Doing threesome is fine enough!
What do you think of Michael Phelps' accent?
Back to the subject, Michael's accent sounds pretty GAE (coming from someone who speaks SAE) to me but he does seem to have a lisp or some type of speech issue. From watching him speak close up it looks like it might have something to do with the structure of his teeth, he does need orthodontic work!
Yeah, it's just a structure thing, I think.
Laura, I've never heard of insurance not paying for injuries sustained without a helmet. Injuries are injuries. People wear helmets because a lot of effort has gone into advertising the risks of not wearing them. They didn't exist at all when I was a kid, and now they are pretty popular. Also, the rise of extreme sports and less extreme but still somewhat dangerous sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX, etc., has made protective gear affordable and even somewhat fashionable. But laws vary a lot -- in my state, you aren't even required to wear a helmet on a motorcycle! Collect all the bugs in your teeth that you want. In other states, helmets are required by law.
Laura, I've never heard of insurance not paying for injuries sustained without a helmet. Injuries are injuries. People wear helmets because a lot of effort has gone into advertising the risks of not wearing them. They didn't exist at all when I was a kid, and now they are pretty popular. Also, the rise of extreme sports and less extreme but still somewhat dangerous sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX, etc., has made protective gear affordable and even somewhat fashionable. But laws vary a lot -- in my state, you aren't even required to wear a helmet on a motorcycle! Collect all the bugs in your teeth that you want. In other states, helmets are required by law.
It looks like he has an underbite and he doesnt use the proper placement of his toungue for certain sounds. I am surprised he has not had speech therapy