Pure english
This is a "languages" forum. We could increase in our knowledge of our "favourite" languages if everyone wrote in their native languages.
I get the impression that several posters are polyglots here, not just me.
If you don't like other languages, why post here?
People can post in other languages in 'language specific' topics but not in the topics discussing languages in general. I don't understand every language, not even the main ones. Not that I'm not interested in them, but I doubt it'd be a good idea to learn from the posts here...
I agree. I always see "greg" replying to people French when most people here don't speak it and it's annoying.
"People can post in other languages in 'language specific' topics but not in the topics discussing languages in general."
That seems reasonable, but I still support the right of others to post in their native languages. I don't agree, but some people still consider French an passport language-a language someone can use anywhere and that's how Miguel used to use it.
They have the right to do it... I guess it's up to them if they want to be understood or not...
I agree. I always see "greg" replying to people French when most people here don't speak it and it's annoying.
If greg would consider to write simple standard French instead of his Parisian over elaborated one, it would be easier for everybod.
Luxury Spanish products: balenciaga dresses, manolos shoes, tous jewelry and so on. Probably teutonica you are so fucking poor that you never heard of them.
<<,Luxury Spanish products: balenciaga dresses, manolos shoes, tous jewelry and so on. Probably teutonica you are so fucking poor that you never heard of them. >>
We note (i.e. "use") you for novelty, recreation, etc.
You are like a fad to us. It's fashionable, not because of real quality, but because we fancy believing that what you produce is worth something--it's different and from far away. No other reason than that.
You are dependent on our germanic good will and virtue. Like pets...
...I Jahhst Keedding! :|)
I don't consume German products, the companies that make them built their fortune exploiting the jewish prisoners during the II World War. They can be as good as you can but they don't meet my ethic standard.
<<You go to Mallorca, JLK? Hmmm, that's interesting. That reminds me of Miguel. I didn't like some of his opinions, but he had some interesting stories. I also liked it when he wrote in his native language. I wish everyone would write in their native languages here.>>
You seem to take a keen interest in my life for a man who values his own privacy so much.
<<Ha ha ha! What about that German whore who sucked my member last time I was in Germany?>>
She/he was probably an immigrant....from Spain.
One thing I have to point out is the many of the great modern inventions came from the Germanics (including Anglos and Americans). Printing press, Industrial revolution, electricity, light bulbs, telephones, cars, planes, computers, etc. Where were the Latin people on these things?
Telephone was invented by an Italian!
We enjoy the fruits of our labors. It's noble Latins like yourself who hand us towels and martinis on the beaches of Mallorca.
Yes, you enjoy eating the paellas that I spit on before serving them to the british and german tourist. They have an special taste, right?. It's a common practice among waiters in Majorca, so bon apetit!.