Guest ¿eres muy tonto o que? no hablas ingles, solo tu Lenguaje es verdad. joder..!! estas muy duro atras tu Conexión eh Gitano... jejeje..
English Speaking people learning spanish.
Soy el hermano de tu novia, que también es gitana. Como se entere el papa de que le has roto el himen no te va a dejar vivo, te aviso. Me voy a vender malacatones, ciao.
jejeje. pienso que tomaste muchas drogas Guest. You need to sort your stupid head out and do something with your life, instead of coming on here and shouting your stupid mouth off. Can you speak any other language Guest..? or are you to stupid or ashamed to try..? me entiendes ? quizá no..jejeje..
Yow, ...
May goostaureeyah aeprendair aw dayceer aelgow en espaenyoal,...y'all
May goostaureeyah aeprendair aw dayceer aelgow en espaenyoal,...y'all
Oye daveyboy . Ahora que estás en España , ¿esto es verdad?
Guest . Quizá, pero si quieres chupar... vas a chueca entonces, estoy seguro que te gustaria..jejeje..
A ver, recomiéndame algún bar de Chueca, que pareces informado. A mí me gustan bien grosas.
<<Yow, ...
May goostaureeyah aeprendair aw dayceer aelgow en espaenyoal,...y'all >>
Muy bueno. Me has arrancado una risa.
May goostaureeyah aeprendair aw dayceer aelgow en espaenyoal,...y'all >>
Muy bueno. Me has arrancado una risa.
Amigo Franco, quiero chuparte la pija. ¿Me dejás entrar, o tengo que violarte? No quiero que opongas resistencia, no quiero obstáculos, pero si insistís, no tengo más opciones que entrar a sangre y fuego...
Remember Davey that it is very common for beginners to have difficulty understanding local people in any language when they are speaking at full speed and possibly with a thick accent. You often find that the language spoken on the street doesn't always sound like what you heard in a classroom or on a CD course.
I remember having massive difficulty understanding what my East German father-in-law was saying as it sounded nothing like the Standard German I'd been learning back home. But I persevered and just like night I chatted away with him on the phone and understood him clear as a bell. My wife also had some difficulty understanding Scots people when she moved over here, even though she was already fluent in English for business purposes. It just takes time and continued effort.
I remember having massive difficulty understanding what my East German father-in-law was saying as it sounded nothing like the Standard German I'd been learning back home. But I persevered and just like night I chatted away with him on the phone and understood him clear as a bell. My wife also had some difficulty understanding Scots people when she moved over here, even though she was already fluent in English for business purposes. It just takes time and continued effort.
Fraz, its very true what you say. There are loads of people that study spanish in the schools and colleges in england, then later come to spain and get a big shock because they dont understand whats being said at 200 miles an My girlfriend is fluent in english but has problems understanding my mother who is from scotland.. its the accent, its very different from mine. I just need to keep listening to the spanish audio, and watching the spanish movies with and without the subtitles. I read in spanish out loud everyday as well now, sometimes 30 minutes or an hour but always out loud it helps for the pronounciation. i have a really good program for the verbs, its called verbarrator, its a very good program.