English. I don't think becoming Americanized will make them any smarter (perhaps dumber and discrimatory? lol.) You're one confused sheep - I tell ya.

">Those who refuse to learn English are never going to make it big here. It's that simple. They'll be loathed by Americans, but, perhaps most importantly, they'll never be able to advance in the workforce without English. It's a sad situation, because many of us want to help those people make it here.<"

Sure; like the good samaritans Americans are known to be. Give me a break. Many Mexicans do advance, others don't, because they like the closeness of their people within their parameters. Why do you think many stay together as other cultures (i.e. Asians) do. And even those cultures have preserved their languages, culture and what have you alongside the American one. Mexicans shall overcome this obstacle by showing the American people -sooner or later- they don't have to give up their language or culture to be accepted in this egotistical country. They just might make California into an hetereogenous locus.

">Let's be honest here. The U.N. has condemned the United States' actions. Furthermore, if we control those institutions, we would have used them to invade Iraq. But we don't control them, so we had to do it unilaterally. And by the way, one invasion does make us an empire.<"

The U.S. did use them in the early 90s, moreover, the U.N's agenda didn't cut it for the Americans. The U.N was smart in not taking out or going after Saddam - they know or did their homework. As a result, George Walker Bush did not want Iraq to end up like it did beforehand with his father; so he had his strategy changed towards taking out Saddam, weapons of mass destruction, oil revenue and all the opposition. Most of which proved to be misleading or false data.

The U.N may have condemned U.S. actions, however, they have not taken any procedures upon taking the U.S. out of the equation. It goes to show the U.S. runs the show; as the U.N or NATO are protectorates of the U.S. government. One invasion? Ever heard of Vietnam? That was an invasion too, supposedly about the "communist" scare that Johnson had implanted into the American minds. In the end, all they really wanted is to keep a checkpoint on China by the means of Vietnam. nd this is just one example.
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:05 am GMT
The reason the immigrants don't integrate into American culture is that America has no culture. Asking cultured people to suddenly become uncultured is a ridiculous thing to do, almost as ridiculous as asking Americans to become cultured!
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:37 am GMT
Inmigrants only have to obey the law, appart from that they can speak Spanish and refuse to speak English if they want.
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:17 pm GMT
The British did such a thorough job of spreading their culture (and language)

Yes, everybody knows the hard work they did buthcering, massacring, repressing, conquering, stealing lands and exploiting all the resources of the conquered countries after the usual good genocide. Truly a great work.
If there is a "third world" until today is thanks to Britain and other European countries which left the ruins after the fall of colonialism.
Be proud of that.
The Israel/Palestinian war? Let's check the responsible: OH! USA and UK!
Spread "their culture"? Which culture has England??? This one? They had better to stay home then.
Now the US take the place of Britain and they are doing pretty the same, obviously they cannot use the same means because times are changed, but mentality is pretty the same.
I guess they invaded Iraq to bring basket and baseball. Right? Such an high culture.
The patethic thing is that you don't want realize it or you pretend not to know.
You are always talking about "freedom", you have always that word in the mouth. You always do a pathetic and comical propaganda in the movies of such "freedom". Don't you know that people laugh at that? Do you really think people believe it's the true image of US?
You speak about liberty but you don't know well what it is and ABOVE ALL you always forget to say that this freedom is always ONLY for you!!!
Colette   Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:03 pm GMT
<<Yes, everybody knows the hard work they did buthcering, massacring, repressing, conquering, stealing lands and exploiting all the resources of the conquered countries after the usual good genocide. Truly a great work.
If there is a "third world" until today is thanks to Britain and other European countries which left the ruins after the fall of colonialism.>>

Oh, like Spain, for example? At least Britain's colonies were a success...
Colita   Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:13 pm GMT
Oh, like Spain, for example? At least Britain's colonies were a success...

Yes, of course... Uganda, Malawi and Zimbabwe are an amazing success! However Chile, Uruguay and Argentina are the poorest countries on Earth!

P.D. Your psicologist must earn a lot of money!
Colette   Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:16 pm GMT
<<Oh, like Spain, for example? At least Britain's colonies were a success...

Yes, of course... Uganda, Malawi and Zimbabwe are an amazing success! However Chile, Uruguay and Argentina are the poorest countries on Earth!

P.D. Your psicologist must earn a lot of money!>>

Dude, your ad hominen attacks are tiring, but amusing. And please, learn English.

Britain's major colonies were a success -- NONE of Spain's are or were. End of story. But again, people like you consider economic matters to be unimportant, for some strange reason...
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:19 pm GMT
''However Chile, Uruguay and Argentina are the poorest countries on Earth! ''

One of the poorest, with one of the highest GINO index around (it means 99% of wealth is shared by only 1 % of population)
English Rose   Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:19 pm GMT
"Yes, of course... Uganda, Malawi and Zimbabwe are an amazing success! However Chile, Uruguay and Argentina are the poorest countries on Earth!"

Leave it to this guy to leave out the United States of America, Canada, and Australia... is he a cretin?
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:21 pm GMT
''However Chile, Uruguay and Argentina are the poorest countries on Earth! ''

One of the poorest, with one of the highest GINI index around (it means 99% of wealth is shared by only 1 % of population)