How much spanish sounds like brazilian portuguese?
<<De donde sacan tanta arrogancia estos mandriles brasileños? vuestro pais es una basura tercermundista, al igual que vuestros conquistadores Portugueses.>>
Coño, don't be so stupid. If it weren't for the Portuguese, Spain wouldn't ever have become the enormous empire it once was.
1.- The Portuguese invented the "Carabela"
2.- Henry the navigator ("Henrique o navegador" in Portuguese, Enrique el navegante en Español) created the Sagres school of navigators and map makers. He was the one that started the era of greatest Portuguese and then European discoveries...
3.- When the stupid Spanish conquistadors had killed almost all the indian population and therefore had no man-power to carry on their projects. Who do you think got the necessary man-power?... The Portuguese who had control of the dangerous areas in Africa from where they captured Africans to be sold as slaves.
4.- Christopher Columbus married a noble Portuguese lady whose name I don't remember, but also granted him some support from some Portuguese nobles.
So if it weren't by the Portuguese and the intelligence of a queen (Elizabeth the Catholic) who understood she couldn't let this opportunity go... Spain wouldn't ever have become so great as it was. AND YOU SMART GUY WHO IS NOT FROM A THIRD-WORLD COUNTRY... YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT.
And finally 5 and coming back to Brazilians!
5.- More than half the world think that Brazilians are the hottest people on the planet. And it is many Europeans secret sexual fantasy to end up in bed with a Brazilian someday
So that's where they get their arrogance from.
Kind regards
<< And it is many Europeans secret sexual fantasy to end up in bed with a Brazilian someday
Pete from Peru:
<< Spanish.- It's phonology is closer to Latin, no nasal vowels, no open vowels. >>
I don't know if you're just trolling, but if you're not, just look up and you'll see that Classical Latin did have open and nasal vowels. I've read that the nasal vowels in French and Portuguese do not com from Latin, though.
<<I don't know if you're just trolling, but if you're not, just look up and you'll see that Classical Latin did have open and nasal vowels.>>
Classical Latin had short/long vowels but not open or nasal vowels.
<<5.- More than half the world think that Brazilians are the hottest people on the planet. And it is many Europeans secret sexual fantasy to end up in bed with a Brazilian someday >>
It depends. Everyone knows that Brazilian transvestites are the best in the world. But as for ordinary Brazilians, I don't think they're so great.
if spanish sounds like portuguese,i cant speak for u cause i am brazilian.
but i love spanish accent.
my dream is one day marry with a latin woman,only to hear she speaking words of love for me all the night.
<< Classical Latin had short/long vowels but not open or nasal vowels. >>
If you knew any Latin you would know that long vowels were closed, short vowels were open, and -m was a nasalisation marker.
<<Pete from Peru:
<< Spanish.- It's phonology is closer to Latin, no nasal vowels, no open vowels. >>
I don't know if you're just trolling, but if you're not, just look up and you'll see that Classical Latin did have open and nasal vowels. I've read that the nasal vowels in French and Portuguese do not com from Latin, though.>>
No, I wasn't trolling. I was just analising Spanish but based on a wrong concept.
I did know there was length distinction in Latin but I have to admit I hadn't gone further... I didn't know short vowels were open and long vowels were closed. I've just read about it. It seems to be everywhere.
And the "m" in coda positions being a nasalisation matter is also a nice and important piece of info I didn't know.
But you say that nasal vowels in French and Portuguese don't come from Latin, can you give us further information on this?
Much of what I previously said about Spanish and Portuguese then, regarding phonology, is wrong. I'll have to read some more and come back again when I have some real knowledge.
<< But you say that nasal vowels in French and Portuguese don't come from Latin, can you give us further information on this? >>
I don't know much about Vulgar Latin, but as far as I know Classical Latin nasalization disappeared long before the development of Romance languages. Histories of Portuguese I've read usually say that it's not known where we got our nasals from, they mention some probable celtic influence.
<<If you knew any Latin you would know that long vowels were closed, short vowels were open, and -m was a nasalisation marker.
In that case nasalization does not have phonemic value, as consequence nasal vowels did not exist. It's the same as vowels in Spanish before -n, they are nasalized too.
Also, that long/short vowels did differ in qualitative terms in Latin is just a conjecture to explain later development of Romance vocalism but we don't know it directly. We just know that Latin had short/long vowels, and true ones not like in the case of English where long/short differentiation is more a question of quality rather than quantity like in Latin. Short vowels in Latin were pronounced for a time of one mora and and long vowels took two mora. Pretty much like le/lee in Spanish.
"Brazilian Portuguese sounds to Europeans like Portuguese spoken by children"
Spaniards saying that brazilians talk like children is just a joke or lack of self-knowledge.
I am brazilian and i always tought that portuguese speaks with a more low-pitched voice than brazilians.I admit.
But spaniards... its a joke.
Besides this,sometimes i asked what is the most high-pitched accent.they always said: spanish.
But speaking serious,who thinks that somebody speaking equal to this dude:
must be taken seriously?Only americans,french or those who cant understand one word that is being said.
Someone should put something to measure the frequency of the vocal folds of that guy.Is incredible.
If someone is arrested in brazil and speak with that accent,he'll be raped and will wash the underwear of everybody in the jail.
Porque esse incentivo do governo ao idioma espanhol?
Em primeiro lugar não é pela cooperação porque infelizmente não precisamos estudar espanhol para falar com esses animais.
També não é pela "aposta",pois o francês tem 190(contra 19,5-sem o brasil)milhões de falantes secundários,quase 10 vezes mais.
No Brasil há 12 milhões de aprendizes,um absurdo.(não creio que seja tudo isso,mas vamos lá)
Nos Estados Unidos,que tem uma população 50% maior e está cheio de panchitos,só tem 7 milhões de aprendizes.
França+Alemanha+Itália tem 210 milhões de habitantes.E somente 10 milhões estudam espanhol.
E olha que são países ricos,potências centrais,onde tem mais educação e mais pessoas estudam línguas.
Porque 12 milhões?Porque esse número alto? Simples.
Porque devido à semelhança com o português,as pessoas mais medíocres da classe estudantil optam pelo espanhol,pois assim precisam estudar menos(é mais fácil) para entrar na unversidade.
(os pobres,sujos,feios,hippies,esquerdistas,cotistas e maconheiros universitários escolheram espanhol na seleção),todos brasileiro sabe disso.
O Brasil está a carregar sozinho o idioma espanhol nas costas.Muita importância que o espanhol têm nesse planeta deve-se ao Brasil.
O Brasil deve ser um fator decisivo para o inglês continuar língua universal.
Eu pessoalmente não gosto do idioma espanhol ,quando ouço um latino falar meu sangue ferve,esta praga todos os dias atravessa nossa barreira
e contamina nossa cultura.
e daqui a pouco o portunhol será o idioma oficial do Brasil.
É isso que vcs querem,que seus filhos falem portunhol?
E o que esses ciganos-indios metidos a branco fazem em troca?
Deportam brasileiros,nacionalizam empresas,quebram contrato,dão calote,odeiam o idioma português.
Banco bilbao,grupo santander,hospital espanhol todos esses serviços de 3º mundo com preços altos e monopólio.
A telefónica,cheia de multa na comissão européia,quase ninguém a usa na europa,só aqui no Brasil lucram mais do que argentina+méxico.
Todas essas empresas vieram pro Brasil e todo mundo vê, só deu merda.
The Portuguese like Renaissance are jealous because Spanish companies like Telefonica are more important in Brazil than the Portuguese ones.
é verdade, o povão só escolheu o espanhol por ser fácil. Como você só de ouvir dá dor de barriga.