Criteria for a language to be important internationally

Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:52 pm GMT
<< RT, que se puede ver en directo por internet (, ofrece informativos en horario de máxima audiencia en Madrid, Buenos Aires, México, Miami, Nueva York y Los Ángeles. >>

I would be impressed if it the audiences are from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Kiev, Lviv, Vladivostok, Alma Ata, etc.
Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:06 pm GMT

French is taught as first, second or third language as in institutions of higher learning Russian.

Students of French first language (several thousands in Russia) are destined primarily for careers as teachers of French and interpreters.

The choice of French as a second language after English by Russian students is referred to more professional (especially in the fields of tourism, banking, insurance, services and industry). More and more students choose French to access a university education in France further. This trend towards the selection of French LV2 is more noticeable at higher level in a country that opens to the cultural and economic exchanges in Europe.

Vorotsova   Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:01 pm GMT
<< RT, que se puede ver en directo por internet (, ofrece informativos en horario de máxima audiencia en Madrid, Buenos Aires, México, Miami, Nueva York y Los Ángeles. >>

I would be impressed if it the audiences are from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Kiev, Lviv, Vladivostok, Alma Ata, etc.>>

It is a 24 hours channel about Russian news on TV and Internet. ALL the World can watch this Russian Channel in English, Spanish or Arabic, including Russian people (and other former CCCP countries).

Obviously, Visitor will watch the Spanish version. It is focus on the population from European Union, United States and Latin America.

Thanks, Visitor.
Fursenko   Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:20 am GMT
<< Obviously, Visitor will watch the Spanish version. It is focus on the population from European Union, United States and Latin America.

Thanks, Visitor. >>

Obviously enroll himself in either French immersion program or bilingual French-Spanish education wherein the medium of instruction is French for math, science, history, etc. while Spanish is just the medium of instruction for Spanish.

Thanks, Guest.

PS: Stop hallucinating, Guest. Arabic broadcast is just for Arabic speakers and same with Spanish for Hispanics.
Russian Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:25 am GMT
Le français en Asie centrale


Nombre d’apprenants de français : 430 000

Nombre de professeurs de français : 3 500
Situation du français

Pendant la période soviétique, l’Ouzbékistan a été le réservoir de francophones de haut niveau pour les besoins de la coopération entre l’URSS et l’Afrique. Le nombre élevé d’apprenants de français (le plus important dans la zone ex-soviétique après la Russie) en est un héritage direct. Toutefois, la nouvelle réforme du système éducatif ouzbek risque de mettre à mal cet héritage en créant de nouveaux lycées où l’enseignement de l’anglais est généralisé.
Actions en faveurs du français

L’action du service culturel est tournée vers la formation des enseignants de français (1300 professeurs en 3 ans), le renouvellement des programmes dans le secondaire et des manuels de français dans le supérieur, animation du réseau des 5 écoles à français renforcé du pays.

Des cours de français sont dispensés au Centre culturel français Victore Hugo de Tachkent et dans sa filiale à Samarcande :

Contact : Mme Jacqueline Plessis, attachée de coopération pour le français :



Nombre d’apprenants de français : 224 000

Nombre de professeurs de français : 1 700

Situation du français

Le français est à ce jour la langue étrangère la plus étudiée au Kazakhstan après les trois langues obligatoires (kazakh, russe, anglais). Le nombre de professeur tend à diminuer faute de vocations pour cette profession, les salaires étant très faibles. Le souci récent des autorités éducatives kazakhstanaises de moderniser leur système éducatif en le rapprochant des standards européens devrait ouvrir la voie à la réflexion sur la place de l’enseignement des langues et par extension de celui du français (l’enseignement d’une seconde langue vivante qui profiterait au français n’est à ce jour pas obligatoire).
Actions en faveurs du français

Le service culturel met en place depuis 2004 un réseau d’alliances françaises (d’abord à Astana et Almaty) qui vient compléter le dispositif des salles de lecture. Dans l’enseignement secondaire, le poste conduit un programme de formation continue, à raison de deux séminaires par an, en liaison avec les associations de professeurs de français. Dans l’enseignement supérieur, une coopération est menée avec la faculté de français de l’Universités des relations internationales et des langues du monde (URILM) d’Almaty, notamment pour la création d’un haut conseil des thèses en coopération avec l’Université de Toulouse le Mirail afin de permettre aux enseignants chercheurs de soutenir des doctorats d’Etat et de pouvoir ainsi intégrer les facultés de français des universités kazakhs.

Contact : M. Alex Bortolan, attaché de coopération pour le français :



Nombre d’apprenants de français : 15 500

Nombre de professeurs de français : 130

Situation du français

La langue française parvient à se maintenir en terme du nombre d’apprenants bien que le russe soit encore une langue obligatoire et que l’anglais gagne du terrain sur les autres langues dans tous les établissements scolaires du Kirghizstan.
Actions en faveurs du français

Les actions du service culturel se concentrent sur un soutien aux pôles d’excellence pour l’enseignement du français notamment en accompagnant le développement de l’école bilingue 26 de Bichkek. Il organise également des séminaires formation continue pour les enseignants de français ainsi que des dotation en manuels. Le français de spécialité est développé dans les facultés d’économie, informatique, gestion, tourisme de l’Université d’Etat de Bichkek où le niveau de français est le plus élevé dans l’enseignement supérieur kirghiz.


The French in Central Asia

Number of learners of French: 430 000

Number of French Teachers: 3 500
Location of French

During the Soviet period, Uzbekistan was the reservoir of high-level French for the purposes of cooperation between the USSR and Africa. The high number of learners of French (the largest in the area after ex-Soviet Russia) is directly inherited. However, the new educational reform Uzbek likely to undermine this legacy by creating new high schools where the teaching of English is widespread.
Shares in favor of French.

The service action is culturally oriented training of French teachers (1,300 teachers in 3 years), renewal programs in secondary and manuals in French higher education, promoting the network of 5 schools in the country strengthened French .

French classes are taught in French Cultural Center Victor Hugo Tashkent and Samarkand its subsidiary:

Contact: Ms. Jacqueline Plessis, attached to the French cooperation:



Number of learners of French: 224 000

Number of Teachers of French: 1 700

Location of French

French is so far the foreign language most studied in Kazakhstan after the three compulsory languages (Kazakh, Russian, English). The number of teacher tends to decrease due to lack of vocations for the profession, salaries are very low. The recent concern of Kazakh education authorities to modernize their education system by bringing it closer to European standards should pave the way for reflection on the place of language teaching and by extension that of French (learning a second language living that would benefit the French is to date not required).
Shares in favor of French

The Cultural Department is implementing since 2004 a French network of alliances (primarily in Astana and Almaty), which supplements the reading rooms. In secondary education, the office conducted a program of continuing education at two seminars per year in conjunction with associations of French teachers. In higher education, cooperation is conducted with the French faculty of the University of International Relations and World Languages (URILM) Almaty, including the creation of a High Council of theses in cooperation with the University of Toulouse le Mirail to enable teachers to support research doctorates state and thus to integrate the French faculties of universities in Kazakhstan.

Contact: Mr. Alex Bortolan, Cooperation Attaché for French: alex.bortolan @



Number of learners of French: 15 500

Number of French Teachers: 130

Location of French

The French language is able to maintain itself in terms of the number of learners although Russian is still a compulsory language and that English is gaining ground on other languages in all schools of Kyrgyzstan.
French has a favorable share.

The actions of the cultural department will focus on support for centers of excellence for the teaching of French in particular by supporting the development of 26 bilingual school in Bishkek. It also organizes training seminars for teachers of French as well as allocation manuals. The French specialty is developed in the faculties of economics, computer science, management, tourism State University in Bishkek, where the level of French is the highest in the higher education of Kyrgyzstan.
Russian Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:33 am GMT
Le français en Asie centrale


Nombre d’apprenants de français : 430 000

Nombre de professeurs de français : 3 500
Situation du français

Pendant la période soviétique, l’Ouzbékistan a été le réservoir de francophones de haut niveau pour les besoins de la coopération entre l’URSS et l’Afrique. Le nombre élevé d’apprenants de français (le plus important dans la zone ex-soviétique après la Russie) en est un héritage direct. Toutefois, la nouvelle réforme du système éducatif ouzbek risque de mettre à mal cet héritage en créant de nouveaux lycées où l’enseignement de l’anglais est généralisé.
Actions en faveurs du français

L’action du service culturel est tournée vers la formation des enseignants de français (1300 professeurs en 3 ans), le renouvellement des programmes dans le secondaire et des manuels de français dans le supérieur, animation du réseau des 5 écoles à français renforcé du pays.

Des cours de français sont dispensés au Centre culturel français Victore Hugo de Tachkent et dans sa filiale à Samarcande :

Contact : Mme Jacqueline Plessis, attachée de coopération pour le français :



Nombre d’apprenants de français : 224 000

Nombre de professeurs de français : 1 700

Situation du français

Le français est à ce jour la langue étrangère la plus étudiée au Kazakhstan après les trois langues obligatoires (kazakh, russe, anglais). Le nombre de professeur tend à diminuer faute de vocations pour cette profession, les salaires étant très faibles. Le souci récent des autorités éducatives kazakhstanaises de moderniser leur système éducatif en le rapprochant des standards européens devrait ouvrir la voie à la réflexion sur la place de l’enseignement des langues et par extension de celui du français (l’enseignement d’une seconde langue vivante qui profiterait au français n’est à ce jour pas obligatoire).
Actions en faveurs du français

Le service culturel met en place depuis 2004 un réseau d’alliances françaises (d’abord à Astana et Almaty) qui vient compléter le dispositif des salles de lecture. Dans l’enseignement secondaire, le poste conduit un programme de formation continue, à raison de deux séminaires par an, en liaison avec les associations de professeurs de français. Dans l’enseignement supérieur, une coopération est menée avec la faculté de français de l’Universités des relations internationales et des langues du monde (URILM) d’Almaty, notamment pour la création d’un haut conseil des thèses en coopération avec l’Université de Toulouse le Mirail afin de permettre aux enseignants chercheurs de soutenir des doctorats d’Etat et de pouvoir ainsi intégrer les facultés de français des universités kazakhs.

Contact : M. Alex Bortolan, attaché de coopération pour le français :



Nombre d’apprenants de français : 15 500

Nombre de professeurs de français : 130

Situation du français

La langue française parvient à se maintenir en terme du nombre d’apprenants bien que le russe soit encore une langue obligatoire et que l’anglais gagne du terrain sur les autres langues dans tous les établissements scolaires du Kirghizstan.
Actions en faveurs du français

Les actions du service culturel se concentrent sur un soutien aux pôles d’excellence pour l’enseignement du français notamment en accompagnant le développement de l’école bilingue 26 de Bichkek. Il organise également des séminaires formation continue pour les enseignants de français ainsi que des dotation en manuels. Le français de spécialité est développé dans les facultés d’économie, informatique, gestion, tourisme de l’Université d’Etat de Bichkek où le niveau de français est le plus élevé dans l’enseignement supérieur kirghiz.


The French in Central Asia

Number of learners of French: 430 000

Number of French Teachers: 3 500
Location of French

During the Soviet period, Uzbekistan was the reservoir of high-level French for the purposes of cooperation between the USSR and Africa. The high number of learners of French (the largest in the area after ex-Soviet Russia) is directly inherited. However, the new educational reform Uzbek likely to undermine this legacy by creating new high schools where the teaching of English is widespread.
Shares in favor of French.

The service action is culturally oriented training of French teachers (1,300 teachers in 3 years), renewal programs in secondary and manuals in French higher education, promoting the network of 5 schools in the country strengthened French .

French classes are taught in French Cultural Center Victor Hugo Tashkent and Samarkand its subsidiary:

Contact: Ms. Jacqueline Plessis, attached to the French cooperation:



Number of learners of French: 224 000

Number of Teachers of French: 1 700

Location of French

French is so far the foreign language most studied in Kazakhstan after the three compulsory languages (Kazakh, Russian, English). The number of teacher tends to decrease due to lack of vocations for the profession, salaries are very low. The recent concern of Kazakh education authorities to modernize their education system by bringing it closer to European standards should pave the way for reflection on the place of language teaching and by extension that of French (learning a second language living that would benefit the French is to date not required).
Shares in favor of French

The Cultural Department is implementing since 2004 a French network of alliances (primarily in Astana and Almaty), which supplements the reading rooms. In secondary education, the office conducted a program of continuing education at two seminars per year in conjunction with associations of French teachers. In higher education, cooperation is conducted with the French faculty of the University of International Relations and World Languages (URILM) Almaty, including the creation of a High Council of theses in cooperation with the University of Toulouse le Mirail to enable teachers to support research doctorates state and thus to integrate the French faculties of universities in Kazakhstan.

Contact: Mr. Alex Bortolan, Cooperation Attaché for French: alex.bortolan @



Number of learners of French: 15 500

Number of French Teachers: 130

Location of French

The French language is able to maintain itself in terms of the number of learners although Russian is still a compulsory language and that English is gaining ground on other languages in all schools of Kyrgyzstan.
French has a favorable share.

The actions of the cultural department will focus on support for centers of excellence for the teaching of French in particular by supporting the development of 26 bilingual school in Bishkek. It also organizes training seminars for teachers of French as well as allocation manuals. The French specialty is developed in the faculties of economics, computer science, management, tourism State University in Bishkek, where the level of French is the highest in the higher education of Kyrgyzstan.
Russian Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:36 am GMT
Missions d’enseignement en Mongolie (anglais, français)
Mongolian classroom

Nos missions d’enseignement en Mongolie (Asie Centrale) consistent à enseigner le français ou l'anglais dans des crèches, écoles primaires, collèges et lycées. Pendant les vacances d'été, nos volontaires peuvent travailler dans des écoles de langues et des colonies de vacances, où ils enseigneront l'anglais dans un contexte alliant sérieux et décontraction. Musique, jeux, théâtre… N’hésitez pas à allier toutes sortes d’animations à l’apprentissage : vos élèves seront enchantés si vous développez leurs capacités linguistiques de façon ludique !

Nous vous proposons une large palette de missions d’enseignement en Mongolie. Vous pouvez travailler dans des :

* Crèches (enfants de moins de 3 ans)
* Ecoles primaires (enfants de 4 à 11 ans environ)
* Ecoles secondaires (enfants de 12 à 17 ans environ)
* Colonies de vacances
* Centre linguistique (groupes de jeunes adolescents et adultes)

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter : nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous renseigner sur nos différentes missions.

De même, vous pouvez enseigner, selon vos préférences ou vos capacités, toutes sortes de matières :

* Anglais
* Français (uniquement dans des écoles secondaires)
* Allemand
* Mathématiques
* Géographie
* Sport
* Etc.

Faites-nous connaître dès votre inscription vos talents et qualifications et nous essaierons de les employer au mieux sur nos missions.
Enseigner l’anglais ou le français en Mongolie

Votre rôle principal, en tant qu’enseignant bénévole en langues étrangères, est d'aider les élèves et les professeurs locaux à assimiler le mode de fonctionnement de l’anglais ou du français et d’améliorer leur niveau de conversation. Pour cela, nous vous conseillons de faire de vos leçons un lieu propice à l'échange culturel.

Voici quelques suggestions de thématiques que les volontaires peuvent utiliser pour animer leurs ateliers d’appui à la lecture et à l'expression orale, par petits groupes d'élèves :

* Le football
* L’actualité dans le monde
* La musique pop
* La mode
* Noël

Stage FLE en Asie

Dans les écoles, la taille moyenne des classes oscille entre vingt et trente élèves. L’emploi du temps des volontaires comprend environ quatre heures de cours par jour. Dans le centre linguistique, vous travaillerez avec de plus petits groupes d’élèves, mais le nombre d'heures de cours reste identique.

Vous ne devez posséder aucune expérience de l’enseignement préalable pour vous engager comme volontaire en Asie Centrale : nous vous demandons uniquement d’avoir un bon niveau de français ou d'anglais parlés, ainsi que de l'énergie et de l'enthousiasme, qualités indispensables pour travailler dans les écoles d’Oulan Baator, la capitale la plus reculée du monde !

Dès votre arrivée, vous serez chaleureusement accueilli(e) par votre tuteur de mission, généralement l’un des professeurs de langues de l'école. Que ce soit lui, ou vos étudiants, vous rencontrerez des gens aimables et enthousiasmés par votre venue. Ils n’auront probablement pas eu beaucoup de contacts avec des occidentaux dans le passé : vous deviendrez donc rapidement une « célébrité » !

Toutes nos missions de volontariat sont encadrées et peuvent, par conséquent, être reconnues comme stage conventionné, pour les étudiants en Français Langue Etrangère (FLE), ou d’un autre cursus d’enseignement. Nous sommes habilités à délivrer aux stagiaires des attestations de stage, ou à remplir une convention de stage en amont du projet.
Enseigner dans les écoles pauvres de Mongolie

En arrivant à Oulan Baator, lorsque vous visiterez l’école dans laquelle vous allez travailler, ne soyez pas surpris(e) si vous vous trouvez devant une vieille structure en béton de « style communiste », avec des équipements sommaires, propres, mais purement fonctionnels. Ces bâtiments rigides ne reflètent en aucun cas la nature accueillante des Mongols ! En revanche, cette triste apparence témoigne d’un manque cruel de ressources…

Après des années de lente croissance économique et de dettes, le gouvernement mongol projette d’accentuer son commerce économique avec les pays voisins, afin d’enrayer le niveau élevé du chômage. Mais pour que la Mongolie ait une carte à jouer, la scolarisation des enfants et leur niveau d’éducation doivent devenir une priorité.

C’est pourquoi les écoles mongoles ont désespérément besoin d’anglophones et de francophones, afin de donner aux enfants une meilleure chance de faire avancer leur pays. Vous aussi, vous pouvez jouer un rôle en Asie : participer à l’instruction des enfants aidera la Mongolie à se développer!


Teaching assignments in Mongolia (English, French)
Mongolian classroom

Our teaching assignments in Mongolia (Central Asia) is to teach French or English in kindergartens, primary schools, colleges and high schools. During the summer, our volunteers can work in language schools and summer camps, where they teach English in a context that combines professionalism and informality. Music, games, theater ... Feel free to combine all kinds of learning activities your students will be delighted if you develop their language skills in a fun way!

We offer a wide range of teaching assignments in Mongolia. You can work in:

* Nursery (children under 3 years)
* Primary schools (children aged 4 to 11 years)
* Secondary schools (children aged 12 to 17 years)
* Camps
* Language Center (groups of teenagers and young adults)

Feel free to contact us: we will be happy to learn about our various missions.

Similarly, you can teach according to your preferences or abilities, all kinds of materials:

* English
* French (only in secondary schools)
* German
* Mathematics
* Geography
* Sport
* Etc..

Let us know when you register your talents and skills and we try to employ the best in our missions.
Teaching English or French in Mongolia

Your primary role as a volunteer teacher in foreign languages, is to help students and local teachers to assimilate the mode of English or French and improve their level of conversation. For this, we suggest you make your lessons a place conducive to cultural exchange.

Here are some suggestions of topics that volunteers can use to enliven their support workshops on reading and speaking in small groups of students:

* Football
* The news in the world
* Pop music
* Fashion
* Christmas

Stage FFL Asia

In schools, the average class size ranges between twenty and thirty students. The schedule for volunteers includes approximately four hours per day. In the language center, you will work with smaller groups of students, but the number of course hours remain the same.

You should have no teaching experience prior to hire you as a volunteer in Central Asia: we only ask you to have a good level of French or English spoken, and the energy and enthusiasm, qualities needed to work in schools Baator Ulaanbaatar, the capital's most remote in the world!

Upon arrival you will be warmly welcomed (e) guardian of your mission, usually a language teacher from the school. Whether he, or your students, you will meet friendly people and excited about your arrival. They probably will not have much contact with Westerners in the past so quickly you will become a "celebrity"!

All volunteer assignments are supervised and can therefore be recognized as a contracted training for students in French as a Foreign Language (FLE), or another curriculum. We are empowered to issue certificates to the trainees of training, or complete an internship agreement in advance of the project.
Teach in poor schools in Mongolia

Arriving in Ulan Baator when you visit the school where you work, do not be surprised (e) if you are in front of an old concrete structure "communist style", with basic facilities, clean, but purely functional. These buildings not rigid in any way reflect the welcoming nature of the Mongols! However, the sad appearance reflects a serious lack of resources ...

After years of slow economic growth and debt, the Mongolian government plans to increase its economic trade with neighboring countries, to curb the high unemployment. But as Mongolia has a playing card, schooling for children and their education must become a priority.

Therefore Mongolian schools are in desperate need of Anglophones and Francophones to give children a better chance to advance their country. You too can play a role in Asia participate in the education of children will help Mongolia to grow!
Gasti Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:58 pm GMT
Mongolia: Russian, English, French, German...
This shows which languages are really useful and important. Third World languages (like those spoken in countries like India and Cuba) will never be important.
Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:53 am GMT
Guest, nobody in Russia and the rest of non-hispanic world will bother to watch the Spanish language program coming from Russia because they don't understand it.

On the other hand, French is spoken and understood by considerable number of people in Russia and even in Hispanic world because of bilingual education and French Immersion programs which Instituto Cerveza, Spanish Royal Academy, and Hispanidad could not duplicate because they lack sufficient funds or money.

Just take a look at your "Spanish Language Curriculum" in the Philippines. It hasn't implemented up to now and you announced it since 2007. The reason is because of no fund.


3 Cebu science high schools to teach their students French

October 6, 2009 10:37 pm
nowBuzz up!

CEBU CITY, Oct. 7 – Principals and students of science high schools in the cities of Cebu and Mandaue and Minglanilla town are excited to become beneficiaries of the French classes that the government will offer.

The three are among the seven schools in Central Visayas and the 13 in the country which were chosen as pilot schools in the Special Program in Foreign Language by the Department of Education (DepEd).

DepEd Secretary Jesli Lapus recently signed an agreement with French Ambassador to the Philippines Thierry Borja de Mozota to introduce French in 13 high schools starting school year 2010-2011.

Learning French early will give Filipino graduates a competitive advantage over people from other countries when they join the workforce, the press release added.

Mandaue City National Science High School principal Rosario Kasilagan said it is timely that the government introduce the language so their 234 students can easily find work abroad.

Cebu City National Science High School principal Severina Chin said students will greatly benefit as French is widely used in Europe and parts of Canada.

At Mandaue City National Science High School, student Steven Tan, 15, already knows how to give his name and birthday in French.

He believes learning the language will give him an edge in the future.

Minglanilla Science National High School principal Eutiquia Alday said her students are also excited about the new language.

Alday said the school has two teachers trained in teaching French –Dr. Adolfo Ermetes and Jacklyn Bucao– will be the ones to teach the language to 278 students in all levels.

Aside from the three, the science high schools in Toledo City, Medellin town, Tagbilaran City in Bohol and Lapu-Lapu City will benefit from the program.

The pilot schools recorded a high mean percentage score in English.

They are expected to serve as lead schools in the regions in mainstreaming the Special Program in Foreign Language, DepEd said.

Aside from preparing students for a culturally diverse global workplace, the program also aims to develop the students’ skills in listening, reading, writing, speaking and viewing as basic skills to acquire communicative competence in a second foreign language, it added. (PNA) LDV/EB/re
Fursenko   Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:56 am GMT
Obviously, Guest will enroll himself in either French immersion program or bilingual French-Spanish education wherein the medium of instruction is French for math, science, history, etc. while Spanish is just the medium of instruction for Spanish.

Thanks, Guest.

PS: Stop hallucinating, Guest. Arabic broadcast is just for Arabic speakers and same with Spanish for Hispanics.
Russian Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:11 am GMT
Íå ñëó÷àéíî ôðàíöóçñêèé ÿçûê óñòóïàåò òîëüêî àíãëèéñêîìó ïî ïîïóëÿðíîñòè ñðåäè æèòåëåé äðóãèõ ñòðàí, èçó÷àþùèõ èíîñòðàííûå ÿçûêè. ×òî êàñàåòñÿ Ðîññèè, òî çäåñü ïî ïðèáëèçèòåëüíûì äàííûì ñòàòèñòèêè îêîëî 4 ìèëëèîíîâ æèòåëåé â òîé èëè èíîé ìåðå âëàäåþò ôðàíöóçñêèì ÿçûêîì.

It is no accident the French language is second only to English in popularity among the inhabitants of other countries, learning foreign languages. With regard to Russia, where according to rough statistics about 4 million people in one way or another speak French.
Russian Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:34 am GMT
June 1st, 2009

Ìèíèñòð îáðàçîâàíèÿ è íàóêè Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè Àíäðåé Ôóðñåíêî è Ìèíèñòð íàöèîíàëüíîãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ Ôðàíöóçñêîé Ðåñïóáëèêè Êñàâüå Äàðêîñ ïîäïèñàëè 29 ìàÿ ìåìîðàíäóì î ñîçäàíèè èíòåðíàöèîíàëüíûõ ñåêöèé ðóññêîãî ÿçûêà âî ôðàíöóçñêèõ ëèöåÿõ, ñîîáùàåò ïðåññ-ñëóæáà Ìèíîáðíàóêè Ðîññèè.

Íà ïåðâîì ýòàïå, ê íà÷àëó 2009—2010 ó÷åáíîãî ãîäà áóäóò ñîçäàíû äâå òàêèå ñåêöèè.  ðàìêàõ ñåêöèé áóäåò èçó÷àòüñÿ íå òîëüêî ðóññêèé ÿçûê è ëèòåðàòóðà, íî òàêæå èñòîðèÿ è ãåîãðàôèÿ Ðîññèè. Äëÿ ïðåïîäàâàíèÿ èçó÷àåìûõ äèñöèïëèí âî Ôðàíöèþ áóäóò íàïðàâëåíû ðîññèéñêèå ïðåïîäàâàòåëè. Ó÷¸áà ôðàíöóçñêèõ øêîëüíèêîâ â èíòåðíàöèîíàëüíûõ ñåêöèÿõ ðóññêîãî ÿçûêà áóäåò ó÷èòûâàòüñÿ ïðè ïîëó÷åíèè èìè Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî âàðèàíòà äèïëîìà î ñðåäíåì îáðàçîâàíèè. Ñîãëàøåíèå òàêæå ïðåäïîëàãàåò, ÷òî â Ðîññèè áóäåò îïðåäåëåí ïîðÿäîê ïðèçíàíèÿ äîêóìåíòîâ îá îáðàçîâàíèè äëÿ ëèö, ïîëó÷èâøèõ òàêèå äèïëîìû, äëÿ ïîñòóïëåíèÿ åãî îáëàäàòåëåé â ðîññèéñêèå âóçû.

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Êñàâüå Äàðêîñ â ñâîþ î÷åðåäü îòìåòèë, ÷òî áîëüøèå íàäåæäû ñâÿçûâàåò ñ 2010 ãîäîì, Ãîäîì Ôðàíöèè â Ðîññèè è Ãîäîì Ðîññèè âî Ôðàíöèè. «Â ðàìêàõ ýòîãî ãîäà ïðîéäåò íåìàëî ìåðîïðèÿòèé, êîòîðûå ñìîãóò óêðåïèòü íàøó äðóæáó», — óâåðåí ã-í Äàðêîñ. «Â ÷àñòíîñòè, ìû îòêðîåì èíòåðíàöèîíàëüíûå ñåêöèè â íåñêîëüêèõ ôðàíöóçñêèõ àêàäåìèÿõ. Ìû ñåãîäíÿ ãîâîðèëè î ïðîâåäåíèè â Ðîññèè áîëüøîãî êîíêóðñà ïî øàõìàòàì, êîòîðûé ïîçâîëèò ìîëîäûì ðîññèÿíàì è ôðàíöóçàì îáùàòüñÿ. Ìû õîòåëè áû ïðîâåñòè â Ðîññèè áîëüøóþ, ìàñøòàáíóþ êîíôåðåíöèþ, ãäå ïîäâåäåì èòîãè ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà â îáëàñòè îáðàçîâàíèÿ».

June 1st, 2009

Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko and Minister of National Education Xavier Darcos of the French Republic signed on May 29 a memorandum of creation of the international section of the Russian language in French high schools, the press service of the MES of Russia.

In the first stage, the beginning of 2009-2010 academic year will have two such sections. Within the sections will be studied not only the Russian language and literature, but also history and geography of Russia. For the teaching of existing subjects will be sent to France, Russia teachers. The study by French schoolchildren in the international sections of the Russian language will be considered upon receipt of an international version of a high school diploma. The agreement also assumes that Russia will set the procedure for recognition of education certificates for persons who have received such certificates and for admission to holders of Russia's universities.

In addition to signing the agreement, the parties also discussed a number of issues of cooperation in education, as well as issues related to the Year of France in Russia and the Year of Russia in France.

"Today we have agreed on cooperation in the promotion of educational policy and are well advanced on a wide range of issues discussed during previous meetings," - summed up the negotiations Andrei Fursenko. The parties agreed to hold joint seminars, the exchange of students, explained the Minister.

Xavier Darcos, in turn, noted that the high hopes ties with 2010, the Year of France in Russia and the Year of Russia in France. "As part of this year will be a lot of activities that can strengthen our friendship" - sure, Mr. Darcos. "In particular, we will open an internationalist section in several French academies. Today we are talking about holding in Russia is more competition in chess, which will allow young Russians and French to communicate. We would like to hold in Russia and large-scale conference, which summarize the results of cooperation in the field of education.

April 29th, 2009

Âëàäåëåö ðóññêîé âåðñèè òåëåêàíàëà Fashion TV è ðàäèîñòàíöèè “Ìåãàïîëèñ FM” Àëåêñàíäð Øóñòîðîâè÷ çàêëþ÷èë äîãîâîð íà âåùàíèå â Ðîññèè è ÑÍà âîñüìè òåëåêàíàëîâ ôðàíêî-áåëüãèéñêîé ìåäèàêîìïàíèè AB Groupe, ñîîáùàåò “Êîììåðñàíò”. Óïðàâëÿòü êàíàëàìè áóäóò êîìïàíèè èç ìåäèéíîé ãðóïïû Øóñòîðîâè÷à Pleados.

Óñëîâèÿ äîãîâîðà ìåæäó AB Groupe è Pleados íå ðàñêðûâàþòñÿ. Ïðè ýòîì èçâåñòíî, ÷òî ñòîðîíàìè îãîâîðåíà âîçìîæíîñòü âêëþ÷åíèÿ â ñåòêó âåùàíèÿ ðîññèéñêèõ ïðîãðàìì.

Ê íàñòîÿùåìó âðåìåíè ëèöåíçèè íà âåùàíèå óæå ïîëó÷èëè ñëåäóþùèå êàíàëû AB Groupe: AB Moteur, ïîñâÿùåííûé àâòîãîíêàì è ìîòîñïîðòó, Chasse et Peche – îá îõîòå è ðûáàëêå, Encyclopedya – òðàíñëèðóþùèé ïðîãðàììû î êóëüòóðå, Animaux – î æèâîòíûõ, êàíàë äîêóìåíòàëüíûõ ôèëüìîâ Escales è ýðîòè÷åñêèé êàíàë XXL.

Îñíîâàííàÿ â 1977 ãîäó êàê ìóçûêàëüíàÿ êîìïàíèÿ AB Groupe ñïóñòÿ äåñÿòü ëåò çàíÿëàñü ñîçäàíèåì òåëåâèçèîííûõ êàíàëîâ. Ñåé÷àñ êîìïàíèÿ âëàäååò 23 òåëåêàíàëàìè, âåùàþùèìè íà ôðàíöóçñêîì ÿçûêå.  åå àðõèâàõ íàõîäÿòñÿ 1,2 òûñÿ÷è ïðîãðàìì îáùåé ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòüþ îêîëî 37 òûñÿ÷ ÷àñîâ.

Ïîìèìî Fashion TV Russia è “Ìåãàïîëèñ FM” Àëåêñàíäð Øóñòîðîâè÷ âëàäååò 12 êíèæíî-æóðíàëüíûìè èçäàòåëüñòâàìè, à òàêæå ïîëîâèíîé ðåêëàìíîé êîìïàíèè “Îëèìï”.

April 29th, 2009

Owner of the Russian version of the TV channel Fashion TV and radio "Megapolis FM" Alexander Shustorovich contracted to broadcast in Russia and the CIS eight channels of the Franco-Belgian media company AB Groupe, Kommersant reports. Channels will manage the company from the media group Shustorovich Pleados.

Terms of the contract between the AB Groupe and Pleados not disclosed. It is known that the parties stipulated to the inclusion in the Russian broadcasting network programs.

To date, a broadcasting license has been following through the AB Groupe: AB Moteur, dedicated to car racing and motor sports, Chasse et Peche - about hunting and fishing, Encyclopedya - broadcast programs about culture, Animaux - about animals, the channel documentaries Escales and erotic channel XXL .

Founded in 1977 as a music company AB Groupe, ten years later took up the creation of television channels. Now the company owns 23 television stations, broadcasting in French. Its archives are 1,2 thousand programs a total of about 37 thousand hours.

In addition to the Fashion TV Russia and "Megapolis FM" Alexander Shustorovich owns 12 book and magazine publishers, as well as half the advertising company "Olympus".
Russian Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:40 am GMT
June 1st, 2009

Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko and Minister of National Education Xavier Darcos of the French Republic signed on May 29 a memorandum of creation of the international section of the Russian language in French high schools, the press service of the MES of Russia.

In the first stage, the beginning of 2009-2010 academic year will have two such sections. Within the sections will be studied not only the Russian language and literature, but also history and geography of Russia. For the teaching of existing subjects will be sent to France, Russia teachers. The study by French schoolchildren in the international sections of the Russian language will be considered upon receipt of an international version of a high school diploma. The agreement also assumes that Russia will set the procedure for recognition of education certificates for persons who have received such certificates and for admission to holders of Russia's universities.

In addition to signing the agreement, the parties also discussed a number of issues of cooperation in education, as well as issues related to the Year of France in Russia and the Year of Russia in France.

"Today we have agreed on cooperation in the promotion of educational policy and are well advanced on a wide range of issues discussed during previous meetings," - summed up the negotiations Andrei Fursenko. The parties agreed to hold joint seminars, the exchange of students, explained the Minister.

Xavier Darcos, in turn, noted that the high hopes ties with 2010, the Year of France in Russia and the Year of Russia in France. "As part of this year will be a lot of activities that can strengthen our friendship" - sure, Mr. Darcos. "In particular, we will open an internationalist section in several French academies. Today we are talking about holding in Russia is more competition in chess, which will allow young Russians and French to communicate. We would like to hold in Russia and large-scale conference, which summarize the results of cooperation in the field of education.

April 29th, 2009

Owner of the Russian version of the TV channel Fashion TV and radio "Megapolis FM" Alexander Shustorovich contracted to broadcast in Russia and the CIS eight channels of the Franco-Belgian media company AB Groupe, Kommersant reports. Channels will manage the company from the media group Shustorovich Pleados.

Terms of the contract between the AB Groupe and Pleados not disclosed. It is known that the parties stipulated to the inclusion in the Russian broadcasting network programs.

To date, a broadcasting license has been following through the AB Groupe: AB Moteur, dedicated to car racing and motor sports, Chasse et Peche - about hunting and fishing, Encyclopedya - broadcast programs about culture, Animaux - about animals, the channel documentaries Escales and erotic channel XXL .

Founded in 1977 as a music company AB Groupe, ten years later took up the creation of television channels. Now the company owns 23 television stations, broadcasting in French. Its archives are 1,2 thousand programs a total of about 37 thousand hours.

In addition to the Fashion TV Russia and "Megapolis FM" Alexander Shustorovich owns 12 book and magazine publishers, as well as half the advertising company "Olympus".
Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:47 am GMT
That will be fine. Russian will displace Spanish in France in popularity because it's more practical than Spanish.
Visitor   Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:51 am GMT
<< Rusia comienza a emitir un informativo 24 horas en español

Rusia ha comenzado a emitir en español en el canal de noticias de 24 horas RT, que ofrece información general, deportiva, reportajes, documentales y entrevistas sobre la actualidad rusa e internacional.

RT, que se puede ver en directo por internet (, ofrece informativos en horario de máxima audiencia en Madrid, Buenos Aires, México, Miami, Nueva York y Los Ángeles.

"Estamos orientados a España, Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos. Con frecuencia nos preguntan que por qué en español y la respuesta es sencilla. El español es el SEGUNDO idioma del mundo, tras el inglés", dijo >>

The broadcast is aimed toward Spain and Hispanic America.

April 29th, 2009

Owner of the Russian version of the TV channel Fashion TV and radio "Megapolis FM" Alexander Shustorovich contracted to broadcast in Russia and the CIS eight channels of the Franco-Belgian media company AB Groupe, Kommersant reports. Channels will manage the company from the media group Shustorovich Pleados.

Terms of the contract between the AB Groupe and Pleados not disclosed. It is known that the parties stipulated to the inclusion in the Russian broadcasting network programs.

To date, a broadcasting license has been following through the AB Groupe: AB Moteur, dedicated to car racing and motor sports, Chasse et Peche - about hunting and fishing, Encyclopedya - broadcast programs about culture, Animaux - about animals, the channel documentaries Escales and erotic channel XXL .

Founded in 1977 as a music company AB Groupe, ten years later took up the creation of television channels. Now the company owns 23 television stations, broadcasting in French. Its archives are 1,2 thousand programs a total of about 37 thousand hours.

In addition to the Fashion TV Russia and "Megapolis FM" Alexander Shustorovich owns 12 book and magazine publishers, as well as half the advertising company "Olympus". >>

The French language channels are to be broadcast for Russia and CIS.


Colorado   Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:18 am GMT
Well, nice try, mon ami!

Your language is becoming a regional language. We know that in Western World (an important fall in the number of students in United States, Latin America and European Union).

It is true that the tendencies are later in countries like Kazakhstan or Tajikistan, where French is yet studied.

But that's irrelevant. The World tendency in languages is clear: English, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic are the languages of this century.

So, Russian Government wants to broadcast to half of the World in English, Spanish and Arabic. They probably will do it also in Chinese, but NOT in French. This language is becoming a regional language.

According to an interesting report from Banco de Santander, Spanish will be among the most important languages this century. This report confirms the World tendencies.

<<El español superará al chino y al inglés a finales de siglo

Miguel Ángel Revilla citó un estudio de Banco Santander que señala la hegemonía del español en el mundo a finales de este siglo, por encima de otras lenguas como el inglés o el chino.>>