What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?

Travis   Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:09 am GMT
>>I think accents are great. i like the sounds of Americans who ahve mellowed their accents by living in Ireland (do they have lots of American over there?). And why do so many Irish sound American?<<

What exactly does "mellowed" mean here?
Rene   Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:25 pm GMT
Probably less "twang".
Travis   Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:51 pm GMT
>>Probably less "twang".<<

But, again, what does "twang" mean then?
Damian in London E16   Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:23 pm GMT
In linguistic terms 'twang' normally means to speak in a sharp nasal voice, but most probably people use it when referring to any strong accent, whether nasal or not. A strongly voiced manner of speech, usually reflecting an accent or a dialect. Most of the time it's used a wee bit perjoratively.

Apart from that you 'twang' on a guitar string!
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Some Penguin   Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:12 pm GMT
Some Irish chappie gave us a lecture today... I thought he was American until I heard him say "about" (a-boat) and "RNA" (or-NA), then I finally realised that he must be Irish =p

Even so, my realisation came at only 15 seconds into the lecture, so the American and Irish accents aren't THAT similar. And I agree: the Irish don't speak as nasally as the Americans do; they have a more rounded sound that comes from the belly.
Q   Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:20 am GMT
>> Even so, my realisation came at only 15 seconds into the lecture, so the American and Irish accents aren't THAT similar. <<

It seems as if some Irish accents are closer to American ones than others.
Guest   Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:14 am GMT
If you listen to old audio clips of John Lennon (of the Beatles) you can hear he had a strong nasally twang.

I wonder if other Brits from Northern England share that trait.
Damian in London N2   Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:47 pm GMT
John Lennon was a Scouser, like the other three. Not so much a nasal twang, more a throaty one as Liverpudlians usually sound as if they suffer from both catarrh and tonsillitis. Simple words like "back" come out a wee bit like their trying to pronounce the name Bach (as in Johann Sebastian)
Guest   Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:28 am GMT
When I hear him say "back" it almost sounds like "bank".

Here are 2 audio clips of John Lennon:

In the first one his nasally quality is evident where he says "we were fou~r guy~s" and "Pau~l". The tilde (~) is where the twang is strong.
Lauren   Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:41 pm GMT
Eya geezer 'oo cost soy that the brummie accent is rubbish its brill yaouw cor pail it wherever yaouw goo people naaa where yaouw frum an we ent common aither loike the aud cockneys in london cause brum wud smash em.


Eya man how cud u say that the brummie accent is no good its brill
aoud can tell it where ever you go an people no where you from an we ent no common either like the old cockneys in london cus brum wud smash em
Grant   Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:02 am GMT
"you've won the lottery of life to be born an Englishman"

Winston S Churchill
Uriel   Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:20 am GMT
Well, I once saw a bumper sticker that said "American by birth ... Southern by the grace of God!"
Pub Lunch   Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:21 pm GMT
Lauren are you sure your a Brummie?? You sound (or erm write more like a Geordie to me, I love the Brummie accent though - you lot sound superb). My Favourite accent?? For a women it just has to be the accent found around Cambridgeshire - the one I believe RP was based on (and I suppose the one most Americans in fact the world equate with England). In my opinion this is by far the sexiest accent going. As a bloke I would love to have the Edinburgh accent or possibly the Dublin accent - how can any bird refuse a geezer who sounds like that?? I don't like most American accents, I work with a girl from just outside of Chicago and she sounds so bloody annoying -when she opens her gob I run for cover - I cant take it I just can't take it!!!. Saying that though I do like the Brooklyn and Boston accents from the states, they are quite smart . I think the worst has to be the South African one arrgghh it is the worst - the absolute worst!!!. Second worst is probably mine - I'm from Essex ALRIGHT MATE OWS IT GAHING?? arrggghhh!!.
Vowely   Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:09 pm GMT
>> I don't like most American accents, I work with a girl from just outside of Chicago and she sounds so bloody annoying -when she opens her gob I run for cover. <<

Probably because of Chicago's vowel shift:
caught -> caht
cot -> cat
cat -> kee-uht