What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?

Yo   Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:47 pm GMT
You guys, your posts are fake, you don't get it, really. Accents are also about SYNTAX, and yours is apparently non-native, probably Polish. It's fake to my ears, or should I say eyes. All of it tries to be too... perfect, without the natural "human factor". Sorry, but it seems like you wrote something and then half-corrected it through native speakers. Poles will buy it, though, too bad. And your attack on the classroom activities? Evidently you have no idea about classroom teaching, but found some snippets - or made them up yourslves - that fit a schemata. They are of no real value, apart from helping you push your product. "marketing"... bulshit, if you ask me. Shame on you. BTW, what are you really here for, apart for selling cds and DOING BUSINESS?
Guest   Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:51 am GMT
... ok, I think I missed something ... apparently, we are selling cds and doing business ... we are no longer talking about our favorite accents ... right.
JC   Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:16 pm GMT
Firstlly, I am a Texan but of mixed Irish/Puerto Rican/Black and Native American origin but I love the Irish accent and our Texas Drawl. I am from Central Texas so we speak in a more clipped rythym than say East Texas or the Dallas area. I do not care for the Brittish accent because it sounds too pretentious and uppity. I do love the Manx accent though and the Scottish accent is beautiful to the ear. I cannot stand them "damnyankees" as we say here down south, especially the New York and Boston accents. The Wisconsin and Michigan accents cause me peals of laughter and the Californian accent sounds too feminine for me.
Nyatta   Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:22 pm GMT
JC from reading your post I have fallen in love. I'm from South Africa. I'm of Russian and Irish desent. I love Texans especially that sexy ass jc. I can't enough of him. I LOVE YOU BABY... even though I never met you and have only read your post. But havent you heard of LOVE at 1st SIGHT? They didnt say I had to actually see you. Please give me your number. I can only imagine what the sound of your voice would do to me. I mean I dont wanna go into detail about what your words already do.
JC   Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:25 pm GMT
Umm...wow. Umm..scary. Call this number: 1+512-647-4813 or my cell at 1+706-335-0511. Lol. After which you will probably need to call 1+781-382-3756. I am so evil....
Conor   Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:36 am GMT
>So, as a 18 year old going to visit Dublin...

Visit from where? Where you come from (your accent) will affect how you'll be treated.
Guest   Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:40 am GMT
...and as much as they love to single out foreigners...

Which foreigners, if any, do they treat well?
carter   Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:40 am GMT
None... it doesnt matter where you come from,if they need money for drugs or booze they will rob you(they rob their own people-been,australian,american,italian,spanish..etc..won't help).I'm not trying to make something of out nothing,but from a majority of foreign students and workers I've spoken to they've either been the victim of these attacks or they have friends who have been victimised.Its no different than a lot of other european cities and dare I say america as well.

It's just depressing to me that these scumbags can walk the streets of dublin and do as wish,they draw from our pockets(social welfare/government payments)paid by the workers taxes and then they have the cheek to rob from us at the same time and the homeless ones give the whole "I can't do anything to change my situation" speech which is total BS because there are so many youth and adult trainning centers for homeless/unemployed people in dublin city and around Ireland that give education and help them get employment.They are lazy,worthless sewer rats,they contribute nothing to Irish society,they invoke fear and have no respect for people,their surroundings or anything,that I can tell.

Dublin is a great city,it has a lot of history to it,and generally speaking the people are very warm and friendly,so don't let my rambles deter foreigners from visiting.
carter   Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:44 am GMT
that last post was to "Guest"
carter   Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:59 am GMT
Conor no it has nothing to do with the accents,they treat all foreigners and even Irish people the same,they don't go for a specific nationality,none that I know of,but they can tell by looking at people that they are not dubliners,don't ask me how they do it,they just know.I remember when I was 15-16,myself and a friend travelled up from the south of Ireland to dublin to go shopping for the day,and we had a great day out and decided to go grab something to eat in stephens green shopping center(which is huge)and we were chatting away and eating when two knackers/scumbags approached us at our table and said they had been following us all day long,they had watched us get off our bus(bus that travelled into dublin city from the country)and they stalked us all over the inner city shopping district.Lucky for us there were gardai(cops)in the shopping center patrolling near our table so we shouted for them and the knackers legged it.Funny to watch but very scary to know we were been watched all day like that.
A Bored Student   Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:16 am GMT
Being from Belfast I never had trouble with scumbags trying to rob me. They knew their place. The only thing to watch out for where the British Army or loyalists. Both tended to stay out of my home area though and would only show up in force so in reality Belfast was safer than Dublin.
JC   Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:50 pm GMT
PS - Those numbers are for Rejection Hotline Services.

What distinguishes Cockny from BBC English.
Irish Guy   Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:02 pm GMT
Every country has their own brand of urban scumbag. No need to single the Dublin Jackeens out. At least in Dublin you might only get a kicking whereas in an American city your head could be blown clean off.
carter   Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:32 pm GMT
Irish Guy ..thats what I already said earlier,in america you'd probably get shot,but it still doesnt change the fact that the scumbags in dublin still rob people,and the culchie areas have the same scumbag issues as well.Theres no harm in warning visitors to be cautious is there?I'm proud to be Irish and proud of my country so don't get me wrong.
Guest   Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:46 pm GMT
Irish Guy and Carter, when was the last time you were in America? Getting your head blown clean off? That's a bold statement. Do you have witnesses (pehaps your friends and co-workers) to back that up as well?