California vuelve a ser mexicana, gracias al vodka

K. T.   Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:45 am GMT
Why is your name "Guest"?
Gringo Express   Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:57 am GMT
<<К.Т. why is your nickname K.T.? Don't you feel sorry for the other letters of the alphabet? Maybe, rotate depending on the day?>>

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA His "partner" insisted that he do as you suggest and alternate initials, but K.T. has felt like living dangerously lately.
K. T.   Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:17 am GMT
I understand the joke. I try not to show favouritism about languages because some of the posters here act like kids in high school rooting for their favourite language as if it were an athletic team.

Go into a bookstore in the US. There are lots of books to learn Spanish, a lesser number for French and German, some for Italian and then whatever languages are popular or the heritage languages of local people.
WTF   Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:07 am GMT
<< I think you are overestimating English. Remember, of the countries which speak it only Canada, USA and UK can be really considered fully developed. >>

What's your point? By this scale, how many Latin American countries are "fully developed"? None! In Africa? None! In Asia? Just Japan, maybe S. Korea. So, you are obviously underestimating English.
WTF   Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:13 am GMT
<< I am judging it OBJECTIVELY. Like God judges man. Because i'm not perturbed by moral intranquility and political idealism. >>

Guest you sound like a pompous ass. I'm glad that you are so famililar with how God thinks. Gimme a break!
Colette   Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:20 am GMT
I wanna get pregnant.
Guest   Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:00 am GMT
<<Go into a bookstore in the US. >>

What? Are you trying to say there are bookstores in US America?
John Adams   Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:24 am GMT
People around here toss the term "P.C." around left and right, it's to the point of being ridiculous. Most often I've found that it's not even being used in the correct context.

P.C. = Politically Correct

Here's an example of something that is not politically correct to say: "Hispanics in the United States are relegated to the shit jobs like picking berries and serving as housekeepers." That is something that people would not say in public because it of the rules of being politically correct. The funny thing about those unwritten rules is that something cannot be said if it isn't PC, even if it may hold some level of truth.
Pëtr   Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:45 am GMT
It would be very nice if in US they speak Spanish, they would be much more cool
Guest   Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:53 am GMT
That the Hispanic migrants usually do the worst paid works is true, but one thing is to say this as a pure fact and another one is to repeat it over and over to belittle the Spanish speakers like some folks like trollete and his/her multiple identities do on here. This is not politically incorrect only, it's also product of blatant hatred against Spanish. Do you think that by saying this you will make the number of Spanish students to diminish in US? Also it's not completely true, since in Florida most of the Hispanics are Cubans , not Mexicans, and have the same level of instruction and average income than non Hispanic whites, if not higher. So you can't generalise, dumbass.
Guest   Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:55 pm GMT
What happens with Jamaica?
it was under British rule from 1655 to 1962 and its HDI rank was 101 in 2005. Check it out:

Panama,Argentina,Brazil,Peru .. were higher. So please rethink again.

However, I would like to go there on vacation.
K. T.   Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:18 pm GMT
To some people, PC means that if I think it's morally correct to treat Spanish-speaking patients or even treat them as people, someone will say that I am gay at antimoon, lol.
Guest   Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:15 pm GMT
of the countries which speak it only Canada, USA and UK can be really considered fully developed

....... REALLY????? well, I have MANY SERIOUS SERIOUS DOUBTS they are...
Guest   Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:15 am GMT
Again, the Hispanic Fanatics here are past the point of absurdity. Of course the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada are fully developed. Much moreso than any Hispanic country.
Guest   Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:30 am GMT
US is a third world country. All the world saw how stupid people in US dead miserably when the Hurricane Katrina passed over Louisiana because their government has no infraestructure to evacuate people quickly. In Japan they have strong quakes and nobody dies because they are a true developed country, not that third world country called US which only have military power but normal people are treated like shit. Haha.