I wonder why Spanish speaking people are so obsessed with their fucking language? It's one of the ugliest, unpleasant, easiest languages ever. All these people have nothing but the language, that's why they are so proud of it. American Latin countries are poor and hopeless, Spain has always been considered one of the most unimportant and backward countries in Europe, it is still called the bottom of Europe. How on earth can they compare Castilian with French, this unique, rich, beautiful language! French is the language of fine arts, literature, beauty. I know, hordes of lazy and stupid teens are learning Spanish all around the world, mainly in Brazil and the USA (sic!), but who cares, they'll forget every single Spanish word after leaving school!
Spain and its former colonies
Think positive... if people learn spanish or portuguese it will be easy to learn french for them because both are latin language.
Spanish could be a step to french learning
Spanish could be a step to french learning
Nobody learns Portuguese! Portuguese, along with Romanian, is the least studied Romance language. Even Catalan is more studied than Portuguese
Spaniards generally speak rotten French. Germans or Slavic people can speak it better so Spanish is completely useless
What happened with TGV in Portugal ? Did the hispanophiles of the left wing win the elections? Keep me informed .
We are proud that we have our language to the second most spoken in the world. Keep in mind that we WILL take over the USA thanks to our noble Mexican lazy immigrants.
What also make me proud is that our great empire is what has causes the current borders of Belgium. We can make the world tremble.
One day, one day, Spanish glory will return in the form of a hispanic union!
What also make me proud is that our great empire is what has causes the current borders of Belgium. We can make the world tremble.
One day, one day, Spanish glory will return in the form of a hispanic union!
Well, the French always critize Spain for no reason. They say we kill bulls (yet they import this fashion and do bullfightings too), and other things. But as you said Spain did benefit France a lot. For example if it wasn't for Spain ,Flanders would be a province of the Netherlands and Brussels would not be the French speaking capital of Europe it is nowadays. Also it is Spain that has to deal with the African border full of illiterate Muslims. This gives Frence an incredible geopolitical stability Spain lacks . They had to deal with German expansionism too in the past, but it's not the same. Germany is European in the end and not like the Muslim barbarians thare represent a big menace for Europe just 13 km away from Spain. I would like to see the French having to deal with a muslims-europe border. They would have to move their fat ass and would not have free time for designing gypsy-like clothes in Paris while leaving the dirty job to Spain.
Franco you are a disgusting and frustrated person! Get a life. Don't you even have psychiatrists or psychologists in Spain? You need them, believe me....
Why are the French so obsessed with Spanish? it is always the same shit with them, but to be honest it makes me happy, they're mad cuz they know Spanish is the SECOND most important language in the world, as for French well... the fourth probably, so all they can about it is bitching around in forums like this.
BTW, now some French retard is probably gonna copy this message and change the words "French" for "Spanish", as they always do, they don't even have the brain to come up with a good answer.
BTW, now some French retard is probably gonna copy this message and change the words "French" for "Spanish", as they always do, they don't even have the brain to come up with a good answer.
Why are the Hispanics so obsessed with French? it is always the same shit with them, but to be honest it makes me happy, they're mad cuz they know French is the SECOND most important language in the world, as for Spanish well... the fourth probably, so all they can about it is bitching around in forums like this.
BTW, now some Hispanic retard is probably gonna copy this message and change the words "Spanish" for "French", as they always do, they don't even have the brain to come up with a good answer.
BTW, now some Hispanic retard is probably gonna copy this message and change the words "Spanish" for "French", as they always do, they don't even have the brain to come up with a good answer.
¿Why is being the second or third most important language IMPORTANT?
In fact If i could speak French i would be very happy. For me it's not important whether Spanish is second,third or forth. The important thing is that everybody loves their own language as me and that's good because we prevent languages from becoming extinct. So TANTO ME DA QUE ME DA LO MISMO.
In fact If i could speak French i would be very happy. For me it's not important whether Spanish is second,third or forth. The important thing is that everybody loves their own language as me and that's good because we prevent languages from becoming extinct. So TANTO ME DA QUE ME DA LO MISMO.
By not learning Spanish themselves and promoting their language in Latin America, the French can slow down the growing process of their rival language.
No trates de razonar con estos animales, ellos saben que el español es más importante en la escena mundial y por eso están frustrados, así que lo único que pueden hacer es "trolear" al respecto.
P.D. Tal como lo predije, uno de esos retrazados copió mi mensaje y simplemente lo cambió... patético.
P.D. Tal como lo predije, uno de esos retrazados copió mi mensaje y simplemente lo cambió... patético.
Catalan more studied than Portuguese?
well said there's 200 millions inhabitant only in Brazil, man.
In catalonia there is only 7.5 millions and half of them are spanish speakers native.
Valencia and Mallorqui are considered different languages than catalan by their own speakers and their own local goverment although some philological say they are the same language.
well said there's 200 millions inhabitant only in Brazil, man.
In catalonia there is only 7.5 millions and half of them are spanish speakers native.
Valencia and Mallorqui are considered different languages than catalan by their own speakers and their own local goverment although some philological say they are the same language.