English Speaking people learning spanish.
@Marcelo I wouldn't bet that the census will be all that accurate. Especially given the nature of immigration in this country. It is unfortunate but, many native Spanish speakers who are here less than legally avoid any sort of government involvement, not just the INS.
Perhaps if laws were changed we'd see a bit more honesty on censuses. The prevalence of Spanish will almost undoubtedly be higher than the census predicts.
daveyboy: deje preocuparse por su acento. Deje de preocuparse por su novia y muérase.
Marcelo: deje de ver televisión española y muérase.
Franco: deje de hablar del acento español y muérase.
Thegreatseph: deje de preocuparse por los censos y muérase.
fraz: deje de hablar de lo que pasa cuando un británico se casa con una extranjera y muérase.
Muéranse todos. No aprendan español. Muéranse. No hablen más del español. Muéranse. No hagan nada que no sea morirse. No escriban comentarios. Muéranse. No se preocupen por sus acentos, ocúpense de morirse.
Ya estoy muerto. Hablo desde el más allá.
todo lo que te diria ya esta dicho.
Muéranse.. your a sad freak, grow up
haha.. a bit of a goose he is. Taking the piss, and the women just does not give a flying fuck..hahahaa..
Hey guys.
I would just like to get some input back on my thoughts of English speaking people learning Spanish [ castellana ] why is it so hard to learn..? i have been learning it for over 2 years now, i can speak it, no where near fluent though, to tell you the truth i struggle to hold a decent conversation together. I live in madrid with my girlfriend [ she is spanish ] she also speaks English more or less fluent,. In the first year of living here [ yeah you guessed it ] we spoke in english, i know it was a bad mistake because now i am not much nearer to speaking it well at all..! I have a private teacher for 2 hours every saturday.. and during the week, i study on my own. The big problem i have is been able to speak more spanish than to understand spoken spanish, it is so so dificult trying to understand a native speaker, more so when he is talking like 200 miles an hour..!! i mite catch the buenos dias, que tal part and other words but most of what they say goes right over my head..! its very very frustrating. So for all you native english guys/girls or people from other countries that are fluent. How did you do it ? . I have read in a few places on the net that english people do struggle to learn/understand spanish.. then you have the romanians that come to spain,and learn it so fast [ 6-8 month ] and have no teacher, no books/audio or nothing, just listening and talking ..!!
Thanks for the tips/info in advance guys..cheers..!
Thanks spanish spammer, my post is near or back at the top now. Muchas Gracias..lol.