What the fuck is a 'dark' 'l'? Is it a racist term? LOL!
How is my Spanish?
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<<Dark l es como la l esa gangosa que tienen los catalanes. >>
¡Que repugnante!
¡Que repugnante!
Sorry I'm spaniard and I afraid your accent is not good, you need to work on it a bit more.
Anyway read a poem is more difficult than read other type of books o papers. I think you should try something more easy to begin.
As i notice your spanish level is high you just need to practise it, if you can come to spain or other spanish country to life or work your accent will improve a lot.
That's my point of view
Anyway read a poem is more difficult than read other type of books o papers. I think you should try something more easy to begin.
As i notice your spanish level is high you just need to practise it, if you can come to spain or other spanish country to life or work your accent will improve a lot.
That's my point of view
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