Catalan a Frankish-Romance+Gothic-Romance hybrid?
hepatitis posted on Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:26 pm GMT
It's difficult to tell if Catalan is Gallo-Romance or Ibero-Romance. It was born as a branch of Occitan, but nowadays it has a lot of Spanish influence. Let's call it a Gallo-Iberian hybrid.
Shouldn´t Catalan better be called a Frankish-Romance+Gothic-Romance hybrid? Neither "Gaulois" nor "Iberian" have had any substantial influence on Catalan......
The terms Gallo Romance or Ibero Romance are branchs of the Romance languages, There is no connection at all with the Gauls or Iberians.
Catalan is a romance language: the most conservative of Latin heritage after Italian.
Romanian is also more conservative than Catalan.
<<Catalan is a romance language: the most conservative of Latin heritage after Italian. >>
Yet they say "broa" for Latin 'panis'; and "sopar" for Latin 'cenet', so they are not 100% purely Latin
They also look German or Scandinavian too
with Occitan it shares probably more than 90% because Catalan is an Occitan dialect with Spanish influence.
Eivissa Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:20 am GMT
Catalan has:
87% lexical similarity with Italian
85% with Portuguese and Spanish
76% with Rheto-Romance
75% with Sardinian
73% with Rumanian
Do you mean that Italy, Spanish etc. have Germanic roots, too?
"Do you mean that Italy, Spanish etc. have Germanic roots, too?"
This is really complex. I think Yes, but not only thinking to 1000 AD when Lombards and other germanic tribes migrate, but thinking to Roman Empire.
Augustus guard was completly germanic. After him all the Roman Soldiers where not Italic and where especially Germanic. Only officials where Italics.
60.000 Germanic people where captured by Marius and integrated in Roman Empire. That people contaminated Roman Culture with germans caracters.
Look this:,,RaiTre-Passepartout%5E16%5E162551,00.html
Català should be the first official language of Spain, not Castellano.
Yet they say "broa" for Latin 'panis'; and "sopar" for Latin 'cenet', so they are not 100% purely Latin
The word "broa" is not unique to Catalan.
The word "broa" has several meanings in portuguese. For example a kind of bread made of maize and wheat or maize and rye (broa de Avintes). It also means a kind of biskuits or cookies .
Catalan is low class. Franco forbade it.
Ouest : « Shouldn´t Catalan better be called a Frankish-Romance+Gothic-Romance hybrid? Neither "Gaulois" nor "Iberian" have had any substantial influence on Catalan...... ».
Non, le catalan, tout comme le wallon, le gascon, le lombard et l'arpitan, est une langue romane.
Guest Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:37 pm GMT
Yet they say "broa" for Latin 'panis'; and "sopar" for Latin 'cenet', so they are not 100% purely Latin
The word "broa" is not unique to Catalan.
The word "broa" has several meanings in portuguese. For example a kind of bread made of maize and wheat or maize and rye (broa de Avintes). It also means a kind of biskuits or cookies .
Are "broa" related with "Brot" and "sopar" with "Suppe"?