The most useful languages for world travel

Erik   Sun May 11, 2008 10:45 pm GMT
According to this webpage the most useful languages for world travel are:

1. English

2. Spanish

3. Chinese

4. Russian

5. Arabic

6. French

7. Hindi

8. Urdu

9. Swahili

10. German

Perhaps, French (only 6th) and German (only 10th) are not very useful languages for world travel. I am not sure. What do you think about that?
Erik   Sun May 11, 2008 10:47 pm GMT
Guest   Sun May 11, 2008 10:49 pm GMT
I think that French is overrated by that webpage. It's the 15th most useful or even less.
Erik   Sun May 11, 2008 10:56 pm GMT
Why? In France a lot of people speak English but not all of them.
Guest   Sun May 11, 2008 11:28 pm GMT
The usual Hispanic fanatic thread - moderator, can you please discard?
Guest   Sun May 11, 2008 11:43 pm GMT
Do the " Spanish fanatics" have the blame because French is declining and much less important than Spanish ? Accept the facts ,mate.
Guest   Sun May 11, 2008 11:45 pm GMT
Yes. That is true. This webpage is writen by an American, not Spanish fanatics.
Guest   Mon May 12, 2008 12:18 am GMT
<< Do the " Spanish fanatics" have the blame because French is declining and much less important than Spanish ? Accept the facts ,mate. >>

It's getting really boring to have this discussion yet again.

Hey, by the way...

Is Spanish known for having been the language responsible for any modern scientific discovery or technological invention in the last fifty years?
Spanish Ultrafanatic   Mon May 12, 2008 12:29 am GMT
<< Is Spanish known for having been the language responsible for any modern scientific discovery or technological invention in the last fifty years?

Yes there are:
Dr. César Milstein. Premio Nobel de Medicina y Farmacología 1984
Dr. Bernardo A. Houssay. Premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología 1947
Dr. Luis Federico Leloir. Premio Nobel de Química 1970

By the way, we are talking about TOURISM, not SCIENCE or TECHNOLOGY.
Guest   Mon May 12, 2008 12:42 am GMT
Yes we are. Please frogs keep on topic. Thanks.
joker   Mon May 12, 2008 1:42 am GMT
I understand why French and German are further down the list. They are European languages and of the Euro region where English is dominate. Meaning that you can find English almost anywhere where French and German are. Also, a lot of French and German people learn and speak English and they use it when they travel, especially outside of Europe.
Basically, I think many Europeans can speak English anyways so the others are less necessary for tourism.

Now Spanish, Chinese and the rest all have their own respective regions of where they are dominate and English is not, Latin Amercia, East Asia etc...

Bottom line, English is used about everywhere for tourism and is by far the most convenient overall.
Guest   Mon May 12, 2008 1:50 am GMT
See the comments on that webpage, especially this one:

"I have to disagree with your list of most useful languages. French is spoken on 5 of the 7 continents and is used widely in business and foreign affairs. This language is extremely useful throughout the world. It seems that everyone has jumped on the bandwagon to discount the usefulness of French as our relations with France have become stressed. What a big mistake!"

What can one add more?
Guest   Mon May 12, 2008 2:06 am GMT
Dr. César Milstein. Premio Nobel de Medicina y Farmacología 1984
Dr. Bernardo A. Houssay. Premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología 1947
Dr. Luis Federico Leloir. Premio Nobel de Química 1970


Firstly, you didn't even mention what these people did to deserve the Nobel prize?!

Secondly, the latest Nobel prize owned by a Spanish-speaking person was 24 years ago, almost a quarter of a century ago!

Spain, which is the richest speaking country, couldn't even join the European Union and maintain its membership without financial assistance and aid from the big EU powers, France and Germany!
Spanish scientific and technological contributions to the world are non-existant and Spain is by far less economically powerful than either Germany of France.
mac   Mon May 12, 2008 2:08 am GMT
<< French is spoken on 5 of the 7 continents and is used widely in business and foreign affairs. >>

I LOVE this claim. If you wanna be "technical then I suppose so, but....

Of the 5 continents:

North America - A minority language. Only Quebec, and Haiti is nothing to be proud of.

South America - An exreme minority language. Only that very small territory that is considered part of France anyways.

Europe - Yes, of course it is strong here.

Africa - Yes, it also has presence here.

Asia - A very very exreme minority language. Some people in tiny Lebannon and a few is Laos or whatever. C'mon now! By that logic, I can say that Spanish is "spoken" in Africa. Give it up!

So of the 5 continents, only in 2 does French have a major presence with one a minor but noticable presence (Europe, Africa, N. America) It is quite a strech to include S. America and Asia has places where French "is spoken". Besides, many more people in Asia learn and speak English anyways, so French is farily useless there.

It is used in business and foreign affairs, but so is English to a much larger degree even in the EU. People discount the usefullness of French not because of relations, but because it is simply less usefull now.
Guesto   Mon May 12, 2008 2:10 am GMT
<< Spanish scientific and technological contributions to the world are non-existant and Spain is by far less economically powerful than either Germany of France. >>

Hey Frog, stay on topic. We are talking about tourism.