Portuguese Language TV
Thanks again to everyone who answered my question about reading material. The blog hints were wonderful. Obrigado.
Now I have another favor, and it doesn't matter what variety of Portuguese you speak. Are there any TV shows (interview/morning shows with a variety of topics) that are in Portuguese and available on the internet? You don't have to link them, of course, I'm just wondering what they're called.
Thanks again to all of you. You were a big help.
Dear LL or KP I don't think you are able to understand European Portuguese
I can understand it. I listened to a documentary partially in European Portuguese yesterday. I am more familiar with Brazilian Portuguese, but I also listen to European Portuguese.
Who is KP?
Mais pourquoi tu t'appelles "Mallorqui"?
Anyway, please tell me if you are able to do this in Portuguese. I don't know if you know French or not, but it seems almost everyone here knows Spanish or French. I like Portuguese a lot. I'm trying to improve because I speak more of a portunol.
I don't know why you would think I can't understand Portuguese Is it because I am interested in many languages? You must think I am lying.
I am not.
I would recommend you this blog:
It is possible to watch several Brazilian channels from which "TV GLOBO" (I hate this channel!!) has the best reception and can be watched in full screen. Some of the programs are in real time and I would suggest you to watch "Jô Soares", which is a kind of Brazilian "David Letterman" but speaks 4 languages and is pretty intelligent and arrogant!! :) He loves to show the languages he speaks even though his Brazilian accent is pretty noticeable.
Boa sorte!!
Muito obrigado! You are both kind to help me. I will try to check these out very soon. Thanks to both of you. I hope to be able to write in good Portuguese someday.
De nada!!! I do hope you'll improve your Portuguese soon!! Just keep on studying and you'll get there!!!
Até mais!!
Anyway, please tell me if you are able to do this in Portuguese. I don't know if you know French or not, but it seems almost everyone here knows Spanish or French. I like Portuguese a lot. I'm trying to improve because I speak more of a portunol
Tinha-te escrito que, a meu ver, não conseguias perceber o português europeu porque tem uma fonética mais rica do que o brasileiro e mais dificil de entender. Os lusos costumam “engolir” as vogais átonas sobretudo ao falarem depressa
Estás seguro de que la mayoría de las personas en este foro sepa Español? Solo leo temas sin sentido sobre la importancia del idioma castellano, lo mismo ocurre con el francés...
Naturellement je connais le français, j’adore lire des livres en français, en particulier des romans ou des essais. De temps à autre je lis des journaux et des magazines aussi. A propos, je n’ai jamais vu un de tes messages dans une langue autre que l’anglais. :-)
Ich liebe andere Sprachen auch, aber ich will hier nicht schreiben.....
Who is KP?
Sorry, I meant K.T.
Passara muitas tardes da sua vida a caminhar, alegre, pelas ruas de Lublijana, ou a olhar – da janela do seu quarto no convento – a neve qua caía na pequena praça com a estátua do poeta. Certa vez, ficara quase um mês flutuando nas nuvens, porque um homem desconhecido, no centro daquela mesma praça, lhe dera uma flor.
I have and I will, Thanks again.
You are right. He reminds me of Letterman.
Have to study now! Ciao!
You are right. He reminds me of Letterman.
Parece-me muito mais gordo e até tem um sotaque diferente :-)