Criteria for a language to be important internationally
Well, nice try, mi amigo!
Your language was/is/will still be a regional language. We know that in Western World (an important fall in the number of students in United States, Africa, Asia, Latin America and European Union).
It is true that the tendencies are later in countries like USA or Brazil, where Spanish is ahead.
But that's irrelevant. The World tendency in languages is clear: English, French, Russian and Arabic are the languages of this century.
So, Russian Government wants to strenghten French in their primary and secondary curricula to half of the World in English, French and German. They probably will do it also in Arabic, but NOT in Spanish. This language was/is/will still be a regional language a regional language.
According to an interesting report from Euroword, French is very important language this these days and has to be adopted as a universal language. This report confirms the World tendencies.
The importance of French language and why should it be adopted as a universal language?
Being the second most taught language internationally after English, and having a readership and following which are commiserate with the number of its students, French is definitely the language to know these days. With English, French is the only other “international” language, being spoken in 5 continents. The international body supervising the following of French as a language is known as the International Organization of Francophonie, which has 51 countries as its member states and out of these 51 states, 28 countries have French as their official language.
The widespread use of French as a language can also be inferred from the fact that French, with English is the official language of many towering organizations of the world, such as the UN, NATO, UNESCO, the International Red Cross Association and IOC (The International Olympic Committee), to name a few. From a recent survey, it has been noted that almost 70% of jobs in the US require or prefer the aspirants who know French, other than English, which is a testimony to the importance of French.
The importance of French has demographic and economic consequences for major economies in the world, even the US. For example, French is the official global language of Canada, which caries out major trade deals with the US. The knowledge of French for traders to such countries becomes all the more important when you realize that Canada, for example, has provinces like Quebec, which trades more than 70 billion Dollars annually with the US, and the major international language being followed there is French.
Apart from the economic influence of French and France, there is a high degree of intellectual importance associated with French as a language and the French thought for modernism and secularism. French doctors and scientists have been the fore-runners of technology in the modern era. France has the largest R&D center on nuclear physics in the world and also boasts as being the site of the world’s first nuclear fusion reactor. The French doctors were the first to isolate the HIV virus from the body of an infected human being- a ground breaking attempt to find a cure for AIDS. In order to decipher all their findings and discoveries, to understand their intellect and to admire it, it has become inevitable for the intelligentsia and researchers of today to adopt French as a global language.
French language a real tour de force around the world
Winnipeg Press Live
Sun Oct 29 2006
By Julie Barlow and Jean-Benoît Nadeau
French far outweighs Spanish, Arabic or even Chinese for its number of students: 100 million. The International Federation of Teachers of French has 80,000 members, a small proportion of the world's two million teachers of French -- 10,000 of whom are in the U.S.
Well, another bullshit in PDF. That's a French language propaganda and it is NOT true.
For example, French is the official language of 28 countries and not 33. They add 5 countries more.
The number of students is NOT 100 million. They probably add all people that speak French as second language in Africa, where it is also studied but it is not a "foreign language". It is a second language there.
Well, if you include "foreign language students" around the World and all people in Africa that study the language, it can be true:
75 million as mother tongue + 100 million as second language users (including students): 175 million of total speakers.
Not so bad, but Spanish far outweighs French for its number of speakers (over 500 million, Wikipedia, English and Spanish version).
<< Well, another bullshit in PDF. That's a French language propaganda and it is NOT true.
For example, French is the official language of 28 countries and not 33. They add 5 countries more.
The number of students is NOT 100 million. They probably add all people that speak French as second language in Africa, where it is also studied but it is not a "foreign language". It is a second language there.
Well, if you include "foreign language students" around the World and all people in Africa that study the language, it can be true:
75 million as mother tongue + 100 million as second language users (including students): 175 million of total speakers.
Not so bad, but Spanish far outweighs French for its number of speakers (over 500 million, Wikipedia, English and Spanish version). >>
Take note ofthe fallacies made by the Hispanic fanatics
- Spanish is official in 25 countries when it's just 18
- Spanish is the second most studied foreign language worldwide when it's French is second and German is third.
- Spanish has 100,000 students in Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal and 20,000 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language in Cameroon. Their basis is the Senegalese, Ivorian, and Cameroonian artists who recorded songs in Spanish marketed by PUTUMAYO.
- Spanish has more speakers than French in Germany just because they heard Pope Benedict XVI spoke in Spanish every Sundays after French when French is first foreign language and Spanish is not one of his foreign languages.
- Spanish has more speakers than French in Poland just because Popo JohnPaul II spoke in Spanish.
- Spanish has a total of 507,418,464 worldwide by summing up the so called speakers of all countries all over the world when those figures where mere inventions and baseless invented by INSTITUTO CERVEZA IN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language.
That's what you call real BULLSHITS for coming out misinformation.
The figures that is posted in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language that Spanish has a total of 507,418,464 speakers worldwide is a real BULLSHIT.
The truth is 330 million native speakers + 25 million secondary speakers + 25 million as an acquired tongue a total of just 380 million.
French on the other hand has 110 million first language speakers including those who switched to it in Africa + 190 million(as of Dec. 1997) secondary speakers mostly from Africa + 150 million non-francophone Europeans who speak it(1/5 of the European population) http://www.cpfalta.ab.ca/Learning/whyfrench.htm )+ 50 million who speak it as an acquire tongue with a total of 500 million.
<< The number of students is NOT 100 million. They probably add all people that speak French as second language in Africa, where it is also studied but it is not a "foreign language". It is a second language there.
Well, if you include "foreign language students" around the World and all people in Africa that study the language, it can be true: >>
STUPID. That means that there are just less 100 million than Spanish students in Hispanic America.
<< Not so bad, but Spanish far outweighs French for its number of speakers (over 500 million, Wikipedia, English and Spanish version). >>
But in other languages it's not more than 500 million.
1. English - 1800 M
2. Chinese - 1345 M
3. Hindi - 650
4. French - 500 million
5. Arabic - 425 million
6. Spanish - 380 M
El criterio básico para que una lengua sea importante internacionalmente es que NO sea el Español.
<<French on the other hand has 110 million first language speakers including those who switched to it in Africa + 190 million(as of Dec. 1997) secondary speakers mostly from Africa + 150 million non-francophone Europeans who speak it(1/5 of the European population) http://www.cpfalta.ab.ca/Learning/whyfrench.htm )+ 50 million who speak it as an acquire tongue with a total of 500 million>>
Francophonie says that the real number of speakers is some 200 million. So, you only added 300 million.
So, Francophonie says that you are lying...
<< Francophonie says that the real number of speakers is some 200 million. So, you only added 300 million.
So, Francophonie says that you are lying... >>
According to the Conseil Économique et Social de Paris, the number of "French" have reached even 500 million in 2000.
According to 2005 estimates by the International Organization of la Francophonie, there are 139 million Francophones (mother tongue and second language), which should add 39 million "Partial speakers of French", those whose French is a FOREIGN LANGUAGE. An estimated 250 million to 300 million people are in contact with the French language, but according to projections, that number should reach 500 million by the year 2010.
So, La Francophonie and Conseil Économique et Social de Paris says that you and Ethnologue are lying...
BTW, "francophones partiels" are fluent in French. Spanish has no "Partial Speakers" because all they can utter is "Hasta la vista, LOCA VIDA"
<<The figures that is posted in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language that Spanish has a total of 507,418,464 speakers worldwide is a real BULLSHIT.
The truth is 330 million native speakers + 25 million secondary speakers + 25 million as an acquired tongue a total of just 380 million. >>
I figured it out.
Those number of Spanish speakers in many countries indicated in that link are actually expatriates from Hispanic countries like Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, etc..
It's impossible that those "exact figures" for Spanish speakers in that link are actually citizens of those countries. There's no statistics released for exact number of people speaking Spanish in those countries.
The author(s) of that link counted them twice meaning they are already included in the figure from the countries where they came from and then counted again in the country where they currently staying so that total number of Spanish would reach 500+ million
Example: There are allegedly "136,565" Spanish speakers in Japan. These are not Japanese nationals but Hispanic expatriates assigned by their companies for an overseas assignment by their companies for a certain period of time. They got these figure from the statistics released by Hispanic countries dealing with the citizens of their countries who are overseas as in this case Japan. Now, they were already counted in the total number of Spanish speakers from their respective countries where they came from and then included again in for number of Spanish speakers in Japan.
The figure 507,418,464 is full of DISCREPANCIES and REDUNDANCIES therefore CRAP.
English, French, Russian, German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, and Dutch are the only rightful ones that can be dubbed as international languages because of their lasting contributions in science and technology.
Francophonie et concurrence culturelle au 21e siècle
La mondialisation a transformé l'espace économique mondial. Elle est en voie de transformer l'espace culturel. Mais comment assurer la diversité culturelle et linguistique face aux États-Unis, face à la montée de la Chine et de l'Inde qui voudraient imposer leur langue comme langue dominante du XXIe siècle ? « La Francophonie est devenue le principal espoir de notre langue, peut-être le seul. » SANS LA FRANCOPHONIE, LE FRANÇAIS SERAIT CONFINÉ À LA FRANCE, LA BELGIQUE, LA SUISSE, AUX COMMUNAUTÉS FRANCOPHONES DU CANADA ET AU QUÉBEC, PLUTÔT QUE DE REGROUPER AUJOURD'HUI 68 ÉTATS ET PLUS DE 500 MILLIONS DE LOCUTEURS. Mais, dans cette bataille des langues, sera-t-elle en mesure d’assurer au français une place significative dans le nouvel espace culturel mondial ?
Francophonie and cultural competition in the 21st century
Globalization has transformed the world economic space. It is in the process of transforming the cultural area. But how to ensure cultural diversity and linguistic facing the United States, facing the rise of China and India who would impose their language as the dominant language of the twenty-first century? "La Francophonie has become the main hope of our language, perhaps the only one. "WITHOUT FRANCOPHONIE, THE FRENCH WOULD BE CONFINED TO FRANCE, BELGIUM, SWITZERLAND, THE FRANCOPHONE COMMUNITIES OF CANADA AND QUEBEC, RATHER THAN GROUPING TODAY 68 STATES AND MORE THAN 500 MILLION OF SPEAKERS. But in this battle of languages, will she be able to assure the French a significant role in the new cultural world?
The difference between English and French speakers is that while the former do business, invent things and spread their language, the latter theorize too much about things, write essays about the grandeur of their language and do nothing effective to spread it.
The difference between English and Spanish speakers is that while the former do business, invent things and spread their language, the latter exaggerate too much and invent about things, write essays about the grandeur of their language and do nothing effective to spread it.