California vuelve a ser mexicana, gracias al vodka

Guest   Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:11 pm GMT
Canada is developed, it has an advanced public healthcare ok. But Canada does not count because it is partly francophone. The only anglophone developed country is Australia.
Common Sense   Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:29 am GMT
I don't know what world this guy is living on. Looks like I have to bestow upon you some common sense.

<< Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia (especially) -- all-encompasing religion and morality (no bars, drinking, for example) >>

This is YOUR point of view. I don't see a problem with bar or drinking. I also see no problem with religion. But if it dictates people's lives by force (through government or pious, power-hungry clerics), then this is bad. People say: but there is no crime in Saudi Arabia blah blah etc., but women have virtually no rights and you can get punished or killed for "un-islamic" actions. This is oppression in my book and not worthy of modern civilization. Remeber that woman in the news who was gang raped and after was facing charges and phyiscal punishment for "socializing with a man who was not a relative". Only a warped person would think this is truly moral and a problem free place.

Besides, religion is a metaphysical thing. There is no way to prove which or any of it is real. If people choose to believe then it's ok, but it shouldn't be forced. Moral codes are a good thing, but laws don't need to be dictated by religion in the modern world.

<< China, India -- fantastic culture stretching back to the dawn of time -- now becoming the center of technology and economic developement. >>

Yes, fantastic culture full of history. Yet, if you look at actual facts and statistics, you will find many problems today, especially in the area of poverty, but you should already be aware of that. Most people are poor in India and China besides all the hype. Also, a lot of their development is helped by foreign investment by the US and Europe.

<< Namibia -- fantastic dark skies and weather for astroimaging >>

Ok. But still a poor african nation. Sorry, but clear sky for star gazing dosen't make a country problem free.

<< US -- spiritual/moral decadence>>

Your opinion, POV. Besides, I don't think oppressive, controlling religious law is any better. Either extreme is bad. You think the US is the only place with problems of "moral decadence"? Think again my friend.

<< economic and technological stagnation >>

Slowed down, yes, but still on top. Don't all economies go though periods like this anyways? What? you think China and India are invincible to this in the future?

<< light pollution and clouds everywhere >>

Ha! Serious? You haven't noticed the clouds in China? Also, as China and India become more modern, they will obviously have light pollution too.

Also, someone mentioned that European coutries like France, Spain, Belgium etc are "problem free". Jeez, as if that isn't a gross generalization.
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:26 am GMT
<<I don't know what world this guy is living on. Looks like I have to bestow upon you some common sense.>>

I guess I should have added a smiley face :) to my prior two posts.

<<Ha! Serious? You haven't noticed the clouds in China? Also, as China and India become more modern, they will obviously have light pollution too.>>

Theres already plenty of light pollution in China, especially in places like Hong Kong.
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:48 am GMT
Yeah, I think the "Guest" speaking of trying to discourage people from immigrating here to the United States was joking, especially in regards to his list of alternative countries. The post was brilliant. If the United States is such an awful place and is so culturally void, it's a wonder why millions of people are immigrating here (legally and illegally) every year.

We have our problems, but we still have it better off than most.
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:56 am GMT
The UK is far superior to the USA.
Common Sense   Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:22 am GMT
If he was joking then I feel a little silly, but with all the stupid comments posted here, sometimes it's hard to see who is joking or not.
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:13 am GMT
Europe receives more migrants than US ! And they are treated better.
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:29 am GMT
God   Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:33 am GMT
Europe receives more migrants than US ! And they are treated better.

I'm God, what else do you need?
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:49 am GMT
<<The UK is far superior to the USA. >>

Except for astroimaging (it's too far north).

Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:12 pm GMT
The only anglophone developed country is Australia.

If Australia is a "developed" country I'm the Queen
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:39 pm GMT
Australia is certainly not a developed country and you're not the Queen but you might be a queen nevertheless.
Gringo Express   Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:39 pm GMT
<<<<Of course the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada are fully developed. Much moreso than any Hispanic country.>>>>

<<You think so.
Considering the level of stupidity and crass ignorance in those countries (Australia too) I wouldn't call them "fully developed">>

Oh yes, the Hispanic countries are paradigms of high civilization, culture, and education! They have to be with Spain as their mother!
Skippy   Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:22 pm GMT
I'm not sure why you think any nation is 'far superior' to the US.
Guest   Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:28 pm GMT
<<I'm not sure why you think any nation is 'far superior' to the US. >>

Many nations are far superior to the US in different ways:

- Oil wealth: Canada, Middle eastern countries, etc. (you need to exclude the US oil shale, which might or might not be worth something someday)

- Population: India, China

- Land area: Russia, Canada, China

- History+Culture: Most countries, especially, China, India, Italy, middle East.

- Education: Many European and Asian countries.

Obviously, there's no country that exceeds the US in every way.