Maybe they are non- Letzebuergesch origin.First years of primary school in Luxemburg are in Letzebuergesch and German.
Is French on the decline
Work in the shops and stations doesn't need high qualification.For most qualified job position in Luxemburg you must have sufficient ability in the German and Letzebuergesch languages too.
Quel est la raizon du votre stupiditè? Je se que le fransais est le langue de un pays plus stupite de europe! Les pays du Africa est pas ne pays du parler français. Je pas ne comprends por quoi le gens que parlent français sont plus stupite! Je pas ne comprends por quoi le gens que parlent français pas ne peuvont accepter le fact du que le françias ne pas est important!
Arizona, thanks for those above posts. At least you can make a point and provide some sort of proof while erratic francophiles like Maine just copy posts and make assumptions that are at many times incorrect.
If people here continue to argue languages, please keep your points short and provide a link as a source. Wordy assumptions, arguments and post copying without providing any proof doesn't do a good job of making a valid point.
If people here continue to argue languages, please keep your points short and provide a link as a source. Wordy assumptions, arguments and post copying without providing any proof doesn't do a good job of making a valid point.
<< After English (30% of Web visitors) the most requested languages on the World Wide Web are Chinese (17%), Spanish (9%), Japanese (7%), French (5%) and German (5%).>>
Spanish fewer website written on it in the Internet than English, French, German, Italian, and Japanese
Spanish fewer website written on it in the Internet than English, French, German, Italian, and Japanese
I see that you only know to post non-sense and unreliable data.
OK, but you can't alter change facts the correct information.
*Brussels. Languages:
1. French (official)
2. English
3. Dutch (official)
4. Portuguese (not Spanish) 7.39%
5. Arabic 6.36%
6. Italian 5.72%
7. German 5.56%
<< Rudi Janssens study. University of Brussels (VUB).>>
It;s obvious that the link is made again by a hispanic so this is unreliable full of lies. When are you gonna post links made by non-hispanics?
<< *The official languages of African Union are English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Swahili. >>
According to the Constitutive Act of the African Union, its working languages are Arabic, English, French, and Portuguese, as well as African languages "if possible". A protocol amending the Constitutive Act adopted in 2003 but (as of 2007) NOT YET IN FORCE added Spanish, Swahili and "any other African language" and termed all six "official" (rather than "working") languages of the African Union. In practice, translation of documents of the AU into even the four current working languages causes significant delays and difficulties to the conduct of business.
OK, but you can't alter change facts the correct information.
*Brussels. Languages:
1. French (official)
2. English
3. Dutch (official)
4. Portuguese (not Spanish) 7.39%
5. Arabic 6.36%
6. Italian 5.72%
7. German 5.56%
<< Rudi Janssens study. University of Brussels (VUB).>>
It;s obvious that the link is made again by a hispanic so this is unreliable full of lies. When are you gonna post links made by non-hispanics?
<< *The official languages of African Union are English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Swahili. >>
According to the Constitutive Act of the African Union, its working languages are Arabic, English, French, and Portuguese, as well as African languages "if possible". A protocol amending the Constitutive Act adopted in 2003 but (as of 2007) NOT YET IN FORCE added Spanish, Swahili and "any other African language" and termed all six "official" (rather than "working") languages of the African Union. In practice, translation of documents of the AU into even the four current working languages causes significant delays and difficulties to the conduct of business.
Well, this is the original study of Rudi Janssens, The usage of languages in Brussels, in PDF.
1. French
2. English
3. Dutch
4. Spanish
It confirms (page 4, TB2) that English and Spanish are the languages more spoken in Brussels, capital of European Union, not considering the official languages (French and Dutch).
At the same time, English and Spanish are the most spoken languages in Washington D.C., capital of USA. They are also the most spoken languages in New York , Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, etc.
1. French
2. English
3. Dutch
4. Spanish
It confirms (page 4, TB2) that English and Spanish are the languages more spoken in Brussels, capital of European Union, not considering the official languages (French and Dutch).
At the same time, English and Spanish are the most spoken languages in Washington D.C., capital of USA. They are also the most spoken languages in New York , Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, etc.
French has fewer websites written on it in the Internet than English, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Polish German, Italian, Chinese, Hindi, Vietnamese and Arabic.
Spanish has fewer websites written on it in the Internet than English, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Polish German, Italian, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Hottentot, Telugu, Miao and Hiri Motu.
Number of Dutch language speakers (most of them of local are non-SRANAN TONGO)is rising in the Eastern Venezuela ( states Delta Amacuro and Bolivar ),because knowledge of Dutch is obligatory for most good job positions in neighbouring country of Suriname.
Maybe they are non-Surinamese origin. First years of primary school in Luxemburg are in Sranan Tongo and Dutch.
Work in the shops and stations doesn't need high qualification.For most qualified job position in Venezuela you must have sufficient ability in Dutch and Sranan Tongo languages too.