Languages in Spain
1. Are Catalan language(Català) and Spanish lanuguage(Castellano) mutually intelligible?
2. Are Galician language(Galego) and Spanish language(Castellano) mutually intelligible?
3. How come Spanish language is not as big/popular as German or French in Europe?
<<Who Cares>>
I know.
I got the feeling he already knows the answers, but just wants to talk about his language (SPANISH) because he just so d@mn loves it so much
1. Yes to a certain degree, they are 85% in lexical similarities.
2. Yes totally
3. Believe me Spanish is waaay mor epopular than German and French, atleast outside of europe. its for example why isent German and French popular in north & south america...?
Spanish is more popular than German in France and Italy but less than Englisch.
<<he just so d@mn loves it so much
Lo amo porque es mi VIDA. Porque cuando leo cosas como estas en español me hace sentir algo que no te lo puedo explicar con palabras:
¿Qué es poesía?, dices mientras clavas
en mi pupila tu pupila azul.
¿Qué es poesía?, ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Poesía...eres tú.
With the translation in english i don't feel the same,sorry
What is poetry?
you say while you fix
in my pupil your blue pupil;
What is poetry! And you ask it to me?
Poetry... is you.
I think it is something you cannot undertand:
España, mi natura, Italia my ventura, Flandes mi sepultura.
<<Lo amo porque es mi VIDA>>
y esto esta bien, pero no deje a su pasion ponerse el mejor de usd.
al final de su VIDA, la lengua espanola no se acurrucara alrededor de su cama y le consolara en sus ultimos momentos en la terra...
Spanish is popular in Europe. people learn English or German because it is needed but doesn't really like it, while they learn Spanish because they like it.
<<Lo amo porque es mi VIDA. Porque cuando leo cosas como estas en español me hace sentir algo que no te lo puedo explicar con palabras:
So why don't you and Ms. Spanish (or Señor Spanish, if you go that way) go get a room somewhere and leave the rest of us alone.
Your annoying and incessant plugging of Spanish reminds me of certain religious fervor
Can't you just love Spanish by yourself?
<<le consolara en sus ultimos momentos en la terra... >>
Te equivocas. Seguro que mi último aliento de vida será para decir algo en español:
Mamá, Te Quiero.
<<Spanish is popular in Europe. >>
<<people learn English or German because it is needed>>
<<but doesn't really like it, while they learn Spanish because they like it. >>
<<Spanish is popular in Europe. >>
Es mentira que sea mentira. En Francia e Italia el español es muy popular. Italia + Francia = 120 millones de habitantes = 33% of European population
<<somewhere and leave the rest of us alone. >>
No problem mate. Remove all the spanish comments in this forum and i will happy with your lonliness.
Can't you just love Spanish by yourself?
Sí, así sea.
<<Te equivocas. Seguro que mi último aliento de vida será para decir algo en español:
Mamá, Te Quiero. >>
but that has nothing to do with Spanish.
That has everything to do with Mom, and I respect that.
<<Es mentira que sea mentira. En Francia e Italia el español es muy popular. Italia + Francia = 120 millones de habitantes = 33% of European population >>
popular? or an easy 'A'?