<<French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said European nations were considering imposing sanctions against Russia while Germany called for an investigation into alleged abuses in Georgia. ยป
see EU is split within!
see EU is split within!
What do you think of Michael Phelps' accent?
<<French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said European nations were considering imposing sanctions against Russia while Germany called for an investigation into alleged abuses in Georgia. ยป
see EU is split within!
The West is absolutely practicing double standards on the issues of Kosovo and South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Russia certainly sees through the trick therein.
<<Maybe it's the rule of the road over here that they think it's fine to ride their clapped out bicycles (no doubt illegaly nicked off a waste recycling site - no pun intended) on the pavements - that's sidewalks to those not familar with the word pavement - frightening little old ladies on their way down to the local church hall to a WI market and coffee morning.>>
We have the same situation here in Los Angeles, but it's usually the Hispanic immigrants who use the sidewalks as highways for their bicycle excursions. Even though it's against the law, it seems to have become the norm to do so, and the cops do nothing about it. But what does this all have to do with Michael Phelps' accent?
<But what does this all have to do with Michael Phelps' accent? >
Michael Phelps, Sports, Gay, Identity Politics, Separatist Movements, Aha, all hottest topics today in the world. Isn't that perfectly understandable?!
>> Are there in USA special roads for bicycles?
We have bike lanes. http://illuminatela.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/03-25-07_1438.jpg
It's fairly popular. You always see skinny guys in spandex puffing up impossibly steep inclines in the strangest places. I think the gaudy spandex is there way of telling everyone that they are deadly serious about their cycling -- this ain't just a Sunday bike ride around the block. They will be working groups of muscles the rest of us didn't know we had, much less are able to spell, they will be stretching out first, and there will be power bars and carrot juice at the end of it. Also, their bike cost as much as one of my mortgage payments, and is lovingly stored in the bedroom next to their futon, not in the garage.
Sharing that love of expensive toys, if not perhaps the fondness for wheatgrass shakes, are the mountain bike set. They just like to be dirty, and trade the stretches and power bars for beer and weed and bandages after their rides. I think most people in the US who like to bike do so recreationally more than as a basic means of getting from point A to point B, although there are, of course, the people who do that as well. And yes, most major streets will have a side lane set aside for bicyclists. Footpaths often allow bicycling as well, although on the street they are expected to behave as other vehicles and follow the rules of the road just like cars or motorcycles.
What is money? Money is what makes a man act funny. Money is the root of all evil.
Guest you asked about bicycle riding in USA. I can tell you : it's very popular there. there are special bicycle trials, you can ride your bike with miles... But I have no idea why all americans wear helmets. Someone told me that insurance company will not pay any damages on your body if you aren't wearing helmet. There is something like unwritten low how to behave... when you hear 'on your left' , you have to stay on your right otherwise you are in high risk to get smashed by someone who is passing by with high speed. On every metro station there you can lock your bike and to continue with metro, or you can ride your bike and when you get tired you can hang on your bike on the special place on the bus (metro buses allowed that) and to come back home.