do all Scottish, Irish and Welsh speak English?

Adam   Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:46 pm GMT
Irish teens biggest binge drinkers (and in Europe, only one other country had a higher rate of DRUNKENNESS amongst teens and that was Denmark.)

[Posted: Tue 14/12/2004]

By Deborah Condon

Irish school children get drunk more often than almost all of their European counterparts, a new report has found.

According to the 2003 ESPAD (European Schools Project on Alcohol and other Drugs) Report, 30% of Irish 16 year olds were drunk 10 or more times in the previous 12 months. In Europe, only one other country had a higher rate of drunkenness amongst teens and that was Denmark.

Furthermore when it came to frequent episodes of binge drinking - this was defined as three or more times within the previous 30 days - Ireland ranked first among European students, with one-third of boys and girls admitting the practise.

More girls than boys reported regular use of alcohol, making Ireland the only country where girls outdo boys in the drink stakes. Since 1999, girls have increased their consumption of alcopops and spirits, while beer continues to be the most popular drink among boys.

Problems experienced by teenagers as a result of their own drinking meanwhile were twice the European average for individual problems such as damage to objects or clothing, loss of money or valuables, accident/injury and delinquency problems such as scuffles or fights.

The report found that there had been a decrease in the number of 16 year olds who reported having their last drinking occasion in a pub, from 39% in 1999 to 24% in 2003. However there had been an increase in the number of girls who reported their last drinking occasion as occurring on the street, in a park or on the beach, from 9% to 12%.

The report also found that Irish students were almost twice as likely to have used marijuana than the European average. However cigarette smoking among 16 year olds had dropped by about 10%.

This is the third report of the ESPAD project, which began in 1994. Altogether 35 countries took part, with the Irish sample consisting of 2,407 young people born in 1987. The Irish data collection was managed by Dr Mark Morgan of St Patrick's College in Dublin.

Ireland, BY FAR, spends the most money, per person, on alcohol in the EU. It spends more than twice the amount of Denmark, which is in SECOND place.

Average per capita spending on alcohol in the EU

1) Republic of Ireland - 1675 Euros
2) Denmark - 531 Euros
3) Luxembourg - 510 Euros
4) Sweden - 410 Euros
5) Belgium - 405 Euros
6) Britain - 400 Euros

It's the Irish who are the drunkards.
I love life   Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:50 pm GMT
British, Scots, Irish, Italians, French, Yankees and so on...we are all freaking drunks at one time and another hehe. High drinking rates? so what? repeat after me gents; Women, music and "wine" that is the way it should be. Ohoh yehaaa....(add good food, nice company and such) and the picture is complete!

Now cheers on you :)
Liz   Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:31 pm GMT
<<It wasn't me "disparagueing" the Scottish, Welsh and Irish. I think you will find that it was Guest who was "disparagueing" the English over on page 8.>>

Disparaging. It was a TYPO.
Franny's Back   Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:20 pm GMT
You are an absolute tube(Reply to welsh are freeloaders).How about this scenario England get's achance to vote for Wales to be booted out of the U.K,As I have said before England and indeed Scotland made Britain what it is today,Not those leek munching funny talking English haters the welsh.
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Rhys   Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:49 pm GMT
Welsh is on the up,its not like schottish or Irish no one nows about those languages because they dnt show it and talk it enough.Look at our anthem is it sang in English??NO welsh so that all these other countrys around the world NOW that we in Wales speek welsh and also sing in Welsh.Most of the chapels in wales are welsh spoken,with welsh Vales were many speak welsh and even iff they dont speak welsh they nearly ALLL understand it so we cant loose!Come to Wales and every sine is Bilingual,it's against the law to have a public sine which is not bilingual!We have Cymdeithas yr iaeth which support the language,we have welsh schools and welsh is a must in all schools.Welsh is on the up unlike scottish and Irish sorry to say.we have 750.000 welsh speakers in Wales yet alone all the other countrys-South America,Australia e.e
thanx Rhys
rhys   Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:03 pm GMT
franny.ur a twat,you dont now anything about the welsh's importand for us 750.000 speakers in wales to keep it at 750.000 and it does not help when we have u english ass whipes hanging to the right of us alll the time talking english all the time and dissing our language!
Hop hwyl i chwi Franny u fanny!
Damian - a Scot in London   Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:44 am GMT
Bore da i chwi oll o Llundain...prif dinas Lloegr.
(Good morning to you all from London, capital city of England)

I have a day off today : Yay!!

Let's pop across to:


.....part of our Celtic brotherhood.

Wales - a very proud nation within a nation - to echo the words of Rhys (be careful how you pronounce this name - the Y is the vowel and it more or less equates to the "u" sound in the French "du" or "mur") the Welsh Language is flourishing. Ask Glyn Wise - the guy from Blaenau Ffestiniog (North Wales) who came second in Big Brother 7 - Welsh is his first Language and he thinks in Welsh and has to do rapid mental translations when he speaks in English.

He goes to Bangor University (North Wales) in October and his ambition after that is to teach Welsh to English people who take up residence in Wales. During the whole BB7 experience his home town of Blaenau Ffestiniog was festooned with banners saying: "Glyn i ennill" ("Glyn to win"). He came second to wacky Pete from Brighton but nae matter.

Get some info on the Welsh experience:

Glyn - runner up in Big Brother 7: passionate about his native Language, Welsh. He speaks nothing but Welsh at home, he speaks mostly Welsh when out with all his mates. Since being in BB7 he has enjoyed the experience of being out in the wider world and having fun big time down here in London but ultimately will return to his beloved Wales and live the Welsh experience.

Hwyl fawr i chwi oll (Cheers!)
Damian in East Finchley,   Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:05 am GMT
***Welsh is on the up,its not like schottish or Irish no one nows about those languages....*** (Rhys part quote)

Rhys...are you absolutely sure you're Welsh? Schottish? Looks Germanic to me.......still, you could have said "Schottisch" I reckon, in which case I really would have doubted your nationality big time.....

Pob Hwyl!
Damian in N2   Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:14 am GMT
Hey - do listen to Glyn's audio clips...the guy's so cool it's unreal...especially that time when he had to do a mix for a cake bake his mega cool Welsh accent I could listen to him for yonks....Glynspeak: oh no! do you know what I mean? I have a Jaguar and I live in Kent!...and the clip done with a cool version of Men of Harlech
Guest   Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:15 pm GMT
Adam is a doodoo head! Nah, Nah, na nah nah
Damian in London N2   Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:11 pm GMT
Three guys discussing the Brummie (Birmingham) accent in BB7 - No.1 a Welshman (Glyn), No.2 a Scouser (Mikie - the guy in a green top) and No.3 (Pete - the Mohawk guy with tourettes ) from Brighton, Sussex, right down on the South coast of England
Damian in N2   Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:14 pm GMT
oops.....Mikie's wearing a brown singlet and not a green top and Pete has a hat on hiding his mohawk. Glyn is the bloke with glasses and holding a bottle of mineral water.
Damian in London   Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:26 pm GMT
oops...forgot to say...Pete has a strong touch of Estuary in his speech....common in his part of England. Brighton is a large seaside city with a very cosmo metro population, and outside of London has the largest gay population in the UK. In some parts of the city it's virtually compulsory.

Pete can be difficult to understand at the best of times because of his tourettes which becomes more intense when he's stressed and he's unable to control his "obscenity" word (if you do consider it obscene!) - "wankers", which he yells out relentlessly whenever he gets all wound up. :-)
Benjamin   Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:03 pm GMT
Since we're having a little inventors competition...

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I just thought I'd mention that at least two of those were invented by Unitarians. Does anyone know which? I'll give you a clue — we wouldn't be on here now if it weren't for both of them. And considering that there are only about 6,000 of us in the UK now, we haven't done too badly, have we? ^_^ And that's not to mention all the other things we can (read: like to) take the credit for! :P
Guest   Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:39 pm GMT
"The English are well known to be the drunken illiterate hooligans of the world."

For " English" read football fans!

"The English considered the Irish as beasts and subhuman, deserving of no respect, I can imagine the English chuckling to themselves and saying, "it took centuries, but, we finally did it, we wiped the Irish out, maybe not phiscally, but, spiritually and Nationally and all intents and purposes, they are now at last ENGLISH, they speak our language and dress like us and live as we do.....we have finally civilized them........"...........Remember, the English did the same thing to the American Indian,"

For " English" read govement.
I personally dont give a toss and have the same respect for any person in any country. You can't generalise everyone because of a mindless few!
We all need each other if we are to move forward dont you think?