Languages with the most Nobel Prizes in Literature
Literature uses only: English, French, German, Russian.
The rest is irrelevant.
Nobel prizes are fucking worthless. They are only driven now by political correctness. Third world writers nobody wants to read have to be awarded. I expect next prizes to be given to some Swahili poet, Yiddish buffoon or Tamil philosopher.
<<I expect next prizes to be given to some Swahili poet, Yiddish buffoon or Tamil philosopher.>>
Yes. It would be a good choice. All of these languages are more important and spoken than French.
Anyway, if you don't add, at least, Spanish and Italian, you are an illiterate or a fanatic. Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, etc. are also very important, but unknown in USA & EU.
French is utterly gone the way of Latin. Latin has lots of stunning and monumental literature, but that doesn't mean it's an important language today. French has lots of stunning and monumental literature, but that doesn't mean it's an important language today. We just read translations!
"Literature uses only: English, French, German, Russian. "
Interestingly, those languages (add Japanese to the list) are also the only ones with a full coverage of technologies. You can't develop a turbofan engine, a CAD software or a nuclear power station outside of those culture areas.
For the other languages it is too late, they will never catch up.
"Interestingly, those languages (add Japanese to the list) are also the only ones with a full coverage of technologies. You can't develop a turbofan engine, a CAD software or a nuclear power station outside of those culture areas. "
Absolutefuckingly right.
Spanish is big in the third world.
Unneeded elsewhere.
French is irrelevant in the world of literature, france ZERO CONTRIBUTION to the world of literature, no one reads or knows some French author, is normal because the majority of French people are illiterate, they don't know read and much less write
"Interestingly, those languages (add Japanese to the list) are also the only ones with a full coverage of technologies. You can't develop a turbofan engine, a CAD software or a nuclear power station outside of those culture areas. "
Ahh, a nuclear power station!
Oh, yes! India and Pakistan (47th in the World) can do it. You can include Hindi & Urdu.
Iran, if USA & Israel don't destroy them, will do it.
And a lot of other countries too: China, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Indonesia, Argentina, Brazil, etc
No me gusta el francés. Me parece un idioma más o menos intrascendente. No tenemos que preocuparnos mucho por él en cualquier caso desaparecerá muy pronto. Espero que nadie vuelva a hablar francés jamás, porque es un idioma tan repugnante e irracionable que me infunde deseos de suicidarme. Pero no voy a suicidarme, no tienen que preocuparse, en cambio, los franceses sí podrían suicidarse, así que, preocupémonos por ellos, pobrecitos que son. Creo que el primero francés en matarse será Sarkozy, que es un chulito espástico de mierda que le chupa la verga a Bush y los demás petardos del país libre. Sarkozy, el puto húngaro que se cree francés y siempre se hace el ridículo a nivel internacional. No me sorprende que nadie le haga caso a Francia, pues su presidente es un bufón chupavergas al que le gusta que le den por la entrada trasera. Bueno, basta ya de charlas, ¡que desaparezca el francés ya!
"No me gusta el francés. Me parece un idioma más o menos intrascendente. No tenemos que preocuparnos mucho por él en cualquier caso desaparecerá muy pronto. Espero que nadie vuelva a hablar francés jamás, porque es un idioma tan repugnante e irracionable que me infunde deseos de suicidarme. Pero no voy a suicidarme, no tienen que preocuparse, en cambio, los franceses sí podrían suicidarse, así que, preocupémonos por ellos, pobrecitos que son. Creo que el primero francés en matarse será Sarkozy, que es un chulito espástico de mierda que le chupa la verga a Bush y los demás petardos del país libre. Sarkozy, el puto húngaro que se cree francés y siempre se hace el ridículo a nivel internacional. No me sorprende que nadie le haga caso a Francia, pues su presidente es un bufón chupavergas al que le gusta que le den por la entrada trasera. Bueno, basta ya de charlas, ¡que desaparezca el francés ya!"
Speak English, idiot! We are on an English-language board about languages. If you can't do that, go back under your Hispanic rock.
Pues aprende español, Señor Comeexcrementos!
You can understand my post yet still continue posting in Spanish? Fucking idiot...
Оnline translation:
I do not like the French. It seems to me a more or less intrascendente language. We do not have to worry to us about him in any case will disappear much in a moment. I hope that nobody returns to never speak French, because it is a so repugnant and irracionable language that it instills desires to me to force suicide on to me. But I am not going to commit suicide, do not have to worry, however, the French yes could commit suicide, so, preocupémonos by them, pobrecitos that are. I believe that the first French in killing itself will be Sarkozy, that is a spastic chulito of excrement that absorbs the yard to Bush and the other firecrackers to him of the free country. Sarkozy, puto Hungarian that is created French and always becomes the ridiculous situation at international level. It does not surprise to me that nobody does case to him to France, because his president is farcical chupavergas to which it likes that they give him by the back entrance. Good, it is enough already of char them, that disappears the French already!
"Оnline translation:"
There should never have been a translation necessary. I am not hating on the Spanish language; I just don't like it spoken or written to me when I'm obviously already typing in English. This goes for other languages, too. You don't see me typing in French, Italian or even Russian or something. It's basic manners. Obviously Spanish-speaking trolls lack these manners.
Ну закрой рот, сука. Ты мне не нравишься. Французский язык тоже мне не нравится.
"Ну закрой рот, сука. Ты мне не нравишься. Французский язык тоже мне не нравится."
That's the most simplistic Russian ever. LOL. Seriously, stop trying to show off. You're only making yourself look more like a douche and idiot.