Is French on the decline
You are right. I am a French Fanatic and sometimes I am so stupid that I would like to cry.
Anyway, I will study English and Spanish and I will travel around the World and I will happy to undertand a lot of people
Thank You. Gracias. Merci.
Fuck off spic.
You stink.
>> <<Do Poland, Brazil, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece would use Spanish in International communication? No, they are more likely to use French. >>
No, they use English only. End of matter. <<
Poor you! Don't you know that Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria are the other countries that advocate the use of French in the EU?
Yes there are more ??English Speaking?? Polish but in diplomacy in EU French is preferred.
Don't you know that there are 1 million Romanian who has French as their firs language not counting the others who use it as secondary language?
Shut up hispanic dung beetle because I know that you're just disguising as Anglo.
After reading the previous posts, it looks like the Francophone guy won the argument. The French guy just copies his the format of his posts with facts to counter the lies made these hispanics and all are non-sense. The Francophone guy is very clever to use the format so that when the hispanic guys read it, he would remember his non-sense posts and at the same time it reduces time to create to counter such posts. For example:
<< yes frog, Brazil uses Spanish in international organizations. Spanish is the most studied foreign language there. So you give sources that you don't believe. What's the point then?. Logic is not your strength, frogs. >>
This is wrong. Brazil and Portugal are most likely to use French first then English in international communication worldwide not Spanish even on regional basis in all of Latin America. English and French are the most studied in Brazil, and Portugal Spanish has no major importance here.
I always watch the EU documentary films about EU updates. Most of the time whenever they interview Portuguese and Brazilians it's always in French not in English and never in Spanish even if the interviewer is an English speakers.
Also, the Francophone guy used the his own source against him to counter the wrong interpretation of the hispanic guy on that link. The Spanish guy could not explain where the hell he got the information that Spanish is the second most studied language in the world. He got it from just one source, the ever lying Instituto Cerveza
<< French as a foreign language is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. In China has also become the second most demanded foreign language. >>
<< Spanish is more spoken as native language (400 million), more spoken as total speakers (500 million).... >>
Hispanic fanatics need to quit arguing the irrelevant of WOULD BE glorious day that will never come. The future is future my friends. Move on. ENGLISH and FRENCH are THE language of diplomacy TODAY. They also need to get over their assumption that Spain is a only country with a "rich culture." What is the Hispanic "culture" in the future??? It will never be so apparent.
Fuck off hispanic spic.
You stinking shit.
You are right. I am a Hispanic Fanatic and I am so stupid all the time that I would like to not just to cry but to stomp my feet and roll on the ground.
Anyway, I will study English and French and I will travel around the World and I will happy to understand a lot of people
Thank You. Merci.
Type the keyword "Spanish the most Practical" in either Google or Yahoo and you would see no link that contains a topic for Spanish but French alone.
It is not true. I am Francophone and I am a big shit. I'd like to copy post again and to rape dogs, but my doctor told me to take several tables of all colors and to be a good muslim. One of my tables is very big. It is called "anti-chauvinisme".
My boy friend was Sigmondo Froido, my Hispanic mate. I wanted to merry him in California, but he didn't want and I am so frustrated that I don't take a shower in 6 months.
All I can do is to watch every day all the meetings of the Francophonie, and to study all the books they edit.
I always dream that people from China, America, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Brazil, Portugal, Thailand, etc speak French all day.
You must be patient with me...I am so desperado!
One example of the importance of French can be seen in a recent listing of international jobs (8/25/08) distributed by the US State Department: 78 required or preferred French, 27 a UN language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), 17 Spanish, 10 Arabic, 5 Russian, and 3 German, 1 Chinese.
Of the various types of professional positions for which international organizations recruit, five required French, two Spanish, one Portuguese, and one Arabic, according to the fact sheet released by the UN Employment Information and Assistance Unit Bureau of International Organization Affairs U.S. Department of State, December 1, 2000.
One example of the importance of French can be seen in a recent listing of
international jobs (5/13/03) distributed by the U.S. State Department: 185 required or preferred French, 124 a UN language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), 39 Spanish, 19 Arabic,
10 Russian, 6 Portuguese, 5 German, 5
One example of the importance of French can be seen in a recent listing of international jobs (4/8/97) distributed by the US State Department: 47 required or preferred French, 29 Spanish, 10 Russian and 3 German.
Of the various types of professional positions for which international organizations recruit, five required French, two Spanish, one Portuguese, and one Arabic, according to the fact sheet released by the UN Employment Information and Assistance Unit Bureau of International Organization Affairs, U.S. Department of State,
December 1, 2000.
It is not true. I am Francophone and I am a big shit. I'd like to copy post again and to rape dogs, but my doctor told me to take several tablets of all colors and to be a good muslim. One of my tablets is very big. It is called "anti-chauvinisme".
My boy friend was Sigmondo Froido, my Hispanic mate. I wanted to merry him in California, but he didn't want and I am so frustrated that I don't take a shower in 6 months.
All I can do is to watch every day all the meetings of the Francophonie, and to study all the books they edit.
I always dream that people from China, America, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Brazil, Portugal, Thailand, etc speak French all day.
You must be patient with me...I am so desperado!
It is not true. I am Hispanic and I am a big shit. I'd like to post non-sense again and to devour hyena shits, but my drug dealer told me to take huge dosage of COCAINE and MARIJUANA which I 'll be needing for meditationand to be a good hindu. One of my dosage is so huge. It is called "anti-vanity&arrogance".
My boy friend was Sigmonde Freude, my Francophone mate. I wanted to marry him in California, but he didn't want and I am so frustrated that I didn't take a bath since I was a baby.
All I can do is to watch every day all the meetings of the Hispanidad, and to study all the books they edit.
I always dream that people from China, America, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Brazil, Portugal, Thailand, etc speak Spanish all day.
You have be patient with me...I am so frustré!
It is not true. I am Hispanic and I am a big shit. I'd like to post non-sense again and to devour hyena shits, but my drug dealer told me to take huge dosage of COCAINE and MARIJUANA which I 'll be needing for meditation and to be a good hindu. One of my dosage is so huge. It is called "anti-vanity & arrogance".
My boy friend was Sigmonde Freude, my Francophone mate. I wanted to marry him in California, but he didn't want and I am so frustrated that I didn't take a bath since I was a baby.
All I can do is to watch every day all the meetings of the Hispanidad, and to study all the books they edit.
I always dream that people from China, America, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Brazil, Portugal, Thailand, etc speak Spanish all day.
You have be patient with me...I am so frustré!
Well, I copied several posts. I go now to rape some dogs and to dream in a beautiful Hispanic, like Antonio Banderas.
Ahhh! Sigmondo! my love!!!! Where are you, mi amor!!! If you come to me I promise to take a shower again!
Inshalla! I will be a good muslim if you love me!!!!
Well, I several posted several non-sense messages. I go now to eat hyena as many times as I can and to dream for a handsome Francophone, like Jean Claude Van Damme.
Ahhh! Sigmonde! my love!!!! Where are you, mon cher!!! If you come to me I promise to take a shower again!
आओ क्या कर सकते है! I will be a devout hindu if you love me!!!!