Does this franco-hispanic rivalry really exist? Or is it just an antimoon phenomenon?
Spain and its former colonies
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<< Catalan more studied than Portuguese?
well said there's 200 millions inhabitant only in Brazil, man.
In catalonia there is only 7.5 millions and half of them are spanish speakers native. >>
But that's just comparing native speakers, how many people learn either Portuguese or Catalan as a foreign language? Not many, I guess.
well said there's 200 millions inhabitant only in Brazil, man.
In catalonia there is only 7.5 millions and half of them are spanish speakers native. >>
But that's just comparing native speakers, how many people learn either Portuguese or Catalan as a foreign language? Not many, I guess.
<<... not like the Muslim barbarians thare represent a big menace for Europe just 13 km away from Spain. I would like to see the French having to deal with a muslims-europe border. They would have to move their fat ass and would not have free time for designing gypsy-like clothes in Paris while leaving the dirty job to Spain.>>
I always like it when I see Europeans showing some of that traditional spunk that lead to the rise of the West a few centuries ago. Is this the beginning of the end for Political Correctness? Maybe there's hope hope for Europe.
I always like it when I see Europeans showing some of that traditional spunk that lead to the rise of the West a few centuries ago. Is this the beginning of the end for Political Correctness? Maybe there's hope hope for Europe.
I always like it when I see Europeans showing some of that traditional spunk that lead to the rise of the West a few centuries ago. Is this the beginning of the end for Political Correctness? Maybe there's hope hope for Europe.
ok let's start the third world war! Are you ready?
ok let's start the third world war! Are you ready?
<<Does this franco-hispanic rivalry really exist? Or is it just an antimoon phenomenon?>>
Luckily, Antimoon doesn't quite reflect what most people think. This community is just a group of people who have such little lives that all they do is just try to find little faults with each others language or culture and blow them out of proportion. Thank god Antimoon is not the real world, otherwise it would probably be falling apart. So get along people.
Luckily, Antimoon doesn't quite reflect what most people think. This community is just a group of people who have such little lives that all they do is just try to find little faults with each others language or culture and blow them out of proportion. Thank god Antimoon is not the real world, otherwise it would probably be falling apart. So get along people.
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