Is French on the decline

Che Castro   Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:08 pm GMT
Europa Sur (17/01/2005)

El inglés es el idioma más estudiado en España. Se calcula que el 36% de la población está aprendiendo esta lengua en la actualidad. Le sigue el francés, con un 19% de estudiantes, mientras que italiano, alemán o portugués son idiomas minoritarios que sólo llegan al 4% de los estudiantes.


Europa Sur (17/01/2005)

English, 41%, tops the list of foreign language most spoken by Europeans after their mother tongue, followed by French (19%), German (10%) or Spanish (7%) 22% of Europeans believed to have no facility for languages, three of every four do not speak a second foreign language and 92% do not speak third.
Informer   Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:20 pm GMT
par Charles Durand

• Sur 3000 idiomes parlés dans le monde, 78 ont une littérature et le français fait partie de ces grandes langues dont la diffusion est intercontinentale et dont la littérature a une réputation internationale. Les autres grandes langues sont l'anglais, l'arabe, le chinois, l'espagnol, le portugais et le russe.

• Toutefois, contrairement au russe qui est confiné sur le continent euro-asiatique, le français a essaimé sur 5 continents . Le chinois, la plus parlée de toutes les grandes langues, est davantage diffusé, surtout par la diaspora chinoise, mais il n'a pas encore largement essaimé au delà du peuple asiatique han.

• Avec le chinois, le sanscrit, l'arabe, le latin et le grec ancien, le français est l'une des six langues (il n'y en a que six !) à avoir débordé massivement sur d'autres idiomes. En effet, même si l'espagnol est actuellement nettement plus parlé que le français, l'espagnol n'a jamais fourni une partie substantielle de son vocabulaire à une autre langue comme cela a été le cas avec le chinois qui a fourni directement au coréen ou au japonais plus de 30% de leurs vocabulaires respectifs. De la même manière, l'arabe a contribué dans des proportions similaires ou plus grandes au vocabulaire du perse et de nombreuses langues africaines. Quant au français, il a fourni plus de 50% du vocabulaire anglais actuel.

• Le français est parlé par les élites de nombreux pays. La reine d'Angleterre, l'empereur du Japon et sa famille le parlent couramment. Je viens d'apprendre que le français est encore utilisé quelquefois dans le système juridique anglais. 5O pays font partie de l'organisation de la Francophonie et si tous les citoyens, dans ces pays là, ne parlent pas tous français, au minimum, les gens passablement éduqués savent communiquer en français.

• De par son origine ou de l'influence qu'il a eu sur le développement d'autres langues, le français est probablement, parmi les langues européennes, l'une des langues étrangères qui sont les plus faciles à étudier lorsqu'on a l'espagnol ou l'anglais comme langue maternelle. L'Alliance française qui compte le plus de membres est celle d'Argentine et ce n'est pas un hasard. Pour un anglophone, le français est nettement plus facile que l'allemand ou que le russe. Toutefois, l'espagnol sera peut-être plus facile car plus phonétique mais son utilité demeure limitée en dehors du bloc latino-américain.

• La plupart du temps, l'étude du français, qui est facultative dans des pays tels que ceux d'Amérique latine ou au Japon, est entreprise par des gens qui sont, contrairement à ce que l'on constate pour l'anglais, réellement motivés pour l'étude de la langue étrangère qu'ils ont librement choisie. Ainsi , les gens ayant étudié le français atteignent souvent un excellent niveau qui leur permet de communiquer de manière efficace et à un niveau bien plus élevé que s'ils le faisaient en anglais . L'anglais dit « international » est, beaucoup trop souvent, une langue extrêmement pauvre, une sorte de pidgin, qui ne permet la communication qu'à un niveau élémentaire. Pour s'en convaincre, il suffit d'assister à un congrès scientifique « international » en langue anglaise dans lequel les participants non anglophones ont pourtant tous un niveau supérieur d'instruction.

• L'anglais n'est pas une langue plus facile à apprendre que les autres en raison de ses idiotismes et de ses très nombreuses irrégularités en dépit d'une grammaire facile . L'anglais est probablement « la langue la plus facile à mal parler ». C'est la conclusion du linguiste américain Edward Sapir qui arrive à le démontrer en quelques pages (lire simplement son ouvrage intitulé « Linguistique » dont la traduction française est disponible)

• Apprendre le français, c'est vouloir penser différemment, car la pensée de langue française est fortement critique . C'est la principale motivation des Japonais qui l'apprennent dans un pays où la première langue étrangère étudiée à l'école (l'anglais) n'est pas choisie mais imposée. En apprenant le français, ils peuvent se sortir d'un monde stéréotypé et faire l'expérience d'une réflexion, d'une pensée qui sont tout simplement absentes du modèle anglo-saxon . Il ne faut pas oublier qu'avant de la parler, on « pense » dans une langue et que cette pensée est différente suivant la nature de la langue. Les nations qui se regroupent autour de la Francophonie, ainsi que celles qui demeurent intensifier l'étude du français sur leur territoire, telles que le Nigéria par exemple, désire clairement démarquer leurs thèmes de préoccupation des discours de la presse anglo-saxonne dominante. C'est ainsi que l'on peut dire que, depuis la fin de la guerre froide, le français devient, de plus en plus, le véhicule d'expression des pays non alignés.

• Une campagne de grande envergure pour renforcer et développer la place de la langue française, et aussi du multilinguisme , dans les organisations internationales vient d'être lancée par Boutros Ghali, ancien secrétaire général de l'ONU. On peut donc s'attendre à une demande accrue de fonctionnaires internationaux connaissant cette langue.

• Le français est, actuellement, le seul concurrent sérieux de l'anglais . Bien que l'espagnol soit plus parlé, il demeure peu étudié en tant que langue étrangère, sauf en Amérique du nord. Le chinois, la langue la plus parlée de la planète, demeure confinée sur son territoire et à la diaspora du peuple han. L'allemand, quant à lui, n'a pratiquement aucune diffusion hors des frontières européennes. Seul le français, comme l'anglais, bénéficie d'un réseau important de diffusion à l'échelle intercontinentale.

• L'étudiant en français peut poursuivre ses études en français dans tous les domaines en Belgique, au Québec ou en France à une fraction du coût encouru si ces mêmes études étaient faites en anglais dans un pays anglo-saxon.

• Etudier le français, c'est vouloir avoir une autre vision du monde que celle que le monde anglo-saxon offre . C'est une possibilité d'accès à d'autres sources d'informations et de réflexion et à un bagage scientifique et technique considérable N'oublions pas que le premier micro-ordinateur était français (le Micral fut présenté au salon du SICOB en 1973) et que les techniques logicielles permettant l'émergence de la « toile », réseau réticulaire de serveurs télématiques, ont été conçues au CERN de Genève.

• Enfin, il faut absolument insister sur le caractère néocolonial de la langue anglaise. La langue française n'a pas, à l'heure actuelle, cette caractéristique. Pour s'en convaincre, il suffit de lire le livre d'Alastair Pennycook intitulé « English and the discourses of colonialism » dont j'ai fait un résumé que j'ai attaché à ce courrier et qui donne toutes les références qui seront pertinentes au lecteur. Je rappelle ici qu'il s'agit d'un ouvrage écrit par un anglophone qui a lui même été impliqué dans l'enseignement de l'anglais en Asie du sud-est et en Chine durant plusieurs années.

En Anglais:

Charles Durand
Charles.Durand @

• In 3000 languages spoken in the world, 78 have a literature and French is one of those major languages to be distributed intercontinental whose literature has an international reputation. Other main languages are English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.

• However, unlike Russia which is confined to the Euro-Asian continent, French has spread over 5 continents. The Chinese, the most widely spoken of all major languages, is more diffused, especially by the Chinese diaspora, but it has not spread widely beyond the Asian people han.

• With the Chinese, Sanskrit, Arabic, Latin and ancient Greek, French is one of six languages (there are only six!) Have spilled massively on other languages. Indeed, even if Spanish is spoken more than English, Spanish has never provided a substantial part of its vocabulary in another language as was the case with the Chinese who provided directly to the Korean Japanese or more than 30% of their respective vocabularies. In the same way, Arabic has contributed to a similar or greater in the Persian vocabulary and many African languages. As for the French, it has provided more than 50% of current English vocabulary.

• French is spoken by the elite of many countries. The queen of England, the emperor of Japan and his family speak fluently. I just learned that French is still sometimes used in the English legal system. 5O countries belong to the organization of the Francophonie and all citizens in these countries, do not all speak French, at least, people are quite educated communicate in French.

• Due to its origin or the influence it had on the development of other languages, French is probably among the European languages, one of the languages that are easier to study when Spanish or English as mother tongue. The French Alliance which has the most members is that of Argentina and it is no coincidence. For English, French is much easier than German or Russian. However, Spanish may be easier because most phonetic but its usefulness is limited outside the Latin American bloc.

• Most of the time, the study of French, which is optional in countries such as Latin America or Japan, is undertaken by people who are, as there is for English, really motivated to study a foreign language they have freely chosen. Thus, people who studied French often reach a high level which enables them to communicate effectively and at a level much higher than they were in English. The English words "international" is, far too often, an extremely poor language, a kind of pidgin, which allows communication at a basic level. For proof, just attend a scientific conference "international" in English in which the participants have not yet all anglophone a higher level of education.

• English is not a language easier to learn than others because of its idioms and its numerous irregularities in spite of a simple grammar. English is probably "the language easier to speak evil." This is the conclusion of American linguist Edward Sapir arriving at the show in a few pages (just read his book entitled "Linguistics" whose English translation is available)

• Learn French, it would think differently, because the thought of French language is highly critical. This is the main motivation to learn Japanese in a country where the first foreign language studied in school (English) is not chosen, but imposed. By learning French, they can get out of a stereotypical world and to experience a thought, a thought which are simply absent from the Anglo-Saxon model. We must not forget that before the talk on "think" in a language and thought that this is different depending on the language. The nations that are gathering around the Francophonie, and those who remain intensify the study of French in their territory, such as Nigeria, for example, wants to clear out their issues of concern to the discourse of Anglo-Saxon dominance. Thus we can say that since the end of the Cold War, the French became, increasingly, the vehicle of expression of non-aligned countries.

• A large-scale campaign to strengthen and develop the place of the French language, and multilingualism in international organizations has been launched by Boutros Ghali, former UN Secretary-General. We can expect an increased demand for international staff knowing the language.

• French is currently the only serious competitor of English. Although Spanish is spoken more, it remains little studied as a foreign language, except in North America. The Chinese, the language spoken most of the planet, remains confined to its territory and the diaspora of people han. The German, however, has virtually no distribution outside Europe. Only the French, like English, has a network of wide dissemination intercontinental.

• Students in French can continue her studies in English in all areas in Belgium, Quebec and France at a fraction of the cost incurred if these studies were done in English in an Anglo-Saxon.

• Study the French, it would have a different vision of the world than the Anglo-Saxon bid. It is a possibility of access to other sources of information and reflection and a scientific background and technical Let us not forget that the first microcomputer was French (the Micral was presented to show SICOB in 1973 ) and software technologies that enable the emergence of "web", reticular network of servers are designed at CERN in Geneva.

• Finally, we must emphasize the neocolonial of the English language. The French language has not, at present, this feature. For proof, just read the book by Alastair Pennycook entitled "English and the discourses of colonialism which I will summarize that I attached to this letter and gives all the references to be relevant drive. I recall that this is a book written by a native English speaker who has himself been involved in the teaching of English in Southeast Asia and China for several years.
Che Castro   Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:30 pm GMT
Europa Sur (17/01/2005)

El inglés es el idioma más estudiado en España. Se calcula que el 36% de la población está aprendiendo esta lengua en la actualidad. Le sigue el francés, con un 19% de estudiantes, mientras que italiano, alemán o portugués son idiomas minoritarios que sólo llegan al 4% de los estudiantes.


English is the language most studied in Spain. It is estimated that 36% of the population is learning the language at present. It is followed by French, 19% of students, while Italian, German and Portuguese are minority languages that reach only 4% of the students.
Nicolas Sarkoma   Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:22 pm GMT
The French president: "Arabic is the language of future"

The French government is strongly advocating the teaching of Arabic language and civilization in French schools. Not surprising, considering the number of Arabs and Muslims in France, and the unctuous deference with which they are treated by officials, beginning notably with Nicolas Sarkozy, who cannot praise enough the splendor of Arabic contributions to the world.

The French National Assembly was the scene of a meeting earlier this month of the first Conference on the Teaching of Arabic Language and Culture, attended by a variety of interested parties. There was much wearisome blather about the need for "dialogue."

In his message to the participants, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Arabic the "language of the future, of science and of modernity," and expressed the hope that "more French people share in the language that expresses great civilizational and spiritual values."

"We must invest in the Arabic language (because) to teach it symbolizes a moment of exchange, of openness and of tolerance, (and it) brings with it one of the oldest and most prestigious civilizations of the world. It is in France that we have the greatest number of persons of Arabic and Muslim origin. Islam is the second religion of France," Sarkozy reminded his listeners.

He proceeded to enumerate the various "advances in terms of diversity," the increase in Muslim sections of cemeteries, the training of imams and chaplains and the appointments of ministers of diverse backgrounds.

"France is a friend of Arabic countries. We are not seeking a clash between the East and West," he affirmed, emphasizing the strong presence of Arab leaders at the founding summit of the Union for the Mediterranean, last July 13. "The Mediterranean is where our common hopes were founded. Our common sea is where the principal challenges come together: durable development, security, education and peace," added the French president.
Colette   Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:39 pm GMT
<<However, unlike Russia which is confined to the Euro-Asian continent, French has spread over 5 continents. >>

French is not spread over 5 continents. In Asia French is not spoken and it's presence in South America is minimal. On the other hand Russian is spoken in Asia. There is not such thing as "Euro-Asian " continent. Asia and Europe are different continents.

<<Indeed, even if Spanish is spoken more than English, Spanish has never provided a substantial part of its vocabulary in another language>>

False. Another lie from French speakers. Spanish has influenced a lot on languages such Catalan, Quechua, Aymara, Napolitan, Tagalog and other languages in Philippines.

<<Study the French, it would have a different vision of the world than the Anglo-Saxon bid. It is a possibility of access to other sources of information and reflection and a scientific background and technical Let us not forget that the first microcomputer was French (the Micral was presented to show SICOB in 1973 ) and software technologies that enable the emergence of "web", reticular network of servers are designed at CERN in Geneva>>

CERN is located at Geneva but the personnel use English . WEB was invented by a British.

<<Finally, we must emphasize the neocolonial of the English language. The French language has not, at present, this feature>>

Yes it has. France has been directly nvolved in many neocolonial wars in Africa but mass media don't give as much attention as in the case of USA in Irak for example. It's well known the case of Ruwanda and the blame of France for the genocide commited against the Tutsis by the Hutus that were backed by France.
Post a reply   Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:56 pm GMT
I agree with colette
eastlander   Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:34 pm GMT
It's not true about German distribution.German has distribution in Brazil,Southwest Africa,and so on.
Kroll   Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:42 am GMT
I agree with Collet.
Ataecina   Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:55 am GMT
I have heard that French used to be more popular some time ago, however I admire how the French have the ability to promote French worldwide unlike us, Spanirds. If not for Hispanic-America, Spanish would be a joke.
Coleta   Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:05 am GMT
<< CERN is located at Geneva but the personnel use English . WEB was invented by a British. >>

It's French not English. You're just envious because the Spanish speaking world has no similar achievements.
Visitor   Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:11 am GMT
<< English, 41%, tops the list of foreign language most spoken by Europeans after their mother tongue, followed by French (19%), German (10%) or Spanish (7%) 22% of Europeans believed to have no facility for languages, three of every four do not speak a second foreign language and 92% do not speak third. >>

So French is spoken by 19% of Spaniards as opposed to just 11% based on the report of Eurobarometer. This one is more reliable because it came from Spanish statistics.

<< • French is spoken by the elite of many countries. The queen of England, the emperor of Japan and his family speak fluently. I just learned that French is still sometimes used in the English legal system. 5O countries belong to the organization of the Francophonie and all citizens in these countries, do not all speak French, at least, people are quite educated communicate in French. >>

This includes the King Juan Carlos II of Spain and the rest of the royal family.
Guest   Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:21 am GMT
CERN (European Web Sites to Watch: The European Organization for Nuclear Research), THE offial languages are: ENGLISH AND FRENCH (A good knowledge of at least one of these languages is essential.), with German an unofficial third.
Visitor   Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:10 am GMT
<< CERN (European Web Sites to Watch: The European Organization for Nuclear Research), THE offial languages are: ENGLISH AND FRENCH (A good knowledge of at least one of these languages is essential.), with German an unofficial third. >>

Because it's funded not just by France and Switzerland but also by Germany, UK, Italy, etc. At least you admitted that not just English but also French.
Informer   Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:30 am GMT
<< I just learned that French is still sometimes used in the English legal system. >>


The second main reason is that it is the language of clarity and precision: it uses a lot more determiners, adverbs, conjunctions and the like to link parts of sentences together and clarify their relationships. This links very well with the "foisonnement" (expansion) phenomenon in translation from English to French, with the French translation being on average 15% longer than the source text. Conversely, English is more likely to create ambiguity and its concision can be seen as bluntness, which was described in the programme as "the enemy of polite discourse". Nowadays, despite the French language losing much of its prestige, the English diplomatic vocabulary is still haunted by a few French ghosts, here and there: regime, coup, etiquette, rapprochement. I suspect these words are still in use only because they don't have equivalents in English.

THAT'S WHY French is the dominant working language of The European Court of Justice, the European Tribunal of First Instance, the Press Room at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium


The campaign for French to become the only source language for translations of legal texts into the other 22 official EU languages is led by the former prime ministers of Bulgaria and Romania, government ministers from France, Belgium, Poland and Italy, EU lawmakers and scholars, who argue it is the most precise and analytical European language for legal texts.
El Rey   Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:26 am GMT
<< I have heard that French used to be more popular some time ago, however I admire how the French have the ability to promote French worldwide unlike us, Spanirds. If not for Hispanic-America, Spanish would be a joke. >>

If not for... It doesn't matter cuz that's hypothetical.

The reality is that France has to keep spending vast amounts of money to promote their language abroad, while the overall popularity of French has declined. Spanish has grown in popularity without any Spanish country having to spend tons of money to make the language more appealling to people. Spanish has become more popular in its own right.

Also, the French have to pass laws to protect their language from English. If French truly was strong then I wouldn't need to do that.