quite interesting, don't you think?
Table of Lexical Similarities between the Modern Romance Languages (in %)
French Spanish Catalan Portuguese Rhaeto-
Romansh Italian Sardinian Rumanian
French — 75 N/A. 75 78 89 80 75
Spanish 75 — 85 89 74 82 76 71
Catalan N/A. 85 — N/A. N/A. 87 N/A. N/A.
Portuguese 75 89 N/A. — N/A. N/A. 78 N/A.
Romansh 78 74 N/A. N/A. — 82 74 N/A.
Italian 89 82 87 N/A. 82 — 85 77
Sardinian 80 76 N/A. 78 74 85 — 74
Rumanian 75 71 N/A. N/A. N/A. 77 74 —
These can't be right. French is about 40% similar to (Vulgar) Latin
You even don't speak french or latin.
And the logic in that is?
The logic is i don't believe somebody who does not know anything about the subject. So, ok you gave me your point of view. Well, very well, please go to an other topic now, it would be nice of you, thank you.
You know nothing about me or what I know about a subject.I didn't give my opinion about the false and unclear information, you provided on this topic, I gave a fact.
What are you trying to accomplish with this topic anyway?Yes and No answers of people who speak French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Roman, Italian, Sardinian, Rumanian and Latin?
Despite Sander being wrong, why must a person speak Latin and French before they can comment on either language? I can say that Romanian is the closest Romance language to Classical Latin but I don't speak either Romanian or Latin.
Tiffany shut up you idiot.
Don't worry Sander, I know that couldn't have been you.
Hi Tiffany!
Obviously anyone who knows solid facts about the Romance languages can comment on them, even if he doesn't speak any of them.
Only because French is my native language and I speak/I'm learning some other Romance languages doesn't mean I am better at reading a study about the similarities between said languages.
However, my personal experience as a speaker and learner of Romance languages allows me to find the study quoted by Troubadour very likely, while someone with no knowledge of them will have to rely on studies he read previously. ;-)
I found the source on the net btw:
PS: Quand est-ce que tu reviendras participer au jeu « L'elenco dei contrari » que tu as lancé sur Langcafé ? :-)
Forgot to put my name. :-)
I never said Troubadour had his facts wrong, however I did bristle a bit when he pretty much told Sander that he had no business commenting because he didn't speak the langauges he was commenting on. That's just rude, as were the rest of his replies to Sander, despite using "please" and "thank you".
Yes, Sander can be a little straight-forward at times, but it was obvious that his reply was not malicious, so there was no need for such a reaction. Anyway, I don't like to see this board brought down, but as you can see from the other threads on the Language forum, I can't really do too much.
L'Elenco dei contrari: pensavo che il thread non fosse interassante per nessuno. Quando l'ho abbandonato, solo greg e Julian hanno scritto e ho pensato che loro fossero simpatici, ma non interessati. Ritornerò presto :) Va bene?