>>Wintereis Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:42 am GMT
Oh, good heavens. I leave you people alone for a few days and all kinds of silliness and stupidity breaks out like its some kind of social disease. <<
OOOOOOoh, Wintereis, thank you for yr detailded, infromative reply in this both hilarious,heuristic topic (I never expected you to come up with such an informative reply)! I feel a need to respond to yr comments point by point to either agree with you or counter-argue with you somewhere!
>>Shumio, as usual, your ignorance of the world at large leaves me positively astonished (and we Americans get the bad rap)-- you would think I would have gotten used to it by now. There are many cultures and religions that not only accept homosexuality but, in certain instances, they promote it. Many of the Shamanic religions of the world consider the "homosexual" sacred and some even include homosexual acts as a rite of passage into adult hood. <<
Hmmmmmmmm, sounds very interesting! I am eager to learn more!
Regarding yr accusation of me as ignorant, I am afraid you are FAR from being a qualifed figure to make such judgement!Perhaps the opposite might hold truer!LOL! Of course on certain particular issues, you, or any other poster, might know more than Shuimo do!But the same thing can be said of Shuimo as well!
>>>Pre-Columbian native Americans perceived homosexuals, "two spirited people", as holy. They were thought to have an ability to move between worlds. This same thing can be said about the pre-Abrahamic religions of Europe. For instance, prior to his return from the underworld, the mythic poet, Orpheus, was strictly "heterosexual". After returning from the world of the dead, he was "homosexual". <<<
Interesting!But why just pre-Columbian native Americans?
What about the post-Columbian native Americans?
Did they die out gradually due to the non-producing homosexuality or some other mysterious reason?
>>In Egypt, Hermes Trismegistus was born from the "homosexual" relationship between the two sun gods, Horace and Thoth. Hermes Trismegistus was said to have gone on to write the emerald tablet (foundations of Alchemy and Kabala). <<
Well, legendary stories always hold appeal!
I wonder how someone cud be born out of a homosexual relationship, I mean, scientifically speaking?
>>In Papua New Guinea an ancient tribe, The Big Namba, cling to the belief that sperm is sacred, powerful, and limited in its abundance. It is therefore necessary for the warriors of the tribes to inseminate the youths so that they may pass into manhood. <<
Again interesting!
>>In the Christian bible as well as the Talmud the characterization of the relationship between David and David is often seen as homoerotic as well as the "wrestling of Jacob with the angel. You can see the eroticization of these figures in many artistic renderings.
Donatello's David (See how the swan wing on Goliath's helmet curves up David's thigh):
Jacob and the Angel:
http://www.i-youniverse.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/leloir_-_jacob_wrestling_with_the_angel.jpg <<
Well, for Christianity, AFAIK, even the Pope is against homosexuality! I think that says it all regarding the attitude of Christianity towards homosexuality!
>>Why, Shumio, there is even a famous story of "the cut sleeve" in your own culture. The story goes that a Chinese emperor woke early and, upon seeing his male lover's beautiful body draped over his own silk sleeve (a mark of his status and power), preferred to cut off that sleeve than wake his lover. <<
Hhahhah,Shuimo take my hat off to you for this mention of the noted "cut sleeve" homosexual story in Chines history! Today the Chinese wud still use a "cut sleeve" relationship to indirectly describe a homosexual relationship btw two males!
>>In the dialogs of Plato you will also find that the philosopher credits a pair of male lovers with founding the first know "democracy" (the Athenian Republic on which both the Roman and American Republics were later based). There names were Harmodius and Aristogeiton. a famous statue of the pair was set before the acropolis, I believe (don't quote me), that Xerxes took the statues during his conquest. History has it that Alexander the Great of Macedonia, who preferred men, retrieved the statues and returned them to Athens.
Statues of Harmodius and Aristogaiton:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Harmodius_and_Aristogeiton.jpg/250px-Harmodius_and_Aristogeiton.jpg <<
Hmmm, I think so! Don't we use Plato love for homosexual love?
Should Shuimo say that Plato has set a very brilliant or bad example for the rest of Western philosophers and artists? I hear that many good famed ones are homosexuals, aren't they? I don't know whehter Plato should be personally responsible for that?
>>Now, for another matter. Someone was claiming that homophobia seemed as natural if not more so than homosexuality. As a "homosexual", I cannot agree with this person more. It has long been known that difference and ignorance are the greatest catalysts of fear. So, it is quite natural that people who are unfamiliar with homosexuals and largely ignorant of human sexuality, aside from the grunting act itself, should fear it.<<
Agree with you here!
All fears in a fundamental way result from our ignorance or being kept in the dark about certain things we should be supposed to know!
We are afraid of catching certain diseases because we know these diseaseas are still incurable because scienttists haven't found out the right ways to conquer such them, like the AIDS and some cancers!
We often feel an uneasiness about the future when we make important decisions that can significantly impact our lives, because we don't know what the exact consequences wud be!
>>As for the "natural" state of homosexuality . . . well, it is as natural as heterosexuality, which is saying very little indeed. As shown both by contemporary philosophy as well as well as science itself, no binary or category is true in essence (look at taxonomy). Our languages and our own minds find it easier to stick a label on something whether that label accurately describes that object or not. This is basic linguistics. Often times we become so attached to these labels that we forget that they are arbitrary, that in reality the world is made up of continuums rather than categories. <<
I surely cann't agee with you here wholly!
Post-modern thoughts, while having its own merits in shaking off some deep-seated thinking chains and shackles, have its demerits as well for its radical refusal and rejections of all good stuff left from its predecessors!
You mentioned taxonomy and claim that the world is made up of continuums rather than categories. Do you seriously believe that? This is absolutely the biggest sham post-modernists trying to sell to and drug us by misleadning us to belive that the objective world cud be manipulated like toy as we wish and whim!
Is there a continuum along which a male is gradually (or suddenly?) changed into a female or vice versa, unless you are talking about transexuals? The divding line btw a male and a female is surely not fuzy in biological terms, though I agree you can always toy with "gender" as much as you like, but definitely not with SEX!
>>The best contemporary science shows that there is no gene for heterosexuality . . . and there is no gene for homosexuality. That is not to say that who one is attracted to is not, in some way innate, or biological. Given the evidence we have, the differences in brain size, we must acknowledge that there are essential differences between those who are drawn to the same sex and those who are drawn to the opposite. Current science has found that prenatal, hormonal chemistry is largely responsible for this difference. In other words, the "homosexual and the "heterosexual's" brains develop differently in the womb (this is considered mainstream science). Yet, this does not account for everything, rather this simply sets up a predisposition. Otherwise, identical twins would always be of the same sexuality . . . which is not the case. No, there can be identical twins where one, sadly, turns out to be a breeder. <<
I must confess what a complex issue all this homosexual thing has become with the GENE involement of modern science, even subsuming twin studies!It seems that the more we know about it, all the more we seem to know that we don't know, doesn't it?
The crucial question remains whether homosexuals are natural-born or nurtured! Someone mentioned the habit of using left hands!
Is there a connection btw left-hands and homosexuals? Worth thinking!
>>Now we get in to the messy mesh of another categorical binary, nature and nurture (why can we never figure out that it is a combination of the two). Our best scientific knowledge at this time states indicates that sexuality (both heterosexual and homosexual) is, indeed, the result of a combination of nature and nurture. <<
I tend to agree with this ASSUMPTION of nature and nurture combination!Or I even tend to believe this issue simply can NEVER be scientifically explained or it is just non-explainable due to the profound limits of human beings: human beings cann't explain to human being themselves what they are really like, unless we have the hepl of the Extra-Terrestrial lives, who probably can look at us differently and accurately from an outsider's point of view!LOL
>>And, as Derida indicates, whenever there is a binary--whether it be black and white; night and day; absence and existence; female and male; or homosexual and heterosexual--there is always one privileged over the other. <<
Forget about the pungently anti-foundational post-modernist Derrida!
He was just a poor parrot of Chinese Lao Zi's Yin-Yang thought 2000 years ago! I encourage you to read more and dig into the world of Lao Zi, always the greatest philosopher of the world ever!
>>* The reason I put scare quotes around "homosexual" and heterosexual" varies by instance. There was no concept of heterosexual and homosexual prior to the 19th century. In examples that precede the coining of these terms, I use the scare quotes to illustrate that these terms are a-historical. When i use the scare quotes in examples after the 19th century, it is to illustrate the inaccuracy of these terms in truly describing human sexuality. <<
Yes! Here concepts matter very little! Human beings just have numerous sayings to refer to what we know as homosexuality as either a biological and/or social phenomenon!
Wintereis, while Shuimo apprecaite yr knoweldge of homosexuality legends in a variety of cultures, should I also point out one big fatal weakness in the strong case you are trying to make for homosexuality?
Why cud you ONLY find support for an appreciation of homosexuality in either primitive/tribal cultures like Papua New Guinea, Egypt, Pre-Columbian Indians) or highly marginalized tributary of ancient mainstream cultures like Western/Chinese?
Now history has evloved that that all major mature dominating cultures either frown upon or despize or even abhor homosexuality, right?
Why? Is it just conincidence or simply the historical inevitable?
Further enlightment from Shuimo is to be expected in the next episode!