California vuelve a ser mexicana, gracias al vodka

Guest69   Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:36 pm GMT
Argentina, Chile, España, USA (Hispanos), Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay, Mexico y Panama tienen un indice de desarrollo humano alto.
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:09 pm GMT
Oh, like Spain, for example? At least Britain's colonies were a success...

Yes, a success for WHO?? an amazing success for the erased people who live there!
Are you so amazingly dumb or do you just reflect the average level of your country? I think both unfortunately.
Interesting interpretation of what a "success" is, this explains a lot of things in present times!!!
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:17 pm GMT
British colonies are so successful that half of Africa is trying to arrive to Spain. What a joke. I would throw all them to a ship and send to their beloved fatherland UK.
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:23 pm GMT
I don't know what is more sickening: your obese person or your sickening mentality.
If I go in Australia (just an example out of dozens) I'll tell Aborigens that British colonies were a great success!!!
They brought greedy, capitalism, environmental distructions, diseases, genocides, slavery, bigotry, cultural extincions, weapons, wars, exploitation, alchool, racism, repressions, segregationism, stolen lands and illegal pillage, animal extinctions concrete everywhere, the money-as-a-god mentality etc. etc...... sooooo great success!!!
I can't even imagine if it wasn't a "success".
You can avoid to shout at Spain everytime, you are not better at all! with the difference that your destructions were protracted in a much LARGER scale. Would you compare the illegal land aquistions of Spain with the British ones?
Conchita Garcia-Lopesssss   Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:32 pm GMT
It's pretty funny that the Hispanic Trollster thinks Spain was some saint when it comes to colonizing other lands, but Britain was so evil. At least Britain was able to produce a high percentage of the economic giants of the world (in addition to itself). What happened to Mehico and Latin America, Spain?
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:40 pm GMT
At least Spain leaved much of the ethnic make-up of South America untouched. You can travel to Peru for example and see that 90% of population is native indian. Where are the native indians in US, Conchita ? They are dead and a few who survived are in reserves. Hitler was a learner compared to you.
Mary Pamela Smithhhhhhhh   Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:46 pm GMT
Nowadays European countries which didn’t take a single drop of oil have to bear the mass migrations of people from Africa and Middle East thanks to France and England which made their dirty affairs for centuries. They built their wealth on exploitation otherwise they wouldn’t be anyone now.
The other European countries have to collect the ruins of what the beloved British and French did.
Before the colonialism (that’s to say only 200 years ago) nobody gave a shit of that soaking island from immemorial time. Then with the discovery of America trade courses moved from Mediterranean to Atlantic and this was their fortune otherwise they can keep dreaming of an “empire”. Just to be clear. Full stop.
Why do English get so angry when people on this forum tell the truth? Afraid to hear the truth? Not so good to hear?
You have exploited those people for centuries, in my opinion you have to TAKE THEM ALL now.
It’s right: first you exploited them, now you must maintain them. No blubbering.
And please learn a language because I am fed up to write in English.
Skippy   Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:50 pm GMT
I disagree, I think the Italians, Irish, and Jews at the turn of the century had it MUCH worse than illegal immigrants in America have it today. You have to keep in mind that they had frequent gang wars in Boston between the Irish and Italians and in New York between the Americans of English ancestry against the Irish. And until everyone took note of the plight of the Jews before and during the Holocaust, everyone was against them.
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:07 pm GMT
shut up with these idiocies, South Americans control drug affairs. Who fu**g care about things happened 100 years ago?? WAKE UP
Guerrillero   Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:31 pm GMT
and what country go this drugs? yes, to the north because you and the asshole like you are drug addict
Guest   Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:41 pm GMT
what's wrong in being drug addicted?
Colette   Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:56 pm GMT
Herr Wunderbar   Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:58 pm GMT
Oh, es tut mir leid -- wo ist "Latin America"???
Guest69   Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:56 pm GMT
En este mapa. Todos los paises en color verde se consideran de alto desarrollo humano:

Aqui puedes ver a Argentina, Chile, España, USA (Hispanos), Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay, Mexico y Panama entre otros.
Conchita Garcia-Lopesssss   Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:08 pm GMT
<<Oh, es tut mir leid -- wo ist "Latin America"???>>

Wait, there is one tiny blue spot on that map in South America -- look again... oops! It's French Guiana, and they speak French there, ironically enough...