10 defects of Chinese simplified characters
(為何生為台灣人的我的我不這認為 )---沒~設 VS 没~设。
"J.C. Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:12 pm GMT
Thanks for the interesting article. It inspires me to study traditional 漢字 again since Japanese characters are much closer to Taiwan than China.
But I feel confused because most material I have access to is from China.
Do you know any materials for studying Chinese written in 繁體字?在日本沒有這麼書。
謝謝你! "
To J.C.
I think you should learn Pe̍h-oē-jī(白話字), not Traditional Chinese characters. Traditional Chinese Characters sooner will be replaced by Pe̍h-oē-jī and Simplified Chinese Characters in the languages of Hoklo and Mandarin.
Pe̍h-oē-jī was invented by a western priest, it's not the writing system of Minnanese (Bân-lâm-gú), and frankly Taiwanese (Tâi-oân-oē) is all the same with Minnanese.
"Tionghoa Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:53 am GMT
"(小篆才是正體字)---烏說白道! "
"(繁體字沙文主義者)---他們比你更懂漢字。 "
"(為何生為台灣人的我的我不這認為 )---沒~設 VS 没~设。 "
"(繁體字是外省人集團為了剝削台灣本省人學童成長的工具)---不要把文字和政治扯上關係。 "
"(繁體字有些字也違反了六書原則,你還是去多讀點書吧)---相對論你明白嗎?在程度上究竟哪個更可悲? "
"(人家行,大陸和台灣為何不行)---日語的文法和漢語相同嗎?是同一種系統嗎? "
那你可以去問日本人為何人家要用漢字? 就是文法問題不影響文字,所以日本才會用全用繁體字寫的萬葉集,你去看以下網站(二次世界大戰前日本可是多用繁體字,可為何簡化?只用無知的人才會說是文法問題.告訴你,是因為繁體字太難寫,所以才簡化)看來你是去多讀點書吧!
"("国")---國中有個王(皇帝)還是民主國家嗎?而國字中有疆域才是國家。 "
"Tionghoa Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:01 am GMT
Pe̍h-oē-jī was invented by a western priest, it's not the writing system of Minnanese (Bân-lâm-gú), and frankly Taiwanese (Tâi-oân-oē) is all the same with Minnanese. "
I think you never hear of "府城教會報" which was the newspaper written in Pe̍h-oē-jī(白話字) and was famous newspaper in Taiwan.
Taiwanese Bible is now also published in Pe̍h-oē-jī(白話字). So, it proves it is the standard writing system of Taiwanese.
To: Tai-oan-lang (台灣人)
《I think you never hear of "府城教會報" which was the newspaper written in Pe̍h-oē-jī(白話字) and was famous newspaper in Taiwan.
Taiwanese Bible is now also published in Pe̍h-oē-jī(白話字). So, it proves it is the standard writing system of Taiwanese.》
"Tionghoa Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:15 am GMT
To: Tai-oan-lang (台灣人)
除了謾罵你還會些什麼?你和民進黨阿扁一樣,強詞奪理的水準太高了。 "
"Tionghoa Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:19 am GMT
《I think you never hear of "府城教會報" which was the newspaper written in Pe̍h-oē-jī(白話字) and was famous newspaper in Taiwan.
Taiwanese Bible is now also published in Pe̍h-oē-jī(白話字). So, it proves it is the standard writing system of Taiwanese.》
Re:我當然知道,但它是個偽系統,也是個假洋鬼子,本來都是黃種華人,非要墊起高鼻梁去冒充西洋人不可。這樣很光榮、很自豪、很合理嗎? "
《從這就可看出你的無知,你們的鄰國越南就是好例子,人家廢棄漢字,改用拉丁字母拼寫的越南文,台語文也是和越南文的過程一樣呢. 》
"Tionghoa Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:30 am GMT
《從這就可看出你的無知,你們的鄰國越南就是好例子,人家廢棄漢字,改用拉丁字母拼寫的越南文,台語文也是和越南文的過程一樣呢. 》
Re:我早就知道越南拉丁文,看起來就像是被水沖散的符號,說它像法文又不是,上面標注著聲調,通篇一點美感都沒有。我看與其說你喜歡拉丁字,還不如說你想和大陸、以及台灣國民黨劃清界限,才故意選擇拉丁字作為閩南語的書寫標準。你不用否認了。 "
> Tionghoa Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:01 am GMT
> Pe̍h-oē-jī was invented by a western priest,
> it's not the writing system of Minnanese (Bân-lâm-gú), and frankly Taiwanese (Tâi-oân-oē) is all the same with Minnanese.
Pe̍h-oē-jī = Romanized Hokkienese / Holo / Taiwanese / Hoklo / Minnanese / Bân-lâm-gú / etc.
Pe̍h-oē-jī was designed by some Western missionaries who are belong to Augustinian, Dominican, Society of Jesus, Franciscan, London Foreign Mission, British Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed Church, American Presbyterian, Canadian Presbyterian, etc. There are different orthography in different designers.
The Western missionaries designed this Pe̍h-oē-jī that is a gift for Minnanese people more than four centuries.
In 1850, the missionaries had a dream that hope the Minnanese people to become a "Reading People" in the world, all the people; adult, old, young, children, man or women.
As a mother tongue's speaker who learns this "writing system" (Pe̍h-oē-jī) only need 3 weeks to 3 months, but learning the Literary Chinese or Written Mandarin (that both all in script of Chinese Characters) need 10 years at least.
Therefore, the missionaries decided to promote this Pe̍h-oē-jī to the Christians and non-Christian people. Which included these regions: Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hokkien, Canton, Taiwan, Burma, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.
The Literary Chinese and Written Mandarin are also not the "writing system of Minnanese".
In Chinchew, Changchew, Amoy and Taiwan, why the Minnanese students are only educated in Written Mandarin and Literary Chinese at schools and there are not provided any Written Minnanese in schools?
"Japan's Education System was very good and the illiteracy of Japan was wiped out before World War II, then why don't you think of Japan's simplifying Kanji?
It proves Traditional Chinese characters have the biggest guilty. So, Japan can does simplification work, why not China can't?"
Japan's simplification of Kanji is minimal compared to the Simplified Chinese in mainland china. It didn't "simplify" the letters to the point of causing mutual unintelligibleness between the users of traditional and simplified letters.
正 日 簡
爲 為 为
轉 転 转
鬪 闘 斗
麵 麵 面
聖 聖 圣
華 華 华
門 門 门